Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C9 The history of yao yu
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C9 The history of yao yu
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C9 The history of yao yu

"Hur Hur Hur Hur." I stared at my arm and couldn't help laughing. " "Hehe, hahaha, hahahaha, hahahahaha."

Yao Yu walked in front of me as she looked at me with a complicated gaze. She wanted to grab my hand, but I suddenly shrank back. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and calmly said: "You can go." Although her expression was calm, her heart was in pain. So what if she had the ability to resist poison? In Heaven's Pick, being caught by zombies could also get poisoned and turn into a zombie. Maybe I had the ability to resist poison, but the moment I turned into a zombie didn't come that quickly.

Yao Yu softly replied, "Lin Mo. Don't be discouraged, there will definitely be a way to treat you! " Yao Yu's voice revealed her determination.

I smiled wryly to myself. How to treat it? I'm afraid that it won't be long before I become a zombie, so I simply turned cold and said, "You're not leaving?" Good! "I'm leaving!" With that, he stood up and a feeling of weakness came from him. I dragged myself to the door.

Seeing that I was about to leave, Yao Yu grabbed towards my arm. I shouted, "Don't touch me! "You want to be poisoned too?" Yao Yu was quiet for a moment, then raised her head, only seeing her tears flowing, she muttered: "I'll bring you to find your friend."

I was stunned for a moment before I replied, "Alright." Before becoming a zombie, it would be good to see Chen Nuo again. At the same time, entrusting Chen Nuo to Yao Yu could increase the chances of Chen Nuo surviving. Yao Yu stared intently at me, and said: "At the same time, I will tell you my story. It's nine o'clock in the morning. Let's go to the car first and drive to your friend. "

I fell silent and nodded.

Yao Yu pressed her ear to the door as if she was listening to something. After listening for a while, she said, "There are two zombies at the entrance, I will go out to take care of them."

After hearing those words, I couldn't help but feel bitter in my heart. I don't know. Next time. said to Chen Nuo, "He has already become a zombie, I will go and take care of it."

Ha ha, he laughed bitterly in his heart once again.

Not long after, two soft sounds came from outside. Yao Yu picked up a pitch black dagger from somewhere and said: "Let's go."

I nodded and followed. Although his body was weak, walking wasn't a problem. We didn't see any zombies in the corridor, so we walked out of the hospital quietly. We didn't even see any zombies. How come all the zombies were gone? I was secretly surprised.

drove the car while I sat in the front passenger seat. Looking at Yao Yu's rosy complexion, the sadness in my heart lessened a little. Yao Yu felt my gaze on him and said: "My injury. There's not even a scar left, thank you. Lin Mo. I will do everything I can to cure you! "

Just as I was about to retort, Yao Yu continued, "You must have already guessed it. I am a killer. "

I was stunned. As Yao Yu drove, she continued to talk to me, "I am an orphan who was adopted by a group of assassins called Dark Alliance from an orphanage. Yao Yu said, her eyes revealing a look of reminiscence, she continued: At that time, a total of 94 orphans were adopted, they were all eleven or twelve year old children. Before being adopted, it was adopted in the name of a large group in the country, and our 94 chosen children were especially happy. "But who would have thought that what awaited us was actually …" Yao Yu paused for a while, and continued: "That is a mountain, we have all been placed on that mountain. Each person had a dagger, a bag of food, and a bottle of water. They were told that there was water and food on the other side of the mountain and that the first 30 people who walked there would be rewarded and sent to school. Can you imagine? Orphans yearned to go to school like normal children, but that was an extravagant hope. For this opportunity that was hard to come by, we ran forward with all our might. Thus, basically, everyone split up. Soon, it was night. I had finished half a bottle of water, but there was still a lot of food left. At night, there were wolf howls coming from the top of the mountain, and I was very scared. Then I fell asleep. I didn't wake up until the next morning. When I opened my eyes, there was a lot of dew on the grass. I was very thirsty, so I drank some dew. Then I walked on, but as I walked, I found something that I would never forget. It was the corpse of a child bitten into a bloody mess by a wild beast. I could vaguely distinguish that he seemed to be a companion that came with us. I bit my lip and kept backing away. I did not dare to cry out for fear of attracting the beasts, but tears began to flow uncontrollably from my eyes. "

"I cried for a long time, then I stood up and walked on. However, he discovered that there was half a bottle of water beside his corpse. I was so afraid of the body that I didn't dare take it, but I was thirsty. Can you even imagine that kind of struggling mood? Finally, my desire overcame my fear. Closing my eyes, I groped for the bottle of water and ran forward without looking back. In the evening. I suddenly noticed a person lying on the ground in front of me. From a distance, the clothes seemed to belong to my good friend Xiao Xue. I was very happy. I finally met a good friend. So I ran forward. He only noticed when he was nearby. Party Xiaoxue's face was cut by sharp weapons. Dozens of them. I couldn't hold it in any longer and vomited. Sit on the ground and cry. "

Yao Yu paused for a moment to collect her emotions, before continuing, "At that time, it was so helpless. After crying for a long time, I stood up and walked on, but the bodies I saw only increased in number, most of them stabbed by sharp weapons. Gradually, I understood what the dagger was for. I didn't dare to walk too fast. Instead, I slowly walked behind. When I found the grass at night, I hid inside, waiting for the dew to appear the next morning. Just like that, three days later, I went over the mountain and saw tents nearby. 94 children, only 12 qualified, the rest are dead. "

I couldn't help but open my mouth. The world was so dark. She looked even more deeply into Yao Yu's eyes.

