Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C55 Policewoman
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C55 Policewoman
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C55 Policewoman

At noon, the sun was shining brightly.

Dongming City. Dragon and Phoenix Town. A beam of light that could be seen with the naked eye came down from the sky. The beam of light had existed since morning, and up until now, the light beam had grown thicker and brighter. The man under the light pillar moved his fingers and groaned. Then, he slowly opened his eyes. A solemn voice resounded from the surroundings, "Successor of Light, I am a Realm lord of the Four Realms. If one day you are able to rely on your own abilities to come to Fourth Realm, I will give you a "Holy Prayer". " The sound disappeared. The figure was Chen Nuo! Chen Nuo shook his head, he sat up and looked at the people lying beside him and laughed: "Hahaha, hahahahaha. Lin Mo, there's nothing I can do. I didn't protect them. But why do you need me to come back to life? "Why?!"

Chen Nuo sat on the ground, and his laughter slowly turned into crying. In the quiet little town, the figure seemed very lonely.

Chen Nuo raised his head to look at the sky, and the strong sunlight shone into his eyes. He just stared at the sun for a while and seemed to have thought of something. He lowered his head and started thinking.

When I woke up, it was already past seven in the evening. It wasn't completely dark yet. I sat up, grabbed the water and food from the table, and began to eat. His body felt even weaker, and he didn't even want to move. He had been in a state of nervousness for the past two days, but he didn't feel anything. The moment he relaxed, all the weakness he felt came to him. Suddenly, I heard a car coming from downstairs! He was shocked! Could it be that the people from Jiang Family had caught up?

Resisting my weakness, I slowly got out of bed and put on my shoes. I was naked from head to toe, because the clothes were too dirty and sticky. I took them off long before I went to bed. I went into the living room, ready to go to the window and see what was going on. He suddenly heard the sound of a key being inserted into the door. And it's the door to my room! Ka-cha. The door opened. A girl carrying something walked in. I stared at the girl as she walked in, completely forgetting that I wasn't wearing any clothes. The girl also sensed something and raised her head. When she saw me naked, she was completely stunned.

I thought, there was someone living here, so I said, Little miss. Without waiting for me to finish speaking, the woman quickly pulled out the pistol stuck in the back of her waist!

"What the f * ck!" I cursed and rammed against the kitchen door.


Damn, I shut the kitchen door firmly and locked it from the inside. He thought to himself, luckily I reacted fast, otherwise I would have been shot right now! I patted my chest and suddenly felt the cold. He looked down. What the f * * k?! Where are my clothes?!

"Who are you?!" The woman outside shouted in a low voice. I didn't need to think to know that she was holding a gun to the kitchen door and that she would blow my head off if I showed up.

I leaned against the wall and said, "I said, miss, I only came to your house by accident. If I had known that there was someone living here, I would have switched rooms. "Sorry."

"Wrong place? Are you a mutated human? " The woman said.

"Mutated humans? "What is it?" I asked curiously.

"It's people who have some sort of mysterious ability." The woman said.

I finally understood that she was talking about the Heaven's Pick. I hastily denied it. "No!" Miss, I really meant no harm. Why don't you let me go out? "

The woman was silent for a moment before saying coldly, "Alright, then come out."

"Big sis, you're pointing a gun at me, how would I dare to go out?" "No," I said. If it wasn't for me being too weak, I would have directly jumped down from the balcony, but my legs were weak now, as if I had suddenly received the whole collection of Dongre s, and then impatiently finished it all in one day. In the end, it was a tragedy. Due to the number of times he had walked so many times, he found it difficult to even walk while his legs were weak. I am in this situation.

The woman said impatiently, "Then what do you want?"

I shouted from inside, "How do you prove you can't shoot me?"

The woman did not say anything. She seemed to be startled for a moment, and then, as if she had thought of something, she said: "I am a police officer! I have a warrant card, I'll kick it through the crack in the door for you to see. " Then, a pass was kicked in. I held the ID, tears streaming down my face. With a choked of sobs, he said, "Police, police aunt, I used to believe this certificate, but now this thing is useless."

"What did you call me?!" The woman was clearly angry.

"What's wrong? Miss Police? " I said, "How about this? You go to your room." Then he locked the door. Don't come out. I'll leave right now! "How about it?"

The woman thought for a moment and felt that my suggestion was not bad. She said, "Alright, I'll give you 20 seconds." The woman purposely stomped heavily on the ground to prove that she had gone to her room. Then the door closed. Then he shouted, "Get out of here!"

