Super Scan/C4 Transaction succeeded
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Super Scan/C4 Transaction succeeded
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C4 Transaction succeeded

Xiang Tianze had only saved a thousand yuan in Yi Fu Bao's storage, so it could be downloaded ten times. Thus, he did not hesitate to download all the pictures of the ten diamonds that he had just scanned.

Actually, the size and quality of the ten diamonds Xiang Tianze scanned were different. According to the price quoted by the female shop assistant, the biggest diamond with the best quality would sell for as much as two million eight hundred thousand.

And the cheapest diamond was only priced at three hundred and sixty thousand.

Logically speaking, if a Energy Point was consumed at the same time, Xiang Tianze should have been able to repeatedly download the diamond with the highest value.

Only, Xiang Tianze was very clear that if the diamonds sold from his hands, no matter whether it was size or quality, all of the various numbers would be exactly the same. Even if he sold the diamonds in different places, he would still be in danger of exposing himself sooner or later.

As a result, out of caution, Xiang Tianze would rather earn less than others, than to leave behind such a hidden danger.

After putting the ten diamonds he downloaded into his pocket, Xiang Tianze hesitated for a moment before returning to the game store from before. He spent twenty dollars to buy a game bag. He found another empty corner and put the ten diamonds into the palm-sized bag. Then, he called for a taxi and headed straight for the city center.

It was already past ten in the morning, Xiang Tianze estimated that most of the shops would close by noon by now. So... He had to hurry and sell the ten diamonds he had just downloaded.

Once these ten diamonds were sold, Xiang Tianze would have a large amount of money in his account. Then, he could once again download a large amount of diamonds, or some priceless jewels like jade.

In this way, even if tonight, at 8 o'clock, the miraculous scanning software on his phone disappeared, he would at least be able to accumulate a large amount of wealth for his future.

Xiang Tianze had already quietly calculated, the ten diamonds in his hand, according to the previous female shop assistant's price, would have a total value of over eight million six hundred thousand.

He knew that it was impossible to sell these diamonds from his hands for this much, but even if they could sell for three to four million, it would still be equivalent to selling them as a Double Colored Ball prize! Whenever he thought of this, he couldn't help but feel the blood in his body boil.

Hai City was one of the top cities in the country. Although there were a variety of platinum diamond jewelry stores, there were still at least thirty to forty of them. This wasn't even counting the shelves of some large shopping malls. Most of these jewelry stores were located in the center of the city.

Xiang Tianze had never been to a jewelry shop before, so he did not know which jewelry shop in Hai Zhou had the best reputation and power.

Furthermore, time was of the essence, and he did not have the time to investigate these matters. As a result … After getting off the car at the downtown business street, he went straight to the nearest "Dafua Jewelry".

He was in a hurry to get the diamonds out of his hands. Naturally, he had to choose a relatively powerful jewelry store, otherwise, these diamonds would cost several million. A weaker jewelry store might have a hard time taking out that much money in one go!

This Dahua Jewelry looked good. The store was located in the golden commercial street of Haizhou. Its business area seemed to be at least 500 square meters. Moreover, there was a golden Taurus in the window at the entrance of the shop.

This golden bull wasn't small. Even if it was hollow, it would at least weigh a dozen kilograms of gold! From this, it could be seen that the owner of this shop was definitely rich and powerful …

It's here!

Xiang Tianze pinched the bag of diamonds in his pocket, then bravely walked in …

Soon after, Xiang Tianze experienced a series of twists and turns, and suffered a lot of eye rolling until he simply took out a five carat diamond. Only then did he suppress the middle-aged beauty shop manager, and the beauty shop manager used his phone to ask for permission before bringing Xiang Tianze to see Da Hua Jewelry Master.

The owner of the Da Hua Jewel was a man in his forties named Gao Zhe. When he saw the ten diamonds that Xiang Tianze had brought, he was very surprised. After that, he looked at Xiang Tianze strangely a few times before inviting the Jewelry Master over.

The Jewelry Master spent almost half an hour to appraise all of them, then whispered to Gao Zhe for a bit, and left.

"The quality of this batch of diamonds is still acceptable …"

Gao Zhe did not beat around the bush, and went straight to the point: "However, can little brother provide the invoices and authentication certificates for these diamonds?"

Xiang Tianze shook his head. Even though when he was at the jewelry store looking at diamonds, every diamond he saw had a certificate attached to it.

However … However, all the identification certificates had numbers on them. If he could download one of them as well, then it would be much easier for the boss to arouse suspicion if he searched according to the numbers. So Xiang Tianze thought about it, and decided not to scan the appraisal certificates. As for the invoice... Xiang Tianze had nowhere to go!

"Without an invoice and certificate, this is very troublesome!"

Gao Zhe leaned against the back of the sofa, his brows knitted tightly, as if he was in a difficult situation.

Xiang Tianze helplessly grinned, knowing that the other party was using this as an excuse to push the price down. However, there was nothing he could do, so he resigned himself to his fate and said, "That's the situation, but I can guarantee that these diamonds were not stolen or robbed. "Boss Gao, just tell me the truth. How much can you pay me?"

Gao Zhe grinned and said: "Hehe … You said it wasn't stolen or stolen, but the origin of these goods is unknown. How can I trust you? "After accepting this batch of goods, I will have to bear a great risk!"

Xiang Tianze shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you really don't believe me, I can't do anything about it. Anyways, just tell me if you want it or not! "

"I can accept it, but this price …" That's all I can give you. "

Gao Zhe thought for a moment, then casually made a "6" sign.

Xiang Tianze's eyes lit up. "Six million!"

Although he knew that these ten diamonds were worth close to eight million, he never thought that they would actually be sold at their original price. If he sold it for just over two million, that would be far more than he had expected.

"Are you kidding?!"

Gao Zhe curled his lips in disdain: "I said six hundred thousand!"


Xiang Tianze almost vomited blood when he heard this!

If it were not for the fact that he had to take out the diamonds this morning, he would have immediately packed up his own diamonds and left without a word!

And now … He already had no time to choose another jewelry company to discuss this business, so he could only resist the urge to slap Boss Gao in the face and grit his teeth while bargaining with this evil businessman.

After about half an hour, the two barely reached an agreement, and the deal was finally settled with a price of 1.2 million.

After that, Gao Zhe called for the treasury, and directly transferred the money into the account that Xiang Tianze provided.

If possible, Xiang Tianze would of course hope that the other party would pay in full for the money. That way, he could come and go without a trace and avoid a lot of trouble.

Unfortunately, today was the last day of the year, so how could there be so much cash in the jewelry store? If Xiang Tianze did not accept the bank transfer, the jewelry store would have to give him a cash cheque, which would be even more troublesome.

Fortunately, the jewelry shop's account and Xiang Tianze's bank card had the same bank, so the amount of money below 500 thousand could be transferred to the bank in real time.

Thus, the accounts were split into three, and finally all the 1.2 million was successfully transferred into Xiang Tianze's account.

Seeing the three consecutive notifications on his phone, Xiang Tianze couldn't help but be excited.

He made it! This bro has finally become a millionaire too...

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