Super Asura System/C9 Bullying
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Super Asura System/C9 Bullying
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C9 Bullying

Zhao Yiming's face revealed a sneer, and casually took out his iron blade. The two of them quickly began exchanging blows and exchanged a few blows with each other.

The more Zhao Junkun fought, the angrier he became. He suddenly shouted loudly, "You bastard, go and die! "Flame Slash." With that said, flames ignited on the Longsword, and it suddenly hacked out.

The spectators sucked in a cold breath of air and said, "I really didn't think that Zhao Junkun had actually mastered a Human Level Medium Grade martial art. That trash is dead for sure."

Zhao Yiming used Tracker Step, and his body flashed as he dodged the attack. He directly arrived in front of Zhao Junkun, and what Zhao Junkun had just said clearly meant that she wanted his life.

After a period of transformation, Zhao Yiming had become ruthless. But after considering the following Hunting Convention, it was not suitable for him to kill right now.

However, a death sentence was inevitable. He immediately used his Iron Finger Strength and broke Zhao Junkun's spine.

Zhao Junkun immediately collapsed onto the ground like a pile of mud. A pair of eyes was glaring at Zhao Yiming, but he himself was not as skilled as the other, so he had nothing to say!

Zhao Yiming continued to walk forward, and everyone unconsciously made way for him. No matter what, strong practitioners must be respected. This was the rule of the entire Divine Martial Continent!

Zhao Yiming came to the registration office and directly said to Elder Sha Xuan: "I want to register to participate in this session's Hunting Convention, please register for me!"

When Sha Xuan saw Zhao Yiming's ice-cold gaze, the bottom of his heart couldn't help but shiver! He quickly bowed and said: "Young Master being able to participate in this conference is truly great, I will immediately register it for you."

Just as Sha Xuan finished writing for Zhao Yiming, he heard a loud shout from afar, "Which bastard dared to injure my son?

An old man with a face full of hostility flew over from afar like a big bird. He arrived beside Zhao Junkun in the blink of an eye, and upon seeing Zhao Junkun's injuries, his face was immediately filled with killing intent.

Zhao Junkun reached out and grabbed the old man's sleeves, crying as he said, "Father, you must avenge me! It's that bastard Zhao Yiming that crippled me. "

Sixth Elder Zhao Baoshan couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this. In a short period of time, he could not remember whether there was still a young expert like Zhao Yiming on the Zhao Family.

Zhao Baoshan followed Zhao Junkun's finger and saw Zhao Yiming, who was standing in front of the registration area. When Zhao Baoshan saw that it was the useless Zhao Yiming, he felt that his entire knowledge had been overturned.

Zhao Baoshan looked at Zhao Yiming with a dark expression and said: "You're the one who crippled my son?"

Zhao Yiming nodded his head, this was within his expectations. Bringing out the young ones and the old ones was already a certain rule.

He knew that Zhao Yiming was the youngest son of the Family Head. However, because he was born to be a trash, he had never received any attention.

He knew how capable his son was. Since he was crippled by the opponent, it meant that the opponent should be a genius.

A trash Family Head would not care, but a genius would definitely receive the attention of the Family Head. If he wanted to avenge his son, today would be his only chance.

Zhao Baoshan gritted his teeth and said, "You actually dared to cripple my son. I don't care what kind of status you have, you must die!" As he spoke, he struck out with his palm.

Zhao Yiming was shocked, he never thought that the Sixth Elder would not care about his reputation, and would actually attack him the moment he appeared, and immediately activated Tracker Step to dodge the attack.

Zhao Baoshan's attack missed, and he was extremely surprised in his heart. But to kill Zhao Yiming, his heart, became even more determined! Now that the two sides had formed a feud, if he allowed the other side to grow up, he wouldn't be able to live a good life.

Zhao Baoshan shouted, "Empty Palm!" The air was filled with a biting wind that made sizzling noises. This gust of wind that landed on people's faces was like a steel knife that left a few small wounds.

Zhao Yiming was completely flustered this time, he did not expect the Sixth Elder to actually kill him. The power of this palm was enormous, and it was impossible to completely dodge it with just the Tracker Step.

With an explosive shout, he bit the iron-finger energy from his Steel Teeth. With a 'kacha' sound, the two fingers on his right hand were broken, and the remaining force was like an iron hammer that heavily smashed into his chest. He spat out a mouthful of blood and somersaulted over.

Zhao Yiming looked to be in a sorry state, and barely managed to crawl back up. His whole body was shaking, he had to grit his teeth to barely stand still. He could not help but think in his heart: "Qi Condensation Stage is indeed impressive, the Sixth Elder only has Triple Stage. It's not something that I can withstand. If it wasn't for the Tracker Step that reduced most of the force, I would have died just now. "

For Zhao Yiming to be able to block Zhao Baoshan's attack, it was a huge shock to everyone! Even in their dreams they would not have thought that this trash, who they could normally use as a target, not only would he cripple their Quintuple Stage, he would even block the attack of a Qi Condensation Stage expert.

Zhao Baoshan's face was ashen, and he shouted with a cold voice, "You little rascal, you do have some skill, to actually be able to withstand one of my attacks without dying. Then why don't you try taking another of my palms? "

Zhao Yiming hurriedly shouted at this time: "Sixth Elder, do you even have any shame! To think that you would use a third move to deal with a younger generation member at the Refinement Realm like me. Do you still have the face to stand at Banyan City like this? "

When the others heard this, they all deeply agreed. Zhao Baoshan also felt his old face turn red.

However, he was very determined to kill Zhao Yiming right now, and he said coldly: "This world respects the strong. Since my strength is stronger than yours, then accept your fate!"

Zhao Yiming thought that something was amiss, he never thought that this old fellow would actually not even bother with it!

This time, Zhao Yiming did not dare to meet it head on, and only activated the Tracker Step to its limit. He did not expect that in this life or death situation, Zhao Baoshan would actually let him break through to the Mastery Stage.

However, the difference in strength between the two sides was like a huge gap, and the Tracker Step at the Mastery Stage only managed to reduce the power of the Empty Palm by seventy percent. The remaining thirty percent still hit his body. He once again spat out a mouthful of blood and was sent flying for more than ten meters.

Fortunately, Zhao Yiming was wearing Plate Armor, and this palm strike directly shattered the impenetrable Plate Armor into pieces. But it also saved Zhao Yiming's life, he laid on the ground and panted a few times, then struggled to climb back up!

The entire drill grounds was silent. Everyone felt numb! No one would have thought that Zhao Yiming was actually this strong, to such an extent, to actually still be alive after receiving a blow from an expert in the Qi Condensation Stage!

Zhao Baoshan's brows tightly knitted as he looked at Zhao Yiming, who was about to run out of oil. A sinister look appeared on his face as he struck out with yet another Sky Clap Palm.

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