Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C6 Danger a zombie that can control humans!
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C6 Danger a zombie that can control humans!
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C6 Danger a zombie that can control humans!

At noon, we finally stood at the top of the mountain. The sun was shining down on us, so we had no choice but to grit our teeth and continue forward. I can already see the cemetery now, but Yao Yu was already very weak. Furthermore, it had been a long time since she last drank water, making her mental state somewhat unclear, but she was still able to grit her teeth and persevere forward. On the way, I tried to support her twice, but she always opened her hands.

I looked at her and sighed. I knew, if this continued, before we reached the cemetery, Yao Yu would become dehydrated, and although I still hadn't fully recovered, I had recovered about 80%. I silently released the "Sunflower Codex" towards Yao Yu, and my mind felt a wave of weakness. As for Yao Yu, her body trembled as she looked at me. I nodded to her and said, "Let's go and rest under the tree up ahead."

Yao Yu also weakly nodded. She leaned against a tree and sat down. I looked around and said, "Yao Yu, wait for me here. I'll go find something to drink."

Yao Yu looked at me and nodded again.

I ran at full speed around the area. However, the surroundings were filled with trees and grass, there was nothing to drink here.

Suddenly, I noticed a watermelon on the grass not far away! The trough! Could it be that he was too thirsty and his eyes were blurry?

I walked over dubiously and wiped it away with my hand. What a watermelon! However, this watermelon seemed to be stunted and very small. It was probably only as big as the fist of an adult male. Why are there watermelons here? I didn't think too much and ran back with the watermelon. Yao Yu was still sitting there weakly, but when she saw the stunted watermelon in my hands, she was obviously startled. Seeing this expression on Yao Yu's face was truly rare, the sense of accomplishment in my heart grew even stronger. I smiled at Yao Yu. Brother, you're amazing, right? I can get you watermelons for this wilderness. "Haha."

I carefully broke the watermelon apart. The watermelon was in a pink and white color. This watermelon wasn't ripe yet. There was no need to mention it. It was obvious from just looking at it. Whose household only had so few ripe watermelons? I passed two halves over to Yao Yu. Yao Yu took half of the halves, bowed once more, and started eating with her mouth wide open. I passed the other half of the halves over to Yao Yu, but Yao Yu didn't want it.

She also frowned, but still raised her head and opened her mouth: I used my clothes to wipe the watermelon, and pinched lightly with my hands, causing the juice of the watermelon to flow between my fingers into Yao Yu's mouth. After pinching it, I threw away the watermelon that had already been crushed.

This woman. Just who was it?

We looked very close to the cemetery. In fact, we had only just walked down the hill at night, and we were still quite a distance away from the cemetery. I also looked ahead carefully. Originally, it was pitch-black in front, so I didn't pay much attention to it, but right now, I actually saw that there seemed to be a lot of figures in front, and there seemed to be some faint sounds coming from it as well. That's right. zombie colony!

Why were there so many zombies here? Moreover, it seemed to have some rules and regulations, so he didn't roar. I had an ominous premonition. Suddenly, I saw a figure appear on the distant stairs. That figure bellowed. Ward, I thought it was a human, so it was a zombie. I thought to myself.

But he didn't expect that the roar would end. All the zombies started to roar, the atmosphere was earth-shaking! Two words appeared in my mind: Leader! But how was this possible?! Zombies were mindless creatures that only knew how to attack and bite. But I remembered what Duck voice said a few days ago: Your Sixth Realm is evolving too slowly, so I want you to evolve, the only way is to create a crisis, and then you will evolve.

Could it be that zombies were also evolved species?! I simply couldn't believe it, but the scene in front of me made me have no choice but to believe that the leader of the zombie colony would evolve, just like the scene in front of my eyes.

The "leader" waved his hands and roared, causing all the zombies to stop. Yao Yu and I looked at each other, and carefully retreated.

But, the tragic me actually kicked a rock. Dang dang dang. The zombies all turned their heads to look at us. The leader waved his hand and roared. The zombie colony roared and rushed towards our direction! I'll I'll I'll I'll F * * k! It was hard to imagine thousands of zombies rushing towards them.

Yao Yu and I will turn and run! Anxious, I said, "After we run into the forest, you hide in the trees. I'll lure the zombies away and you go find a car. After 20 minutes, I'll run towards the highway. We meet up on the highway!"

I wasn't afraid that Yao Yu would find a car and escape on her own, because if she wanted to escape on her own, she wouldn't save me twice. Maybe it's because I saved her. Yao Yu nodded, she did not say much, and ran into the forest, jumping up onto a tree, and stunned me! A trough? What kind of martial arts is this? I thought she was going to climb up slowly, but it turned out to be only in Kung Fu movies. Qing Gong?

Just as I was still in a daze, the zombie colony behind me approached. I turned around to look and shouted, "Oh! "Oh my god!"

I hurried forward. Yao Yu, who was sitting on top of a tree, looked in the direction that I had escaped in, and the corner of her mouth slightly moved, revealing a slight smile.

