Stars And Moon/C15 Collection
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Stars And Moon/C15 Collection
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C15 Collection

The results of this comprehensive exam were soon out. It was unknown if it was due to the victory over the strongest special training instructor Zhou Jie that Shi Xiaoling managed to enter the final ten.

After his conversation with Cai Haohua, Shi Xiaoling had gained a better understanding of the mission to the Bright Moon Continent through time and space. Although Cai Haohua said that the selection criteria had changed in recent years, and no longer valued the students' martial arts attainments, but he also said that Shi Xiaoling was very similar to the genius "No. 1 Longevity".

Shi Xiaoling didn't want to think too much about the things that he couldn't control. He just wanted to keep practicing his ancient martial arts every second of the day. In his mind, since he had already reached this step, as long as there was a sliver of a chance, he would try his best to obtain the dreams of ancient martial arts.

Tang continued to monitor the physiological data of Shi Xiaoling every day, and continued to discuss and improve the response to the ultimate virus outbreak from her professional point of view.

However, both of them understood that no matter how much they studied and discussed, their plans would only be based on their reasoning and imagination. Whether it would actually work would most likely depend on their luck.

They also knew that as the final list of people to enter the encirclement was about to be revealed, perhaps the day of their separation would soon come. The two of them had a sincere favorable impression of each other, but due to various reasons, neither of them said anything.

The twelfth and last month before Shi Xiaoling entered the training ground, the ten of them no longer needed to take a humanities course other than the training of the time and space shuttles. Instead, they were given a new mission.

The person assigned to them was Wang Hengjun, the Fiihrer's special commissioner assigned to the training base. Wang Hengjun never taught classes, but everyone noticed that Chief Instructor Cai Haohua seemed to listen to him. It was clear that this person's position in the base was very important.

In a heavily guarded building, Wang Hengjun faced the ten final contestants and said, "From today onwards, the ten of you will be spending every afternoon in this special collection. "Here are some ancient artifacts unearthed from the Bright Moon Continent 2,000 years ago. You can study them more carefully so that you can get a better understanding of the ancient Bright Moon Continent."

"One month from now, we will choose one of you from the ten of you. We will inoculate the level 10 X Ultimate Virus and send it to the spacetime shuttle to travel through space and time to fly to the Bright Moon Continent from two thousand years ago. This person will become the annual executor of the 'National Life Improvement Plan' initiated by the Great Chief. I hope you all will do your best to serve the Chief! "

The collection was huge, but there weren't many items in it. The items stored were of all kinds, and most of them were commonly seen in the ancient continent of Mingyue, such as furniture, pots, bowls, clothes, clothing, etc. There were also many weapons, armors, a few books, etc.

After a year of boring training, the ten students suddenly came to a collection that contained quite a few items from the ancient Bright Moon Continent. Everyone was rather interested. Visiting the museum is much more vivid and interesting than sitting in front of a multimedia computer all day to learn about human geography.

However, all of these items were sealed within special glass cabinets. Although they could be seen clearly and were matched with the corresponding descriptions, they were unable to be touched directly.

Because it was Commissioner Wang Hengjun who personally brought everyone here, although there was no clear indication as to how important it was to study the collections here, most of the students still watched very carefully. Many people took pen and paper and wrote down the descriptions posted on the side of the collection. They wanted to take it back to their dorms to study it, hoping that they would be able to gain some points from it.

Shi Xiaoling didn't take notes, he just strolled around the collection hall, looking at the items in the collection. His mind seemed to have drifted to the Bright Moon Continent from two thousand years ago, and he suddenly felt as if he had entered a brand-new world.

Shi Xiaoling had been immersed in the study of ancient martial arts for a long time, and had not thought much about the matters after traversing through time and space. It was only when he was faced with these many authentic ancient items, that he suddenly realized that he might soon have the chance to travel to two thousand years of time and space and truly come into contact with these collection items sealed in glass boxes.

Thinking that he might soon wear an ancient robe and use those antique utensils, or even use his bow, arrows, and knives and spears to protect himself, a mysterious feeling arose in Shi Xiaoling's heart. Towards that unknown distant world, he did not feel any fear or unease. On the contrary, he felt a kind of fondness and yearning in his heart.

Shi Xiaoling turned around and observed the other students. Everyone was seriously studying the collection, many of them were still taking notes, and some of them were even reciting the instructions attached to the collection. It seemed that everyone treated this tour as a real academic examination.

Shi Xiaoling laughed in his heart, thinking that Commissioner Wang only wanted everyone to get familiar with the actual goods from the Bright Moon Continent, and to find the feeling of living two thousand years ago. He didn't say that he wanted to test everyone's research on cultural relics, so what was the use of reciting those collection manuals?

The collectibles here were mostly daily and practical items. If he had the chance to go to the Bright Moon Continent from two thousand years ago, he believed that he would be able to get used to it very soon. To Shi Xiaoling, memorizing the descriptions of these collections seemed like a waste of time.

