Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C7 Hospital shock
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C7 Hospital shock
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C7 Hospital shock

I stood there in a daze. Yao Yu looked over and asked.

I woodenly nodded my head. Yao Yu shot me a sideways glance, got off the car, and said: Such a man, why don't he even know this little bit of common sense.

I completely treated her eyes that were staring at me as if she was flirting with me. I said, "That's because you don't understand me. I'm a standard otaku. I only know how to play games every day. How could I know all this?"

Yao Yu glared fiercely at me. I suddenly thought of the embarrassing thing she'd seen on my computer that day. Instead, she looked at Yao Yu silently, and saw her flipping through the cars. In the end, she held a bottle of mineral water and pointed it at Lexus and Camry.

I didn't waste any time on words. After pushing open two cars, Yao Yu lifted the cover of the Carmel, and took out a small tube from inside.

"Amazing!" In my eyes, Yao Yu had instantly become a mechanical cat. He knew everything, it was simply omnipotent! He also had the illusion that "Yao Yu is in my hands, the world is in my hands", and his face unconsciously revealed a sinister smile. With a single glance, Yao Yu's gaze swept over me, and I hurriedly retracted my smile as I solemnly asked: "What do we do next?"

Yao Yu did not bother to pay attention to me, but instead, continued to open the lid of the Camry oil box, put the tube in and inhaled.

"I'll go?!" Suction? Could it be that he had sucked it out bit by bit and then spat it into the bottle? Just as I was about to stop them, Yao Yu took a deep breath and inserted the tube into the bottle, causing the gasoline to continuously flow into the bottle. Mysterious! Yao Yu spat out the gasoline in his mouth. I hastily ran over and took the straw and gasoline from Yao Yu's hands. "Go and rinse your mouth, I'll hold onto it," I said.

Since the tubes were too thin, I had to fill the tank of the convertible with gas for more than an hour. Sitting in the front passenger seat, I asked Yao Yu, Are you tired? Do you want to sleep for a while? I'll keep watch.

Yao Yu shook her head. I said, Okay, then let's go downtown and look for some medicine, but this convertible is beautiful, but it's not safe. We'd better change cars. She would also go back to look for Chen Nuo.

Yao Yu nodded, started the car and drove forward. You know the way? I asked.

Yao Yu nodded again. I broke down completely. I really want to see her shake her head, but I don't want her to shake it.

As I sat in the passenger seat, I slightly narrowed my eyes and thought back to the events of the past two days. I still felt as if I was in a dream, thinking about the First Realm, how they had confused me on all kinds of evolutions. But from time to time, the swelling in my head reminded me that this was not a dream.

I am just a person who wants to struggle and live in this kind of apocalyptic world. Facing the threat of loss, I still have to face the greed of being a Heaven's Pick. At this point, I turned my head to look at Yao Yu. Yao Yu was still pale white, staring at the car in front of him. Because it was night, there weren't any street lights in this kind of place where people often passed by cars. Looking at Yao Yu, I thought of Chen Nuo and didn't know how he was doing right now. Very few partners were trustworthy.

We didn't see any zombies along the way. After driving for two hours, we entered the city. I think, there should be a lot of evolved zombies. Only by doing this can we gather all the zombies together, and only then can we explain why we didn't see any zombies along the way.

As they drove through the city, they would occasionally see a few zombies walking around. When they saw the car, they would rush over with a roar. Although the car didn't move very fast, zombies still couldn't catch up. At the same time, it also displayed Yao Yu's extraordinary driving skills. When the car stopped at the number one hospital in XX City, I was stunned for a moment. I looked at Yao Yu and asked with wide eyes: Here, searching for medicine?!

Why am I wearing this expression? The flow of people in the hospital was very large. Similarly, if there were zombies everywhere, there would be a lot of zombies in the hospital. Even if the zombie leader wanted to gather the zombies with a roar, it wouldn't be possible for the zombies to open the door by themselves. They could only rely on the location of the roar to search. If it was a dead end, could they possibly take another route? In other words, at the time of the accident, most of the zombies at home became zombies, so it was impossible for them to open the door and run out to bite someone. The zombies in the hospital. There must be a lot!

Yao Yu looked at me and said: You stay here and watch the carriage, I'll go in myself.

I looked at her, didn't say anything, just opened the car door and got out, then looked at her like that. Yao Yu pulled out the car key, looked around, and then ran towards the hospital with her back towards her. Yao Yu did not head in the direction of the main entrance, but instead, looked around for a window. There were no closed or shattered windows, so she wanted to enter through the window. After searching for a while, we found a window on the second floor was broken. Although the glass on the first floor was also broken, there was a fence on the first floor. Yao Yu said softly: You go up first. I didn't waste my breath and grabbed the fence on the first floor as I started to move upwards. F * ck. After much effort, I finally managed to place my hand on the windowsill on the second floor. I used all of my strength to slowly raise my head and look into the room. It was very messy with blood stains, but there weren't any zombies! I pushed, and my whole body fell over. Thus, I stood at the edge of the window and extended my hand downwards, softly saying: Yao Yu, this place is very quiet, quickly come up! Yao Yu looked at my serious expression and said: Get out of the way.

En. Alright, it was seen through. I took a few steps back and stepped out of the window. Then I turned around and looked around the room. At that moment, I suddenly heard a swish sound behind me. I quickly turned my head around. The heck! A black shadow sprang up from the window ledge and took a closer look. It was Yao Yu. The trough! It took her a few seconds? Two seconds? Three seconds? It took me nearly two minutes to climb up. Was she even human?

