Super Asura System/C24 Big harvest
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Super Asura System/C24 Big harvest
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C24 Big harvest

Zhao Yiming lied on the ground and panted heavily, pushing Iron Back Tiger King to the side with great difficulty. Iron Back Tiger King already had more air out than in, and was basically finished!

Zhao Yiming had just struggled to bring the Green Wave Blade back, intending to stab Iron Back Tiger King in the face. The system's voice rang beside his ears: "Congratulations, you killed Iron Back Tiger King! Having obtained 6000 experience points, the Host has met the requirements to level up. Would you like to level up now? "

Zhao Yiming immediately chose one as a familiar warmth flowed into his body. He felt like he had just been washed from the three warms. His entire body felt like it was in the upper echelons as he recovered to his peak condition!

"Congratulations, you have obtained the Heaven's End Low-rank Cultivation Technique, Tiger's Roar Zen Technique. Do you want to cultivate it now?"

Zhao Yiming was overjoyed, Heaven Rank Low-rank Cultivation Technique was his life insurance. He quickly chose to cultivate, and felt his head grow dizzy. By the time he regained his senses, he had already completely grasped the Tiger's Roar's meditation technique.

"Congratulations, you have successfully cultivated the Heaven's End Low-rank Cultivation Technique, Tiger's Roar Zen Technique. The current stage of entry level, Cultivation Method is a sonic attack, ignoring physical defenses! It could cause the opponent to feel dizzy, depending on the opponent's level!

Compared to someone an entire realm higher himself, the effect of the Cultivation Method was halved. The Cultivation Method would randomly produce effects when compared to someone two realms higher than the user. For people three great realms higher than them, this Cultivation Method is useless! "

Zhao Yiming was overjoyed at this turn of events. He never thought that this set of Cultivation Method would actually be an extremely rare sonic attack! This additional effect was too heaven defying. Even a sliver of a mistake in a battle was fatal.

And what was even more abnormal about this set of Cultivation Method was that it was effective against people of a higher level. This way, he would be able to gamble against enemies of two higher realms. If he were to win the bet, escaping wouldn't be a problem!

Iron Back Tiger King did not reveal anything else for Zhao Yiming, but was already very satisfied with the Tiger's Roar's meditation.

Zhao Yiming casually used a harvesting technique on Iron Back Tiger King's corpse. He never thought that Iron Back Tiger King would have such luck today. He had actually collected two items.

"Congratulations to the Host for obtaining a drop of Tiger King Blood Essence, congratulations on obtaining a Tiger Whip! Host's collection technique upgraded to Level 3, continue working hard! "

Zhao Yiming looked at the Tiger Whip that appeared in his hand with a depressed expression. He didn't know what he was going to do with this. He could only throw it into his bag!

The Tiger King Blood Essence was a good item, if Zhao Yiming could master the refining technique in the future. If that was the case, adding in the Tiger King Blood Essence, it could increase the grade of the weapon!

Zhao Yiming also packed Tiger King's fur into the bag. Inside the bag, there were already three Level Three Demon Beast's fur!

This thing could be sold for a huge sum of money. Although he did not know what he needed it for, it was still good to be prepared!

Zhao Yiming looked at the sky and decided to spend the night in the canyon! The second day, he crawled up early. Unfortunately, he seemed to have used up all of his good luck yesterday, and only a few Demonic Beast were found that day.

The disciples of the various families had already returned to the camp and handed over their jade pendants. Waiting for the final result, everyone was obviously very nervous!

Wang Jingxiang craned his neck to look around, but he did not see Wang Jian back for a long time. Wang Chen walked into the camp with a limp, and started crying loudly the moment he saw Wang Jingxiang!

Wang Chen cried loudly and said, "Family Head, you must take revenge for Young Lord! The people from the Li Family have secretly harmed the Young Lord and they even want to kill us to keep our mouths shut! The reason why I escaped with my life is so I can come back and report to Family Head! "

Wang Jingxiang immediately looked as if he was struck by lightning, and his face turned deathly pale in an instant. He grabbed Wang Chen's collar and shouted, "What did you say! What happened to Jian'er? "

Wang Chen cried as he said, "Young Lord was killed by Li Family's Li Xin. I saw it with my own eyes! At that time, we had a dozen brothers. Li Xin wholeheartedly wanted to kill us to silence everyone. The reason those brothers fought with their lives on the line was to get me to come back and report to the Family Head! "

Wang Jingxiang bellowed furiously at Li Yunsong, "Your Li Family sure has grown dog guts to actually dare to plot against my son. I will definitely fight to the death with your Li Family, and I will definitely seek justice for my son! "

Li Yunsong was not a timid person either. He shouted loudly: "Wang Jingxiang, don't spout nonsense. My son is only at the 8th level of Refinement Realm. How can he kill your son?"

Wang Jingxiang had also lost his mind from the anger just now, and now that he had calmed down, it was indeed true! He could not help but look at Wang Chen, who was kneeling on the ground!

Wang Chen said anxiously: "Family Head, I saw it with my own eyes! It's absolutely true! "

As everyone was talking, Li Xin led a few disciples back to the campsite! Wang Chen pointed at Li Xin and said: "He was the one who killed Young Lord, I am willing to use my life to guarantee it!"

Wang Chen's words were convincing, even though killing high-level experts was an extremely difficult thing to do! However, if it was a trap, it was not impossible!

Wang Jingxiang shouted in anger, "You little bastard, return my life to me!" He released the full might of a Qi Condensation cultivator at the seventh level of Qi Condensation, and his entire body was like a huge eagle as he flew through the air.

Li Yunsong's figure also flashed, and stood in front of Li Xin, blocking his way. He swung his palm, and the two palms collided. Waves of Qi spread in all directions. The disciples of various families were blown all over the place.

Zhang Wenchang suddenly waved his sleeves, and a wave of Qi-qi hit the two people's hands. Both of them let out muffled groans at the same time, and after retreating two steps, they looked at Zhang Wenchang in shock!

Although Zhang Wenchang seemed to be using some tricks, but the skills displayed were indeed real. It was obvious that they were above the two of them, causing their hearts to tremble!

Zhang Wenchang lowered his voice and said: "I ask that the matters of the two Family Head s be resolved later! Today is the deadline for the Hunting Convention, so please do not create new problems! "

Wang Jingxiang shouted harshly: "My son is a disciple of the Profound Sky Sword Sect, when the time comes, even the City Lord would not be able to afford it!"

Tao Wei lightly coughed from the side and said: "As far as I know, Young Master Wang is only an outer court disciple of Profound Sky Sword Sect. I think they shouldn't gather so many people just for such a disciple! "

Wang Jingxiang's face changed, Tao Wei was right! Profound Sky Sword Sect could not do anything for Wang Jian, it was only an outer disciple, if not eight of them would die that day.

Wang Jingxiang glared at Li Yunsong and said: "Let this little bastard go today. Regarding this matter, if you don't give me an explanation with your Li Family! "Then don't blame me for being impolite!"

Li Yunsong said in disdain: "Then our Li Family will wait to see how impolite your Wang Family is."

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