Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C95 The greatest tragedy in history
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Sad Epic of Six-Realms/C95 The greatest tragedy in history
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C95 The greatest tragedy in history

Actually, this can't be blamed on me, if I had to blame something, I could only blame my large face right now. Even Zhang Zihan couldn't stand looking at my vulgar smile anymore. So he said, "Brother Chen, don't laugh. I think Yue Qi's intention is for you to hold this bracelet and let me attack you. "

"That's not right!" Zhang Yue Qi said: "Third brother, you are only half right. I want him to hold the bracelet and let Big Sis attack him! "

Sh * t! This girl tricked me! Isn't her relationship with Zhang Zihan very good? Why did you have to mess with me? I was recruited by Zhang Zihan. Is it because I smiled kindly at her? A creature like women really did hold a grudge. Let me hold the bracelet and let the cultivators attack me? Who knows if that bracelet will work or not? Damn, when the time comes, if the bracelet is a fake, inferior product and if it doesn't pass IS9001 authentication and the cultivators attack, will I fight back or not? If he fought back, his power would be revealed. If I don't fight back, I'm going to burp.

Just as I was at a loss, Zhang Zihan had already received the jade bracelet from Zhang Yue Qi's hands, and passed it over to me, and said: "Brother Chen, don't worry, I trust my big sister!"

Wo, the trough. You believe your elder sister? I don't believe it. You're a damn nice one, aren't you just a test subject just in time? But in order for Zhang Zihan to send people to help me look for the information on Brother Nuo and TS Base, he gave it his all! Let's take a gamble! Thinking of this, I took the jade bracelet and shouted in a low voice, "Come!"

Zhang Yuexin explained: "Yue Qi, before activating the automatic protection of this jade bracelet, you can also activate it using your spirit energy. With that, Zhang Yuexin formed a sword gesture with his finger, pointing towards me, the jade bracelet in my hand lit up with a soft green light, quickly forming a light barrier around my body, which acted as a protective barrier around me. Let me see. To be honest, this thing looks really powerful. Just when I wanted to touch the light barrier, Zhang Yuexin continued, "Then, next, let's test its endurance."

A flying sword suddenly appeared by Zhang Yuexin's side, and then, that flying sword rapidly pierced towards me! Zhang Yuexin would not allow the flying sword to have too much attack power, if not he would not have a good face after breaking through the barrier. I didn't pay too much attention to it. I stood with my hands behind my back in the light barrier, looking calm and collected.

"Puff." "Pfft." Two light piercing sounds were heard. Then, I felt a chill in my chest. A strong electric shock came from my chest and paralyzed my entire body. I lowered my head to look at the flying sword that was stuck in my chest, then raised my head to look at the shocked Zhang Yuexin, and spat out a word: "Zi. "Damn." Then, his body went limp and he fainted.

Darkness. Here again! This place isn't the depths of my sea of consciousness? Why do I come here every time I faint? Could it be that the mysterious person summoned me again? The mysterious person hadn't fallen asleep? Then not everything I said to Brother G will be known by him!

"A mysterious person?" I tried to call out.

After a while, there was no response. I tried a few more times, but there was no response. What was going on? Could it be that the mysterious person really wasn't here? Gradually, I relaxed my tensed mind and couldn't help but start cursing at Zhang Yuexin. What the hell was that? What kind of defensive formation was this? Defensive my ass! It has no defensive capabilities at all! Furthermore, her flying sword seemed to have the effects of lightning, causing me to faint from electricity. Say, what power of lightning do you need to attempt it? The most despicable thing is that last look I gave her before fainting, she actually had an astonished expression on his face and looks innocently at the flying sword stabbed into my chest. Sh * t! I was furious at the thought. When I wake up, let's see how I'm going to deal with you! I cursed in the darkness.

I cursed for a while in my sea of consciousness. Suddenly, I felt a huge force pulling my mental power upwards! It was full of light, and I knew I was going to wake up again, because it had been the same the other times. I looked around, but I was stunned! Because by the light, I could see that the surroundings were filled with words that I could not recognize! In my sea of consciousness, it was the shape of a well. From top to bottom, it was surrounded by circular walls. Just when I wanted to carefully observe those words, my consciousness had already completely merged into the light at the top.

