Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C81 Go back to the jiang family
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C81 Go back to the jiang family
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C81 Go back to the jiang family

Xue Ke and I were flying at an extremely high speed on the road. As we ran, I yelled, "Hey! Xue Ke. Slow down. "

"Can't you go faster?" Xue Ke turned her head and said.

"You were the one that was moving too fast, and you still want to blame me." I muttered. But who would have thought that Xue Ke seemed to have heard my mutterings as he rushed forward even faster. I swallowed my saliva, shook my head, and ran forward even faster.

Xue Ke's speed was definitely much faster than that, she had obviously slowed down her speed, but I was still unable to keep up, and was barely able to catch up to Xue Ke who was quickly moving forward, and said: "This, Xue Ke, I say, why don't we find a car to drive, we're not in a rush anyway."

"Alright, go find a car. I didn't say that I want you to run with me." Xue Ke said indifferently.

Hearing Xue Ke's words, I almost fell to the ground, thinking to myself, "Sister, do I dare to let you go first?" What if you go to Jiang Family first and kill those "fish that escaped the net"? When that happens, I won't be able to face Uncle Chen.

I hastily said, "Then let's not drive anymore. The truth is that exercise is still very good."

The corner of Xue Ke's mouth moved slightly as she smiled, but I did not see it. Xue Ke sped up even more, I rolled my eyes, I really didn't want to follow her anymore, but I had no choice but to follow along, so I used all my strength to run forward!

Just like this, after five hours of running, my speed had become slower and slower, and my stamina was severely overdrawn. But for some reason, I slowed down, and Xue Ke's speed had also slowed down with my speed. We were currently in a city, and I was sweating a lot. I did not care about Xue Ke, and immediately stopped, supporting the carriage with my hand, I took big breaths.

Xue Ke stopped and said: "You can't run anymore?"

I took a few breaths and said, "I'm not running anymore! "Go wherever you like!"

"How did you improve your physique before?" Xue Ke stood by my side and asked.

I glanced at Xue Ke and said, "I train every morning."

"When I train in the future, I must be like this and reach the limits of my body in order to achieve the best results." After Xue Ke finished speaking, he walked towards a building beside him and said: "Let's rest here tonight. We'll meet here by the end of tomorrow morning."

I know the algorithm for ancient hours, at seven o'clock in the morning at the end of the hour.

Xue Ke walked into the building. I looked around and saw a hotel. I took a few more breaths, took out a bottle of water from my backpack, and started drinking. I was so thirsty. But what exactly did Xue Ke mean by that?

I went to another hotel. It was now around five in the evening, and the sky was already completely dark. I walked into the hotel, took out the flashlight from my backpack, and kicked open the door of a room. Finding that it was a clean room, I blocked it, hung the bell, and fell head first onto the bed. Xue Ke's words came back to mind, "In the future when you train hard, you must act like this. Only by reaching your limits can you achieve the best results." Is she helping me?

It doesn't make any sense. I lay in bed thinking for a long time but still couldn't think of anything. I simply stopped thinking about it. Then I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I didn't care that Xue Ke would take advantage of the night to leave first, because if she wants to leave first, then there's no need to tell me that she will be resting tonight.

In this sleep, I slept like hell. When he woke up again, it was the alarm clock that woke him up. This alarm clock is also in my backpack, in any case, it doesn't take up space, maybe when can I use it, I didn't expect that today really used it. Looking at the time, it was already 6 o'clock. However, it was still pitch black outside the window. It was always very late in the winter.

I put on my shoes and went out. I don't have much food or water left in my backpack, so I need to find a supermarket to replenish it.

He didn't know why, but even though he was very tired yesterday, after a night of rest, he actually felt extremely comfortable today. Furthermore, he felt that his strength seemed to have increased a little. This feeling wasn't bad at all. It seemed like what Xue Ke had said was true. Reaching one's limit would allow one's body to achieve the best results in terms of strengthening their physique. I took the flashlight, found food and water in the dark supermarket, and stuffed it into my backpack.

When I walked out again, the sky was already slightly bright. I returned back to my room and took out a few bottles of water, washed up, and checked the time. It was 6: 40, time to go and wait for Xue Ke.

I walked over to the car I'd left last night, looked around, and stood there waiting.

"Lin Mo, this cat demon is stronger than last time!" The sound of a duck's voice suddenly came out.

"Brother G? Didn't you just say last time that this cat is weird? " I sent a portion of my mental power into my mind and said, "You told me about it when it was just a kitten last time."

"I mean, there's even more energy hidden in her body, so much that even I can't tell how deep it is. It seems like she was in a weak state last time. "

In a weak state, how could he silently slaughter the entire Jiang Family?

"Just pay attention to yourself." Duck's voice said.

"Okay, Brother G." But will she discover your existence? That day we broke her mental confusion and she didn't even ask me what was going on. " I asked worriedly.

Duck shook his head and said, "Don't worry, no one in this world will ever find me in your head. Also, you need to learn how to control the multiple of the time flow. I've observed that when you use the power of time, it only speeds up or slows down a hundredfold. You haven't even grasped how to control this multiplier. After you finish studying the multiplier control, you can study it for a while. Then, we can discuss how to go to First Realm. "

"Thank you for your reminder, Brother G." Last time, the mysterious person said that my physique back then was not as strong as that of an ordinary Third Realm cultivator. I asked.

"I don't know about Third Realm. However, your current physique is just barely comparable to a 14 or 15 year old child in First Realm. Of course, with your power of time, you are still stronger than normal citizens who do not know any martial arts. "

My current physique is actually only comparable to the children of First Realm. After all, my body has been gradually unsealed by the mysterious person's power, and I have reached an unbelievable level of strength. When running at full speed, the user would be able to reach a speed of about 400 kilometers per hour. This kind of physique, when compared to First Realm's, was completely not enough. It seemed like Sixth Realm was really weak.

I nodded towards Duck throat and withdrew a portion of my mental power from my mind. I didn't say anything else and lowered my head to ponder. Duck's voice was also silent.

While I was deep in thought, a voice sounded from ahead. "What are you thinking about?"

It's Xue Ke! When did she come to me? What a strange movement technique! I raised my head, glanced at Xue Ke, and asked: "Have you eaten?"

Xue Ke shook her head, I handed the bag over and said: "There is food and water inside."

"What a fool. I've been eating for a long time now. Even if it means eating something, it's fine for me." Xue Ke did not reach out to grab the bag, but hugged it and said.

"Fasting?" What is that? " I asked, stunned.

"Even if you don't eat, you won't starve to death." Xue Ke said.

"If you don't eat, you won't starve to death?" I repeated myself and asked in surprise, "But how do you replenish the lost water from the stamina that you consume every day?"

"Absorb the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth to supplement my Spiritual Qi." Xue Ke said: "You can also be like this in the future. Alright, now, let's go."

Can I also do this in the future? Forget it, just ask Brother G when you're free. He should know about this. I took out the map, looked at it, and said, "We are almost there. We are still about four or five hundred kilometers away. Yes. Xue Ke, can you promise me one thing? "

"Trouble is dead, don't hurt the people of Jiang Family, right?" Xue Ke grabbed the map in my hands and said while looking at it: "If I kill those few fish that escaped the net, I think you will bore me to death by my ear. If they don't bother me, I won't kill them, okay? "

Xue Ke actually agreed so readily! It was beyond my expectations. I hastily nodded my head and repeatedly said 'yes'. She then pointed in a direction and rushed forward, with Xue Ke following closely behind.

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