Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C62 After an awkward departure a sudden wave of zombies appeared!
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C62 After an awkward departure a sudden wave of zombies appeared!
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C62 After an awkward departure a sudden wave of zombies appeared!

I was at a loss of what to do. I didn't know where to put my hands, so Xia Yi Mo hugged me tightly. His mouth was choked with emotions as he said: "Xiao Mo, you're leaving? "Is that so?"

"Xia, Sister Xia, I still have my own matters to attend to after all."

Before I even finished speaking, Xia Yi Mo interrupted me and wrapped her arms around my neck tightly, as if she was very afraid that I would lose her hand and said, "Xiao Mo, don't go. Isn't it good for us to live in peace like this? Why take the risk? "The world is already like this. You don't need to clarify anything. I believe you. You are a good man."

Hearing Xia Yi Mo's words, I bitterly smiled and said, "Sister Xia. You don't understand. There are some things that I have to do, and I have to do it myself. Even if I don't go and look for them, they will come back to look for me. There are too many people who want me dead, so I can't implicate you. " When I said this, I carried a hint of self-mockery in my tone as I thought of Lin Yuxi, Jiang Family, heaven chosen eight sins, cultivators and other forces.

"Xiao Mo! I don't care! We can find a secluded, isolated place to live. I, I'll marry you. "

"What?!" I pushed Xia Yimo away and took a few steps back. Taking a deep breath, he said, "Sister Xia, I'm sorry. I'm leaving."

Xia Yi Mo was pushed onto the bed by me and was currently crying as she looked at me. She muttered to herself, "Xiao Mo, do you hate me that much?"

"No, Sister Xia. I don't hate you. I just think of you as a sister. I'm leaving, Sister Xia, take care. " I turned and left the key on the coffee table. Xia Yi Mo seemed to roll out of bed in her own house, hoarsely shouting: "Xiao Mo! "Xiao Mo!" "Don't go."

With a complicated expression on my face, I softly said, "Sister Xia. Take care! " Then he opened the door and went out.

The autumn sun had set earlier than it did in summer. It was now around 7 pm, and the sun had already completely set. The entire city was dark. I just silently walked on the streets, my heart still in turmoil. Who would have thought that Xia Yi Mo would know it. Sigh. I sighed in my heart. He continued to walk forward.

In a valley, several people were standing in front of a bonfire. The one in front was wearing something similar to a black trench coat, with a big white crescent moon on his back. The clothes looked a little bit like 'eight gods'. However, this person was wearing a silver mask, which looked somewhat cold under the illumination of the flames.

"How's the plan going?" The masked man said.

"Chief, a total of 52 corpses participated in the plan, only four were successful." One of the four people standing behind the masked man said.

"Only four, huh?" The masked man said, "It seems that we have not been successful enough in imitating this' subject 'and we will continue to study it." Also, let the four of them go on a mission and bring back more perfect corpses. You guys, leave as well. "

It was too dark at night, and there was no light at all in the city. There was no way to get out of the car, so I casually opened the door of one and got in.

Sitting in the car, feeling the cool of the night, and the darkness around him. As he thought about the scene with Xia Yi Mo in his heart, he became extremely annoyed. He hadn't known Xia Yi Mo this girl for long, but she had caused such a ruckus. Forget it, I'm just one of her passers-by. I won't think about her. Think about what to do next.

Thus, I sat in the car for the entire night with my thoughts in disarray. The next morning, when the sky had just lit up, I started searching all around. After searching for a long time, he finally found a car that could move. He found a hardware store, took a few buckets and some gas, then took two maps from the bookstore and drove in the direction of the Qiling City.

The journey by myself was quite long, so Big Brother Duck went back to researching how to hack into the core system. After driving for an entire day in boredom, I stopped the car by the side of the road in the evening. He got out of the car and looked around. The four sides of the road were filled with grass and soil, I was the only car on the road. I took out the map and looked at it, the distance from here to Qiling City seemed to be about 2000 kilometers, let's rest here tonight.

It was a cloudy night, and the moon was obscured by dark clouds. I put the chair down and lay down on it. Suddenly, I felt a faint sound coming from far away. Very familiar. A lot of things seemed to be running. Could it be?

I opened my eyes and looked ahead! A black shadow appeared on the horizon in the distance! Could it be the zombie tide?!

I opened the door and got out. He looked off into the distance. The black line in the distance slowly approached, and the rumbling sound became louder. I narrowed my eyes and stared into the distance. It should be the zombie tide, but this zombie tide doesn't have food or potions, how did they manage to survive? Did they rely on killing each other to survive?