I instantly felt the spiritual power return to my body. He could still feel waves of pain coming from his chest, and his ears started to hear: "Zi Han, how is he?" This voice, seemed to be Zhang Yuexin's.

At the same time, I felt a hand pressing down on the wound on my chest. The wound was located on the lower left side of my chest. Could it be that the hand that was caressing my wound was Zhang Zihan's? A man touched his labored chest. Also, why is Zhang Yuexin here?

And at this time, it was not good for me to release my Spirit power, because as long as I release my Spirit power, Zhang Yuexin would definitely be able to detect it. All I could do was feign a grunt, move my eyes, and slowly open them as if I'd just woken up. I pretended to be confused as I looked at Zhang Zihan who was in front of me and muttered, "Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang. Am I dead? "

"Dead!" A female voice snorted, upon hearing the voice, I knew it was Zhang Yue Qi. I looked around and realized that I was still lying in Zhang Yue Qi's courtyard. I couldn't help but wonder how long I had been unconscious for.

"Dead, dead?" I muttered, "I haven't even gotten married yet and I'm already dead! I can't accept this! Zhang Yuexin! "Accompany my wife!" As I said that, I pounced towards Zhang Yuexin as if I was crazy. If you want to act, then act out a whole set.

At this time, my upper body had already been pulled down by Zhang Zihan. Bare-naked, with blood dripping from my chest, I pounced towards Zhang Yuexin. Zhang Yuexin seemed to be very sorry for stabbing me, and immediately flew into the air, floating in the air and saying: "You, don't be agitated, you're not dead! "Don't worry, my Zhang family will definitely make it up to you"

"Not dead?!" "Then she said just now that I was dead!" I pointed at Zhang Yue Qi and roared.

"Brother Chen, don't be agitated. You're really alright." Look, I have already stopped bleeding from your chest. If you were to say that your recovery ability is too strong, then you just fainted for two minutes and already woke up. " Zhang Zihan also said from the back.

It's only been two minutes?

It had only been two minutes, no wonder I was still in the courtyard. The internal organs didn't seem to have any major injuries, and the energy within the cells in his body was quickly healing the wounds. Ever since my mental power grew stronger, I could feel that the cells in my body were filled with power, as if they were different from other people's cultivation methods and the way they store power. However, this was not something I could think of, so I simply stopped thinking about. Besides, there are benefits to storing energy in this cell. It allows my cells to have high activity. It can also help me recover from injuries and other things.

"Oh, so I'm not dead yet." I patted my chest, as if I was quite frightened. "It's good that he didn't die. It's good that he didn't die. That way, I can get married."

Zhang Yue Qi went silent for a moment, looked at my face, and snorted. "If you can marry a wife, I will eat this house." Zhang Yue Qi pointed to the house behind them.

I wanted to retort, but after thinking about it, I decided not to. After all, I still need to ask Yue Qi to draw a picture. I'll take care of this little girl after I finish painting. Therefore, I said, "Third Young Master, please give me my clothes first. I'm so cold."

Zhang Zihan threw over my twenty thousand dollar "high-grade" suit over. My shirt was already torn, and there were still a few pieces of cloth hanging around my waist. I didn't care, and directly put on the suit while bare-chested.

"Brother Chen, let me take you back to bandage your wounds." Zhang Zihan said.

"No, Brother Zhang, I will have to trouble Miss Zhang to draw the picture first! I'm more worried about my friends. " I replied, "The wounds and stuff like that are just a small matter."

"Alright, since brother Chen is so insistent, Yue Qi, help brother Chen to draw a few portraits." Zhang Zihan said.

Zhang Yue Qi unwillingly nodded and said: "Come in." Then he turned and walked back into the house.

Zhang Yuexin who was still floating in mid air said: "Yue Qi, I will be leaving first. I'll come look for you later. Zi Han, bandage him properly. I'll go back and see what's wrong with the formation inside the jade bracelet. I will give it to Yue Qi after I repair it. " With that, Zhang Yuexin flew away.

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Libre Baskerville
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