It was as if Chen Nuo and I were proudly watching the advance version of "Dongre's newest blockbuster" in the internet cafe. At this time, a brother came by and very surely opened the "Dongre's newest blockbuster" version of the "WU + HD version. How can you not let me shock you? But immediately, I understood that Yao Yu had, after all, received professional training before. Under the same amplification, killing me would be as easy as flipping my palm. This is the fearsomeness of her basic attributes. My body is always at home, and even with these boosts, my strength is still not enough.

Yao Yu looked at the dumbstruck me, and didn't say anything. Instead, she carefully laid on the floor in front of the door as she listened to something. After listening for a while, I lightly unlocked the door and looked outside. After that, I waved my hands and walked over. The corridor outside was quiet, but it was also messy. There were bloodstains on the walls and on the floor. The emergency light in the corridor was still on. Yao Yu and I crept forward until we reached the corner, where Yao Yu leaned against the wall and slowly looked to the other side. It seemed like nothing had happened. Yao Yu waved her hand and I walked forward. After a while, we reached the stairs, which was very different from what I imagined. The hospital was so quiet, not a single zombie could be seen.

Just when I was wondering why the hospital was so quiet, I suddenly heard a low roar coming from behind me. I turned around and saw that the door of a room behind us was pushed open. A zombie wearing a white coat and glasses walked out. The appearance of the zombie clearly saw us and it let out a loud roar before charging towards us. But the zombie's loud roar was nothing to worry about. Soon after, the sounds of zombies coming from every floor of the hospital could be heard. Surrounded!

was even faster as he ran towards the side, and lightly shouted: This way! I immediately followed Yao Yu and ran forward, following behind her. Using the emergency lights in the corridor, I discovered … There was more blood on her back.

Yao Yu and I ran forward side by side, releasing my [Variant Thunder Light Sword]. As soon as we saw a zombie in front of us, we took the initiative to speed up, and struck out with a heavy strike! I didn't expect the Thunder Light Sword to be so sharp, when it split the first zombie into two, I was stunned for a moment, but then I became filled with confidence. Yao Yu held the gun, and helped me fill in the gaps from time to time, but Yao Yu's speed was getting slower and slower. The zombies chasing from behind were getting closer and closer. I stopped where I was, crouched down a little, and said, Come up! Yao Yu didn't give in this time, she ran up to my back and wrapped her legs around my waist, so that I wouldn't have to carry her with my hands. Yao Yu said weakly: There's a left turn ahead of us, which is the operation room. I gritted my teeth and charged forward even faster! But at that moment, I suddenly felt a sense of weakness in my body. The trough! "Not good!" The time for the Sunflower Codex had come! A zombie was charging in front of me. I used my Thunder Light Sword to cut the zombie in half. At the same time, the left door opened! A zombie opened its mouth and tried to bite Yao Yu who was on my back. In a moment of desperation, I didn't have enough time to retract my attack, and I couldn't care less about all that. All I could think of was: I definitely can't let Yao Yu be harmed! She could only use his arm to block it. A wave of pain spread out. The zombie bit my arm. I smiled and lifted my leg, kicking the zombie back into the room. I continued running forward. Luckily, the door to the operation room wasn't locked.

He couldn't rest even if he wanted to. There were even zombies in the operation room! The heck! I am going to play to death today. "I took the spear in Yao Yu's hands and, based on the game's memories and the so-called" three points and one line of thought ", I shot forward. Bang! Bang! Bang! Three gunshots rang out, but none of them were fired at all. "The trough!" Gently placing Yao Yu on the ground, I let her sit by the entrance of the operation room. Then, I took my sword and slashed at the closest zombie. His head was directly chopped off. Although the variant Thunder Light Sword is very sharp, it still requires a lot of effort to kill the zombie. My body was already injured, and with the disappearance of the "Sunflower Codex" state, and the fact that I had just escaped for a long time, my mind gradually became somewhat numb as I breathed heavily and breathed heavily towards three zombies that were charging towards me from another direction. One zombie was cut in half, while the other zombie also bit towards my neck. Bang. Two gunshots. The two zombies were hit so hard that they were pushed back by the bullet. I took the chance to retreat as well. Also. The last one! It was a zombie wearing a nurse uniform. The long hair on its head was messy and covered its face as it ran towards me while roaring. I mechanically raised my knife, but the nurse suddenly raised her head as her eyes emitted a hazy blue light. My mind went blank. Then, I saw Yao Yu Guang. They were still talking. Body … Zi stood in front of me and waved. I walked forward woodenly.

Seeing that I was walking towards the zombie, Yao Yu's face showed anxiety. His arm trembled as he raised the gun in his hand and aimed at it. Crack. A hollow sound rang out. "There are no more bullets!"

I continued to woodenly walk towards "Yao Yu", my face gradually revealing a smile. At this moment, Yao Yu's eyes were about to crack, and tears streamed down her cheeks. Since childhood, she had never felt so helpless. "Wake up!" As for me, I kept walking forward. Just then, they arrived in front of "Yao Yu". At this moment, "Yao Yu" had both her hands wrapped around my neck, and her sexy lips were also kissing towards my mouth. "Right at this moment, an explosion sounds in my head!" "Hmph!" It was the voice of a duck! My eyes quickly regained clarity. Looking at the wrinkled skin in front of me and the blood coming out of the zombie's mouth, I couldn't help but tense up! She shouted, "Ah!" Then she fiercely pushed away the zombie and slashed down with her sword! The zombie was split in half. Even before her death, her eyes were still filled with confusion. Why? Her mind control would be released.

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