Seeking Temple

Seeking Temple

417 Chapters
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Wanli Fang family's son is born with a chronic disease. In order to find the legendary children's temple and the god baby, he had a lot of ups and downs on his way. He also met a series of strange things, deadly stone forest, revived ancient god killer, Taibai food, ghost land corpse, blood color solitary Eagle Ridge, King's tomb In this series of appalling adventures, Fang Zishu, a young man, changes his life and hands to the stars.

Table of Contents

C321 Hexadecyl Hexadecyl Evil Killing Array
Nov 4th, 05:18
C322 Ruyi
Nov 4th, 05:18
C323 Li Yu's Experience(part I)
Nov 4th, 05:18
C324 Li Yu's Experience(part Ii)
Nov 4th, 05:18
C325 Li Yu's Experience(part Iii)
Nov 4th, 05:18
C326 Cues
Nov 4th, 05:18
C327 Chen Yunshan
Nov 4th, 05:18
C328 Intense Charm
Nov 4th, 05:18
C329 Trifoliate Lotus Imprint
Nov 4th, 05:18
C330 Anecdotes
Nov 4th, 05:18
C331 Biological Contract
Nov 4th, 05:18
C332 Anxiety
Nov 4th, 05:18
C333 To the West of Hunan
Nov 4th, 05:18
C334 Fly to West Hunan
Nov 4th, 05:18
C335 Occasional Wolf Pack
Nov 4th, 05:18
C336 A Strange Village
Nov 4th, 05:18
C337 A Talking Cat
Nov 4th, 05:18
C338 Sky-hiding Crossing the Sea
Nov 4th, 05:18
C339 Night Scouting Forbidden Area
Nov 4th, 05:18
C340 Reinforcement Array
Nov 4th, 05:18