Naturally, I couldn't completely trust her. I fumbled for a moment, then quickly unlocked the kitchen door and hid away. There was no sound from outside, so I slowly peeked my head out. The woman was no longer in the living room. I opened the security door and ran out.

I stood naked in the corridor, thinking to myself, I can't go out right now! Now he was completely going to be a target for the woman. I opened the windows on the first and second floors and continued to climb, clutching at the guardrail. Too fucking weak. Climbing a few bars can tire me out like this. The room I was in was 302. Now, I successfully broke the 401 window. He climbed in.

This room was rather high-end. I pushed open all the doors to the rooms and found them to be very clean. There were no zombies. It must have been when the accident happened, and the owner of the house was out. I found a spade in the kitchen. After finding a bedroom, I placed all of the things on the bedside table in front of the door. I placed the shovel on the floor beside me before I powerlessly lay down on the bed again.

Due to my body being too weak, I dozed off again.

When I woke up again, I was hungry. His stomach growled. I sat up, feeling better after a night's rest, and moved away from the bedside table to the kitchen. Open the refrigerator door. F * ck! What the f * ck was this? The animal kingdom is still the insect kingdom. As a result of the blackout, all the things in the fridge were infected with bugs. Very disgusting.

I slammed the refrigerator door. His body couldn't help but tremble. Too disgusting. But it's too dangerous for me to go down now and look for food. In my heyday, of course, I wouldn't mind a pistol. But in this case, if the woman tried to shoot me while I was downstairs, it would be over.

But he had no choice but to go down. It would be a tragedy if I were to starve to death here. I went back into the bedroom and opened the closet. He found a suit and put it on, opened the door, and locked it behind him. I took the shovel downstairs. After carefully walking out of the building, I heaved a sigh of relief. Run to the place where there's food. When I found a supermarket, I took a backpack full of food, carried it on my back, and carried a bucket of water in one hand and a shovel in the other. He walked back. Passing a "Tap Tolerant" store, I went in, changed into a set of casual clothes and walked out.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I was startled to find that the woman was also downstairs. Last night, due to the lateness of the sky, he didn't take a good look at this woman's appearance. Only now could he see it clearly. This woman looked to be about twenty-four or fifteen years of age. She was fair, had short hair, a handsome face, and a beautiful figure. She was very tall, about 170cm, and wore casual clothes that fit her. At this moment, I was standing beside a palanquin truck and had also noticed my approach. His habitual hand touched the back of his waist.

"Wait!" I shouted, "I'm just going out to find something to eat. No, don't shoot me! " I threw away my shovel. He raised his hands and said.

She snorted and took her hand away from the small of her back.

When I got closer, I could see that there was a piece of glass in the back of the car. It turned out that I broke her glass yesterday and she's going to fix it now. I embarrassedly said, "About that, little one. Sis, let me help you carry the glass up. I'm really sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to. "

After the woman heard what I said, she turned around and sized me up before saying, "Alright, I'll be troubling you then."

"It's nothing, it's nothing." I said quickly. He placed the water bottle and the backpack on the ground and carefully walked to the side of the car and picked up the glass. The lady cooperatively opened the door for me and I carefully walked up the stairs. When I reached the woman's house, I carefully placed the glass on the floor and began to breathe heavily, still feeling weak.

The woman coldly snorted and said, "You're already panting? You're still a man. I really wonder how you managed to survive. "

I smiled and changed the topic. "Do you know how to install the glass? I can help you with it. I've done it once before. "Hehe."

"Really?" When the woman heard me say I could install glass, her attitude improved a little.

"I nodded and took the glass to the balcony." Do you bring glass glue and gouache? " I asked over my shoulder.

"Nope." The woman shook her head.

"These two things are needed to reinstall the glass. There will be some in the hardware store over there. Wait a moment, I'll go find some. " "No," I said.

The woman nodded. I missed her body and went out. He quickly found two things. Silently settling the glass, I didn't say anything, and she didn't say anything. Until it was installed, I clapped my hands and said, "It's done. It's definitely strong. It won't leak. "Hur hur, I'll go up first."

The lady nodded and gave me a deep look. "Thank you."

I smiled but didn't answer. He picked up the backpack and the water and went back upstairs. Ye Zichen put down the stuff and walked downstairs towards the supermarket. He returned with two bottles of water, put them down, and made a trip back. After which, he grabbed a large basin, filled it with two bottles of water, and returned to his room.

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