Yao Yu continued, "Later on, we were sent to a secret base and received all sorts of specialized training. I was trained there for seven years. Three months ago, I was assigned a mission to assassinate an official named Qin Tianqi. When Qin Tianqi died, I was hit by Long Jianfeng. The wound on my back was a masterpiece by him, so I hid in the area where your family lived. I didn't expect that five days later, it would be the end of the world. And then I met you. After saying that, Yao Yu turned around and looked at me.

I knew that my face was now as wrinkled as my arms. I calmly said, "I didn't expect that. You still have this kind of situation, but it's good that the world is over. At least you're free. "

"Freedom?" Yao Yu laughed self-deprecatingly: "That's impossible, the Dark Alliance will not let me go. Xi Yue will definitely send someone to capture me.

"Who is Xi Yue?" I asked.

Yao Yu's eyes revealed a trace of fear, and said: It's the leader of the Dark Alliance, or it can be said, it's our master. He wore a silver mask all year round, and no one knew his true appearance. At the same time, it was also extremely powerful. If we compare. Long Jianfeng, who had absorbed more than thirty species of evolution, could not even take a single move against Xi Yue.

"What?!" Long Jianfeng was such a strong being, yet he could not even take a single hit from him?! After that, he became a bit apathetic. He was about to die, so why bother about such things. He casually said, "Then you should be more careful in the future."

Yao Yu gently nodded her head, and said: "We are almost at the business street, there are too many cars on the road, we cannot continue. "It's not far, let's go."

I nodded, Yao Yu stopped the car and the two of us walked forward. There weren't any zombies left on the streets, which was so quiet that it was scary. Yao Yu and I walked forward as if we were walking. When they approached the supermarket where Chen Nuo was hiding, following the wind, they heard a coquettish voice singing: Mom and Dad are going to work ~ ~ I'm going to kindergarten.

A smile spread across my lips at the sound of the song. Indeed! This idiot still hasn't left.

Hearing the song, Yao Yu was also startled, she looked at me and saw a smile on my face, she also chuckled. When I saw Yao Yu smiling, I teased him: "When you smile, you look really nice. In the future, laugh more, don't always keep a cold face."

What I didn't expect. Yao Yu actually nodded her head.

At this time, Chen Nuo's voice sounded out again. It was still the same words he had said before: Mom and Dad are going to work ~ I'm going to kindergarten.

I immediately followed up, "No crying, no shouting, please call me teacher."

Yao Yu covered her mouth and laughed. Chen Nuo's coquettish voice seemed to be talking to itself: I'll go? Why did I hear Brother Mo's voice? An illusion. It must be an illusion.

As I approached, I couldn't help but be stunned.

He only saw Chen Nuo getting a deck chair and a sun umbrella from nowhere. Chen Nuo was wearing a pair of large pants, with his upper body bare, lying on the deck chair and bathing in the sunlight. He had a toothpick in his mouth and was singing with a biscuit in his hand. I was speechless. He thought to himself that this guy was truly hopeless. Too stupid, do you think this is a trip to Hainan? A sunbath. Aren't you afraid that a zombie will suddenly jump out and rip off your purple pants?

Chen Nuo seemed to have sensed that someone was approaching from the side as he turned his head to look in our direction. He whispered, "Uncle, what's going on? Why do I keep having hallucinations today?" What did I just see? I actually saw the Brother Mo turn into a zombie! And there's a pretty little girl waiting on the side. Fuck, if there really is such a good thing, then laozi will also turn into a zombie!

A black line appeared on my forehead. He calmly said, "You want to become a zombie?" I'll help you! "

After Chen Nuo heard this, he rolled down from the recliner in fright. He squatted beside the reclining chair, and looked at Yao Yu and I in alert.

It was like when I went to register and they asked me for my gender.

Alright, I was once again angered by this idiot. Laughing, I said: Come, come, come over and take a look.

At this time, Yao Yu spoke out, "Lin Mo, the two of you can enter this supermarket. I'll go find some medicine for you. Hold on, wait for me to come back. "

I was startled for a moment before I replied, "There's no need for that. There's no way that there's any medicine that can cure it." Don't take the risk, I have something to entrust to you. "

Without waiting for me to finish speaking, Yao Yu turned and ran back the way he came from, saying: Wait for me.

I looked at Yao Yu's back, my heart filled with warmth, the desire to live ignited once again! Until she disappeared from my sight. Lin Xiao also walked over to my side, looking at where Yao Yu had disappeared to, he muttered to himself: "Brother Mo, it's right on time. Where did you pick it up? Oh, by the way, what did she do? You. "Why does she look like a zombie?"

I calmly replied, "I was bitten by a zombie, her. Get me the antidote. "

Chen Nuo suddenly shouted: Ward!

I jumped. Turning around, he kicked Chen Nuo's purple pants. With my current weak state, Chen Nuo can easily dodge it, but he didn't dodge. I kicked him down. Chen Nuo unconcernedly patted his butt as he chased in Yao Yu's direction! I shouted, What are you doing?!

Chen Nuo's coquettish voice came out from the wind: Bring her back, I can cure the poison.

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