Shi Xiaoling didn't care about anyone else as he strolled around the museum by himself. When he saw any interesting items, he stopped to take a look. Those who were not interested in him just passed by.

The collection was huge, but there weren't many items that could pique his interest. He quickly went through the entire collection from beginning to end.

Looking at the other students diligently copying and reciting the manuals, Shi Xiaoling felt bored. He thought about how he would have to spend the next month here every afternoon. It seemed a bit of a waste of time.

Shi Xiaoling originally wanted to find an open space to practice his ancient martial arts, but after looking around, he realized that the collection was side by side. Although they were all covered by a safety glass, if he was too engrossed in martial arts and accidentally broke such a precious ancient treasure, then he wouldn't be able to afford it. Besides, there were surveillance cameras everywhere. The other students were focused on studying the collection. If he were to sit around and cultivate, it would seem that he did not place that Commissioner Wang Hengjun in his eyes at all.

After some thought, Shi Xiaoling felt that it would be better if he could find a few items that he was interested in and study, even if it was just for show. After all, it was already the last month of training, and he had finally reached this step with great difficulty. No matter what, he had to try and complete his dream of becoming an ancient martial arts martial artist.

"Since Sir Wang wants everyone to stay here for a month, if I were to be too presumptuous, I'm afraid I would leave a bad impression behind."

Shi Xiaoling was not stupid, he could see that Special Agent Wang had a lot of authority, and it seemed that Chief Instructor Cai Haohua also wanted to follow his orders. If he left a bad impression on Wang Hengjun, then his final victory would be a big question.

Thus, Shi Xiaoling started searching the collection again, hoping to find a few items that he was interested in to pass the time. After strolling back and forth a few times, he stopped at a row of counters that held swords and weapons.

Although Shi Xiaoling was a martial artist since he was young, he was not interested in equipment training. What attracted his attention was not the swords and sabers of ancient times, but a small, unremarkable vertical glass cabinet not far from the swords and sabers.

Different from the other collections in the museum, the instructions attached to the collection were rather simple. There were only four words written on it, "Nine Elements Clearing Technique".

The piece of paper in the glass cabinet seemed to be made of a special kind of tough material. As for why this piece of paper gave him such a feeling, even Shi Xiaoling himself didn't understand.

He could not understand the drawing on the piece of paper. Since the instruction manual beside it was too simple, he did not pay too much attention to it. He took a cursory glance at it and left.

But at this time, when Shi Xiaoling came back to this place and looked at this strange collection, his heart suddenly moved.

"Nine yuan to clear the level? Where did you hear this name before? "

Suddenly, an idea popped up in his mind. He remembered that when he was collecting information about the ancient martial arts a few years ago, he had read about a mysterious legend that was passed down in the martial arts of the ancient Bright Moon Continent.

He remembered that the legend only had one sentence, but it had left a deep impression on Shi Xiaoling. It seemed to be something like 'Nine Essence Clearing, Heaven Man Unity, transcending the mortal world,' or something like that.

Shi Xiaoling was very interested in ancient martial arts. He suddenly realized that this collection was related to ancient martial arts and was very interested in it. He carefully recalled the memories of the 'Nine Elements Pass' in his mind and vaguely remembered that it was only a mysterious legend that was spread throughout the Bright Moon Continent. The main idea seemed to be that once one mastered the 'Nine Elements Pass' diagram, he would become an unrivalled master.

"So this is a diagram. I almost missed out on something good!" Shi Xiaoling was very excited as he did not expect there to be such a good item in this collection.

He looked again at the piece of paper in the glass cabinet, going over it up and down.

After repeated observation, Shi Xiaoling found that the drawing on this piece of paper looked messy, but after careful consideration, it seemed to resemble the meridians and acupuncture points within a person's body. The only difference from ordinary meridian acupuncture points was that the drawing on this piece of paper was much more complicated.

Although Shi Xiaoling had studied ancient martial arts for many years, he had never imagined that this would be a practice diagram. After a careful examination, he gradually confirmed the idea in his heart. Those seemingly chaotic points should be the route of true essence circulation.

However, the route of true essence circulation was just too outrageous. It was completely different from the martial arts cultivation methods that Shi Xiaoling had studied over the years. It seemed to be a joke created by someone. However, the manual next to the diagram had the words "Nine Elements Clearing Technique" written on it.

"Could it be that the people in the collection were mistaken?" Shi Xiaoling was puzzled. He stuck his face against the glass cabinet and looked carefully. Finally, he found a small "8" at the bottom of the diagram.

"Eight? Could it be the eighth diagram? "

Shi Xiaotao believed that since it was a nine element diagram, then it should be nine parts. Since there was a small "eight" character at the bottom of the diagram, then it should be one of the legendary "Nine element diagrams."

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