"Fuck." These zombies are really following me. " I thought, I've been running like crazy for more than ten minutes, and these zombies were still roaring from behind, wanting to kiss me. I calculated the time, it should be about time to run towards the road. I sprinted all the way, my stamina was also decreasing, and gradually started to pant heavily, hoping that Yao Yu could speed up.

I ran down the road, but there was no car! Where's Yao Yu? She wouldn't be able to find the car and escape by herself, let alone the fact that I was constantly watching the road and didn't even see the lights come on. Could it be that I still hadn't found the car?

I continued to run along the highway. As I ran, I discovered that there was a car parked in front of me. Yao Yu was sitting in the driver's seat and a zombie was opening the door of the car. I shouted, "Yao Yu!"

"Whap." The car door closed and its lights lit up. Yao Yu drove her car quickly towards me and actually wanted to hit me!

I jerked to the left, the car grazed my body, and the rear-view mirror shattered as it scraped against my body!

My right arm was scraped so hard that it went numb. After realising that it didn't hit me, Yao Yu refused to let go, and the car fell backwards, wanting to hit me! This sudden turn of events confused me. Could it be that Yao Yu and the zombie were in cahoots? Impossible. As the car approached, I once again brushed past the side of the car. I looked at the zombie in the car, and realised that its eyes were glowing with a hazy blue light, staring straight at Yao Yu. Yao Yu's eyes were filled with hatred! How is this possible? Yao Yu has always been a very calm woman, how could she show such an expression to me?

Could the problem be with the zombie? Yao Yu seemed to be hypnotized. Hypnosis! These two words suddenly popped into my mind! That's right! Even if some Heaven's Pick became zombies, they could still evolve into zombies! Yao Yu was hypnotized, but that zombie didn't hypnotize me along. In other words, it can only control one person at a time! The zombie tide behind is getting closer and closer, my heart is extremely nervous. If I want to save Yao Yu, this is the only chance!

Sure enough, Yao Yu once again drove the car and fiercely rushed towards me. My body dodged to the right, and in the nick of time, I grabbed onto the driver's door, and at the same time, my body was brought along by the car to run forward. I gritted my teeth and forcefully pulled the driver's door open, but Yao Yu actually punched towards me! I grabbed Yao Yu's hand and pulled him out, causing Yao Yu to be pulled out by me! We rolled on the ground with the inertia for a long time. The car charged into the zombie tide chasing from behind. I endured the pain on my body and looked at Yao Yu, only to realize that she was unconscious. I carried Yao Yu on my shoulder and quickly ran along the road.

Before I had even run a few steps, I suddenly felt that my mind was completely blank. Then, as if my body couldn't listen to me anymore, I looked at Yao Yu who was on my shoulder. How could it be a zombie?! But immediately after, a voice rang in his mind. It was the voice of a male duck. "Psychic evolved human."

Then, I felt an explosion sound in my mind. My eyes regained their clarity, and looked at my shoulder. It wasn't a zombie's, it was Yao Yu's. As if sensing something, I turned my head to look back. As expected, I saw a zombie with eyes that exuded hazy blue light staring at me. I hastened my pace as I ran forward.

zombie colony did not chase us. I heaved a huge sigh of relief and carried Yao Yu on my back once again, slowing down my speed. In fact, although Yao Yu was an airport, as a woman, how could she not have any bulges? Carrying Yao Yu made my back feel a comfortable sensation, which couldn't help but cause Brother Mo's heart to flutter, but he immediately dispelled those thoughts. After walking for a while, he noticed a black shadow in front of him. It seemed to be a few cars.

Carrying Yao Yu, I slowly walked over. It was an open carriage, the driver's seat had traces of blood on it, but there was no one around. I rolled down the passenger seat and gently placed Yao Yu on it, then looked around. There was nothing dangerous, so I checked the cars to see if there was anything special about them.

I walked to the first car and checked it using the moonlight. It was a red Toyota Camry that collided head-on with another car. From the windscreen glass's perspective, we could see the gasbag exploding out from the driver's side of the car. I wanted to see what was going on inside the car through the side window, but it had a brown film on it, and it was hard to look at it during the day, let alone at night.

I knocked on the window. There was no sound from inside, so I went to the front door of the driver's seat and yanked it open. The heck! The door was locked! He was about to open the door and jump back, but the door was locked.

That won't trouble me. I thought for a moment, then stood on the hood of the car and punched towards the windscreen glass!

"Crash!" Following the sound of glass shattering, the windscreen glass shattered.

I looked inside. There was no one in the passenger seat, and this was the first thing I saw. The person in the driver's seat seemed to have died and didn't turn into a zombie. There was also a shadow behind him, he didn't know what it was. I frowned, jumped off the hood, and punched the driver's window. I unlocked the door and opened it. The dead man in the driver's seat was holding it in his hand. A pistol!

