Super Asura System/C49 Emerging
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Super Asura System/C49 Emerging
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C49 Emerging

Pang Tianyun took out a black token and said, "Place a drop of Blood Essence on this token. From now on, this will be your command tablet. If you die outside, the sect will find out! "Where is your home?"

Jian Chenzi forced out a drop of Blood Essence and dripped it onto the order badge. The order badge released a red light, and Jian Chenzi's name appeared on it. He then said, "This disciple's homeland is the Banyan City!"

Pang Tianyun nodded his head noncommittally, "You need to keep that bamboo tablet properly. This will be your Profound Sky Sword Sect permit card from now on. It's also your counter. After you finish the sect's mission, the board will naturally record your points! Then you can use these points to exchange for what you want! "

Pang Tianyun closed his eyes as soon as he finished speaking. It was obvious that he didn't want to say anything else. Xue Ying still wanted to say something, but she tugged on her sleeve, respectfully bowed to Pang Tianyun, and turned to leave.

Pang Tianyun's eyes narrowed slightly. He was quite satisfied with Jian Chenzi's performance! He sighed to himself in his heart: "I hope that this time's Bamboo Peak will bring about a genius of its own!"

Jian Chenzi escorted Xue Ying all the way to Hundred Flowers Peak, and he finally returned to the Bamboo Peak by himself! Once again arriving in front of the thatched cottage, Cui Zhuzi was seated on a bamboo chair, drinking tea!

Jian Chenzi said respectfully: "Reporting to Master, I have already done everything. I wonder if Master still has anything else that I can help you with."

Cui Zhuzi shook his head, and took out a book of Secret Book s from the table: "This is our Profound Sky Sword Sect's basic sword technique, the three hundred and sixty forms of Heaven and Earth Rotation, take it and slowly cultivate! The Profound Sky Sword Sect based inner force recorded here should be of help to your cultivation! "

Jian Chenzi respectfully received the Secret Book, bowed his head and left! Even though Bamboo Peak was the weakest out of the nine peaks, that was only for true disciples! In the logistics department, it was not bad at all! There were hundreds of servants serving them both. There were also many beautiful female servants, but Jian Chenzi had completely ignored them!

The thing that Jian Chenzi was most satisfied with was the bamboo forest that was spread all over the mountains and plains. He especially liked to train in the bamboo forest. It was unknown whether it was because he had built a good foundation in the past, or because the spirit energy here was plentiful, but in just a short night's time, he had reached the Qi Condensation level. The newly added cyclone was still in the shape of a sword!

Jian Chenzi had started to practice his sword in the early morning. It had to be said that his talent in Sword Path was indeed astonishing. Although it was only the basic sword technique of Profound Sky Sword Sect, it was still at the top of the mortal world! Moreover, it was extremely complicated and complicated, but it was easy for him to train with it!

In a blink of an eye, seven days passed. Jian Chenzi's cultivation had already reached the fourth level of Qi Condensation! With regards to this progress, Cui Zhuzi was still rather satisfied.

Cui Zhuzi opened his mouth and said: "I never thought that you would actually accumulate all your resources, and raise your cultivation realm so quickly! He didn't even show the slightest intention of advancing. His foundation was quite stable! How is your practice of sword arts progressing? "

Jian Chenzi hesitated and said: "Disciple has pretty much finished cultivating it, but disciple thinks that there are still flaws in this sword technique! I hastily made some modifications, and hope that Master can punish me! "

Cui Zhuzi frowned: "You actually managed to discover a flaw in this sword technique. Tell me, how many places did you discover in total?"

Jian Chenzi lowered his head and said: "Disciple's knowledge is shallow, I don't know if it's right or wrong! I found a total of twenty-eight. "

Cui Zhuzi's eyes lit up, he knew that there was a problem with the basic sword technique! However, when he found out about it, his cultivation level was already very high. He was too lazy to modify this set of foundational sword techniques! However, he only discovered 20 of them. He didn't expect this brat to find another 8.

Cui Zhuzi immediately let Jian Chenzi demonstrate after he was done! Cui Zhuzi's eyes shone brightly, and he couldn't help but sigh inwardly, this guy's Sword Path Inherent Skill is really not bad! The modifications were perfect. He was a material that could be created!

But Cui Zhuzi did not show it on his face, and said to Jian Chenzi: "Your sword technique is very good, but this is just a basic sword technique, and the level is still low! Today, I will pass on two more sets of sword techniques to you.

Jian Chenzi quickly nodded his head and passed down the Gale Sword Technique and Rushing Thunder Sword Technique to him. These two sets of sword techniques pursued speed and power!

Jian Chenzi once again trained by himself in the bamboo forest, and after more than ten days of training. He felt that these two sword techniques were too cumbersome. In fact, there were many moves that could be changed; there was no need at all!

If it was a disciple of another peak, there would always be a master supervising them! Even if he had some ideas, he wouldn't recklessly try them out! It had become a habit over time to slowly strangle his own nature!

However, no one cared about Jian Chenzi in terms of Bamboo Peak at all. He could completely follow his own nature and freely display his own abilities.

After some improvements, these two sword techniques each had nine moves left!

While Jian Chenzi was continuing his practice, he discovered that the two sets of sword techniques were actually complementary to each other. After one move, he would naturally receive another sword technique's move!

Jian Chenzi began to try merging the two sets of sword techniques and using them to create new moves! He had actually created a brand-new sword technique after spending more than a month of effort. This sword technique had a total of thirty-six moves which he named the Gale Thunderbolt Sword Technique.

Furthermore, Jian Chenzi had also comprehended two profound mysteries from the Swift Wind Thunder Sword Technique, which caused the power of the sword technique to increase greatly! Unfortunately, his knowledge was still quite little and he had no way to estimate the grade of this sword technique.

Cui Zhuzi once again came to check on Jian Chenzi's progress, he never thought that this brat's cultivation level would actually soar like a rocket! Having been forcefully pushed to the eighth level of Qi Condensation, this progress was indeed astonishing.

Jian Chenzi said in fear: "Reporting to master and disciple, when they were training the two sets of sword techniques, they discovered that the sword techniques were too complicated! There were many moves that were useless, so the disciple had to cut them down! He had reduced each sword-art form to nine techniques, but later on had discovered that these two sword-arts could complement each other.

Disciple combined two sword techniques and created a new sword technique based on this foundation! Master, please take a look and see how your disciple is doing. "

Cui Zhuzi said with a straight face: "How can you be so ambitious, you have practiced every single sword technique so hard! How can you, a little brat, cut it so easily! Furthermore, what kind of sword technique do you want to create? Do you really think you are a Sword Path Grandmaster? However, since it has already been created, let me see it. "

After being scolded by Cui Zhuzi, Jian Chenzi's heart was also filled with unease! He secretly took a deep breath and began demonstrating!

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