The zombie tide was huge, and it was hard to estimate how many there were. However, judging from the looks of it, it should be at least a few hundred thousand.

I just stood there with my head tilted, watching the zombie tide approach, not moving at all.

Where were they going, following their route? ~ Could it be that there is a survivor camp nearby? It should be known, the zombie tide isn't just running around aimlessly, although I don't know why they know where a large number of humans gathered. I have never asked Ma En this question before.

After watching for a while, I decided to follow the group of zombies to see where there were survivor camp s. I opened the back door and crawled under the back seat. I didn't want to confront these zombies head on, so I decided to hide first, and then secretly follow the zombies.

Very quickly, the zombie tide arrived. There were too many of them, too many of them. A lot of zombies passed by my car. The rearview mirror was shattered by the sad scraping. One by one, they crashed into the front of the car and pushed the car backwards. Then, one by one, the zombies climbed up to the top of the aircraft and ran into the wind shield. Chaos. Just when I wanted to cover my ears, "Hua La!" The windscreen glass was crushed! What a mess.

Following that, I saw a zombie come in from the windscreen glass's carriage with its head upside down, and this monster saw me lying in the back seat!

F * ck! If he had known earlier, he would have turned the car around, otherwise the glass wouldn't have been stepped on! I helplessly looked at the zombie that was howling as if it wanted to kiss me. When this fellow fell in, he just happened to be lying on the front passenger seat. At this moment, my head was at the back of the driver's seat.

Alright, there was no other way. In such a narrow space, there was no way he could summon out Heaven Breaker. He could only use his fists. I punched the zombie's nose! It was knocked backward. However, I was stunned because one of his eyeballs was sent flying towards my face. Me, me, me. F * ck. With a wave of my hand, I grabbed the eyeball and, trembling, threw it in front of me. The eyeball flew out of the windscreen glass and landed on the front cover. A zombie that had just climbed up was hit by the attack and stepped on the eyeball. Puff. At the same time that his eyeballs were crushed, the zombie also slid back into the car. This one comes first.

The zombie that had its eyes blown away was currently lying on the passenger seat, and this new zombie just happened to fall on top of its body. This zombie seems very strange, why did I suddenly come to such a small place while running normally? Suddenly, he noticed a person lying under the back seat and rushed over while roaring loudly.

The heck. This daddy's car became a zombie kingdom. I cursed in my heart and punched at the zombie again.

This time, I had the experience so of course I wouldn't punch my nose. I punched that guy on the forehead. Following the footsteps of the first zombie, the zombie lay motionless on the bridge.

More than two hours had passed! The zombies finally all ran over. There were four zombies in front of my car. Remembering what happened to me in the past 3 hours, I kicked the back door speechlessly. How could the door withstand a single kick from me? Thus, the door flew out immediately. I climbed out, too, and admired my car. The windscreen glass in front of the carriage had been completely smashed. Not a single mirror was left, and the roof of the carriage had been stepped on until there were some craters on it. I looked around at the empty road. He felt like weeping but had no tears to shed! This father's car! What a mess. Do you want me to run like a zombie? Brother Nuo was right when he said this in the past: "Life is just like an A. Even when you have a climax, you will be depressed."

And now I'm clear, it's the latter. This was too depressing. I took out the food, water, map, and a few clothes from the car and carried them on my back as I chased after the zombie tide.

The zombie tide had already passed a long time ago, and it was quite a distance away from me, but one could still hear the faint sounds of running. This was because there were simply too many zombies. I leisurely followed behind the wave of zombies. In my heart, I was wondering, should I follow these zombies to take a look, or ignore them and continue to look for Liu Shui and the rest? After thinking for a while, he decided that he should follow this group of zombies and see where they were headed to.

This lasted for three days. Fortunately, they weren't heading towards the city where Xia Yi Mo was. Following close behind, they suddenly discovered that there was a helicopter hovering above the zombie tide! It seems that there is indeed a survivor camp nearby! I thought for a while but didn't reveal myself. Instead, I looked into the distance and thought to myself, "We should be arriving soon." The helicopter circled over the zombie tide for a while and then flew back.

At around 2 PM on the same day, there was a faint sound of an explosion coming from the front! It seemed like the zombie tide had stepped on a mine, or a bomb.

I looked into the distance, a little pained. The duck voice had once said that as long as one was alive, whether they be zombies or humans, they existed in a strange form within the First Realm's core system. If they were destroyed, everything could be restored. The species of evolution all disappeared, and the zombie returned back to human. Humans who could be restored to their original state were all killed like this. But this secret cannot be revealed.

After a few days of recovery, my strength has been completely recovered. I quickened my pace to run to the front to see how the battle was going.

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