His arm was hanging down, but in his hand was a shiny black pistol! I carefully took off my gun. I didn't study it for the time being, but placed it on the hood of my convertible. I don't recognize this convertible, but it must be a foreign one, and it's a very upscale one, entirely silvery-white. He looked at Yao Yu who was lying in the carriage. The moonlight shone on her pale face, making her look even more pale.

I watched in silence for a while, then went to the back door of the red Camry and flung it open, then jumped back. In the moonlight, there seemed to be only a black duffel bag. I think this duffel bag contains something like food. I walked over and reached for the duffel bag. However, the duffel bag did not budge.

So heavy! It was definitely not filled with clothes or food! I gathered up my strength and finally took out the duffel bag. When I picked up the duffel bag, I could hear the sound of metal colliding with metal. I was even more confused, what exactly was inside?!

He slowly pulled open the lock and a long barrel leaked out! In a moment of shock, I pulled all the locks apart! As expected, there were all kinds of firearms inside! [What the hell is this man doing?]

I silently placed the bag full of firearms in front of the convertible. I don't understand these things, but I think that Yao Yu should understand these things. From her conversation with Long Jianfeng previously, she should be a killer.

I walked over to the other car, a Lexus, the exact model I'd forgotten, but I couldn't see what was in it at all. As usual, I went to the driver's door, yanked, and jumped back. At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

I saw two lightning bolts shoot towards my head from the driver's seat. I predicted that in any situation, a zombie might jump out and a corpse might fall, but I never expected this to happen! Xiao Yan's pupils contracted as he tilted his head to the right, evading the two lightning bolts. Just as he was about to look at the driver's seat, he was met with another two bolts of lightning!

I lay back and dodged. I don't have such powerful martial arts as backflip. Do you expect a otaku who sits in front of a computer all day to do backflip? Stop dreaming. After I lay down, I rolled on the floor and looked up at the car. The car was pitch black except for two faint electric flashes in the eyes.

I narrowed my eyes, thinking to myself, could it be that this zombie also has a species of evolution? I stayed where I was, unmoving, unchanging.

The two eyes in the car twitched and they slowly got out. Under the moonlight, they saw it! It was a young man in his twenties. The skin on his face was very wrinkled. It was obvious that he was a zombie. However, this zombie isn't like those other zombies that only know how to bite. I can actually see a hint of confusion in its eyes! Two words hoarsely escaped its mouth: "Ma En, Ma En."

The zombie looked at me, who was squatting on the ground. The confusion in its eyes deepened and it didn't attack me again. Instead, it turned around and walked in the direction that we came from. XX Graveyard!

I squatted on the ground and squinted my eyes. I didn't stop the zombie until it disappeared from my sight. Then, I slowly stood up and carefully walked to the side of the car. I carefully searched around. There was really nothing in the car this time, and nothing of value, so I opened the trunk. His face immediately lit up! There was a lot of food and water in the trunk of the car.

There was not only food and water, but also clothes and even some daily necessities. I found a new towel and soaked it with a bottle of water. I drank the rest of the water in one gulp. Then, he took out a bottle of water and walked towards Yao Yu.

I opened the car door and shook up the passenger seat. I slowly helped Yao Yu up, turned the water bottle on, used a towel to cover Yao Yu's chin and slowly poured the water into her mouth.

"Cough, cough, cough." Yao Yu started to cough violently, as if I poured the water too quickly, causing her to choke. She suddenly opened her eyes, turned her body to the side, and then looked up at me.

With this reaction speed, I was even more convinced that he was an assassin. At the same time, I was certain that he would only be able to control the zombies in his line of sight or at a closer distance. She coughed a few times, and I handed the water bottle and towel in my hands over. She took them and drank from them, then wiped her face.

Yao Yu received the handgun, her eyes squinted and said, "Sig P250, where did you get this?"

Yao Yu recognized these things! I proudly replied, "Big brother, don't I have a lot of connections? If I can get you a watermelon on the mountain, I can get you a handgun on this wilderness.

Seeing Yao Yu frown, I hastily replied, "About that, you came down to take a look and found out. There are still a lot more."

After Yao Yu came down, she checked the gun in the bag. Then, she calmly said: "Other than this gun, there are no bullets in the rest of the bags."

The heck! I thought that I had struck it rich, but to think that it would be such a tragedy. It was as if one day Chen Nuo suddenly told me: Brother Mo, there are a lot of beautiful women with soft bodies over there! In the end, when I ran over excitedly, I found that it was a group photo of a Dongre female celebrity. We could only look and not use it. Who would understand?

I told Yao Yu about everything that happened during this period of time. After hearing it, Yao Yu nodded and said: "Understood, our first goal is to see if this car can still move."

With that, Yao Yu wiped the driver's seat of the convertible clean with a towel and sat on the back of the car. The car keys were still on the car and had not been pulled out.

But following that, Yao Yu said: "This car can still be driven, it only caught up to the back of the car, it does not stop us from walking, but the car is almost out of gas, go and take out the two cars' oil."

What? You want me to take it? How? Remove the fuel tank?!

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