Strongest Chef System/C7 Open Shop
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Strongest Chef System/C7 Open Shop
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C7 Open Shop

Just like that, Lin Feng's shop smoothly opened. On the first day of opening, an endless stream of customers came to eat. Everyone had come here because of admiration. They had all heard that the pancakes made by the owner of this restaurant were very delicious. Logically speaking, the dishes made should be quite good as well. However, everyone was puzzled by the taste of the dishes cooked by the boss. Lin Feng was in a very good mood, all the customers were free, the customers who came to eat crowded the entire room. Seeing everything that was happening before their eyes, the two siblings felt extremely happy in their hearts.

On the night of the opening day, Lin Feng and his sister Lin Xin entered the house and immediately collapsed on the sofa. After a busy day, the two of them were extremely tired and felt as if they would faint at any moment. Lin Feng laid on the sofa, unconscious, and quickly fell asleep.

Her sister, Lin Xin, was lying on the sofa. Even though she was very tired and wanted to sleep, she couldn't. She thought back to the time when her parents were still around. She did not have to worry about anything every day and had her parents arrange everything for her to live in. Back then, she was just a nobody who didn't care about food.

But now, everything was different. Without the care and care of her parents, without the food that was always prepared for her, everything depended on him and her brother to fight for her. Every time she thought about it, Lin Xin's heart would become very sad and sad. Especially when she saw her brother constantly running around busily for the sake of his life.

Lin Xin thought that although her first day of business was good, and she hoped that the restaurant's business would be booming every day, but she also understood in her heart that it was not as good as being in business every day. She wanted to do something for her brother, but there was nothing she could do.

Lin Xin laid on the sofa, motionless, but his mind was constantly thinking of a good way to stabilize the business at Lin Feng's Hotel, so as to maintain a decent income. Suddenly, a bold thought floated through her mind.

Lin Xin thought about whether she could use a business card. This way, not only would customers be able to reserve dishes in advance, they would also be able to deliver their meals to their doorstep if they were too late. Because many of the customers were now located far away from the Lin Feng Restaurant, if it was time to eat, some customers would inevitably feel troubled. Over time, Lin Feng's restaurant would have fewer guests. It was not worth it.

Just like this, Lin Xin's idea made his feel that it was very practical. She couldn't wait to tell Lin Feng the good news, but Lin Feng was snoring soundly on the side. Lin Xin didn't have the heart to disturb his brother's sleep. She decided to tell him about her thoughts the next morning.

Lin Xin also returned to her room. After a day of hard work, she also fell asleep on her bed.

After washing up, he fell asleep immediately.

The two of them were probably too tired from yesterday. Even though it was already dawn the next morning, they still had no intention of getting out of bed. Lin Xin's alarm clock had been ringing for a long time, but she rejected it in her heart because she didn't want to get up. However, when she thought of the good idea she had thought of last night, she had the urge to get up.

She suddenly flipped over and sat up, then ran out to find her brother Lin Feng sleeping on the sofa, unmoving like a wooden statue. Brother, it's time to wake up! I've thought of a good idea! " Lin Xin strongly shook Lin Feng's shoulders, she wanted her brother to wake up faster.

"What!" Lin Feng looked at Lin Xin sleepily, her eyes slowly opening.

"We can make a lot of business cards with our phone numbers written on them. If the customers need them, they can call them to order. We can also send them to our doorstep!" Lin Xin said excitedly. "Alright, that's a good idea!" Lin Feng instantly woke up, "Come, let's go wash the name cards!"

The two of them prepared to set off separately. Lin Xin went to the printing shop to wash the business cards while Lin Feng went to the restaurant to open the door. Everything was proceeding in an orderly fashion. Not long after, Lin Xin took her business card and ran back to the restaurant.

The second day was the same as the first day of the restaurant's opening. The restaurant was bustling with customers, and the scene was bustling with noise and excitement! Lin Feng gave each customer a name card and told them how to use the name card. This time, if we want to eat the dishes from your restaurant, it will be much more convenient. We can call you to reserve them. The customer was very satisfied.

"Yes, our goal is to do this for the sake of our customers!" Lin Feng laughed embarrassedly.

"Boss, can you send the food to school in the future? If that's possible, then that's great. We can have delicious food in the dorm! " "One of the girls said happily." Of course you can, as long as you make a phone call, you can send it anywhere! "

Because of the existence of the name card, Lin Feng's restaurant business became better and better. Every single customer who had finished eating at the restaurant would praise Lin Feng's culinary skills before they left, making Lin Feng feel a little awkward. However, after hearing the praises from the customers, his heart was filled with joy, and he felt abnormally satisfied and happy.

Every time it was time to eat, the restaurant's phone would make a "Du Du Du Du" sound. Before Lin Feng could recover from his shock, another call came in. Every phone call was a customer's order.

"Boss, the food you're cooking is really too delicious. Can you send it to my school with every meal? The food you cook is incomparable to the food in our school's cafeteria. One in the sky while the other in the ground." Ever since I ate the dishes you made, the other dishes in other places have never entered my eyes. " The young lad on the phone had praised Lin Feng to the heavens, to the point that Lin Feng felt embarrassed.

"Of course not, I will make more delicious meals in the future. Remember to come and try it when the time comes! " Lin Feng replied. When he hung up, the phone rang again. Lin Feng could no longer care about the number, because there were too many customer orders, so many that he could not even catch a single call.

Lin Feng was in charge of cooking, while Lin Xin was in charge of packing and delivering food. The two of them carefully cooperated. Although the business was good, they both hoped that the day would end soon.

"Sister, we should find an employee to take care of the food delivery. Otherwise, we would be so busy every day, and will get tired and sick sooner or later!" With great difficulty, Lin Feng finally had time to rest. He sat on the chair, but the moment he sat down, he immediately stopped thinking about getting up.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Feng's head drooped down. Seems like he had fallen asleep.

Lin Xin mischievously took a peek at it, thinking that she was also exhausted, so she decided to rest today. She stopped thinking about it. She didn't want to, she didn't want to …

The two of them were on the sofa. Their feet casually knocked on the table. The sky outside gradually darkened, and the house seemed abnormally quiet. They could only hear the birds' cries and the sound of the steel wire being blown against the window. This time was truly precious.

Lin Feng had a dream.

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