Super Scan/C5 Software upgrade
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Super Scan/C5 Software upgrade
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C5 Software upgrade

The transaction was completed, but Xiang Tianze was not in a rush to leave. Instead, he asked Boss Gao for a look at the shop's treasures, and also said that there might be a possibility of cooperation between the two sides next time.

Boss Gao's eyes immediately lit up when he heard that there was a chance for cooperation. This time, the diamonds he had received from Xiang Tianze were several times cheaper than through other channels. If there were more of this kind of good news, he naturally wouldn't want to miss it.

At this time, the store was about to close for the day. Boss Gao still needed to pack up and prepare to go home for the new year. This time, he was a little impatient towards Xiang Tianze's request, but thinking that he might be able to receive more goods from Xiang Tianze in the future, he could only patiently call the shop manager over, and have his bring Xiang Tianze to take a look at the high quality jewelry and jade artifacts.

The shop manager knew that Xiang Tianze and his owner had successfully negotiated a big business deal, to the point that he did not dare to underestimate Xiang Tianze. He could only try his best to fulfill some of Xiang Tianze's demands.

Following that, Xiang Tianze used around half an hour to scan some expensive jewellery in the shop. It was only when the shop was about to close that he left Dafua Jewelry its place, feeling somewhat unsatisfied. However, before he left, he took a few jewelry boxes with him.

In this half an hour, Xiang Tianze had not wasted his efforts. He scanned all kinds of precious necklaces, rings, bracelets, jade pendants, etc. In this way, if he were to use the download function to earn more money, there wouldn't be only the single diamond item.

After a busy morning, he felt a bit hungry, but time was running out. Even if he had the money, he did not have the time to go to the restaurant.

After buying some snacks from a bakery, he took a taxi back home.

As soon as he entered the house, Xiang Tianze took out his phone and prepared to download crazily. Even if he didn't download all 1.2 million, he would at least download a million. Otherwise... He might not even be able to make it past this village!

However, before Xiang Tianze could open Soul-Sweeping software, he heard his phone suddenly ring.

The phone call was from Xiang Tianze's little aunt. Seeing that, Xiang Tianze hesitated a little before pressing the answer button.

"Little aunt, I was still thinking of calling you in the evening. "Since you called first, I'll pay my respects to you in advance — Auntie, happy new year!"

"You damned child, what early years are you worshipping? Didn't you say that you would come to my aunt's house this year to celebrate the new year? What time is it? Why don't you hurry up and die? "

"Little aunt, I …" Forget it! It's good for me to celebrate the new year at home, so you don't have to worry about me! "

"Can I not worry? That little shitty house you're renting, can it even be counted as a home? You said... You celebrate the new year by yourself. Then let me ask you, what kind of new year fairs did you do? How are you going to spend your year? Okay now... I'll give you an hour to hurry over to auntie's. I'll expect you to help me make dumplings later tonight! Snowy, Little Shan, and the others are all so stupid. If you don't come, then I'll have to take care of it myself! "

"Ugh …" Fine! But I have a few things to do here... It might be a little later. "

"Sure …" As long as you can come, it's fine.

After hanging up the phone, Xiang Tianze could only shake his head helplessly. He only had Little Aunt as his only family in the Hai City, and Little Aunt had always been good to him as well. But... His little aunt's family was not as enthusiastic about him, a poor relative from the countryside.

Little Aunt's family situation was not that good, but it was possible that the townspeople had a natural sense of superiority. Xiang Tianze's cousin always looked down on this cousin of his.

Her uncle's attitude towards Xiang Tianze was still alright, at least on the surface he looked alright, but the arrogance in his bones was hard to conceal.

Xiang Tianze also had a man's pride, so... No matter how miserable he got! Even if he was the only one who could stay in the rented room and enjoy the New Year, he couldn't be bothered to go to his little aunt's house and look at his cousin's and cousin's supercilious expressions.

However, Xiang Tianze also knew that it would be difficult to be stuck between the two of them. If his parents were to find out that their son wasn't going to his family for the New Year at Hai City, it would be hard to avoid having some opinions about his little aunt.

Fortunately, Xiang Tianze had some confidence now. At least if he went to the Little Aunt's house, his hands would not be empty.

Even if he felt uncomfortable staying there, he would only stay half a night at most. After finishing the New Year's Eve dinner, Xiang Tianze would definitely come back to stay.

Since he had already decided to spend the New Year at his little aunt's house, Xiang Tianze definitely could not waste time any longer. He didn't even have time to eat the bread he bought previously. He immediately opened his phone's Blessed Destroyer software and typed out the images he scanned one by one.

He took a quick look and realized that normal rings and the like were still fine. Almost just one Energy Point could download one. As for necklaces and bracelets, they would usually require three to ten Energy Point to download, and the value of these things were usually not even one tenth of a diamond.

Fortunately, Xiang Tianze had over a million in his account, so he wasn't lacking anything. He immediately prepared to download several tens or even a hundred of different jewelry first.

However, when he chose a jade bracelet to download, another page suddenly popped up on his phone, which read: [The maximum number of downloads has been reached today (10 times). Please download it tomorrow, or upgrade the software to get more privileges.]

You're already at the download limit? Originally … This scanning software could only be downloaded ten times a day!

Seeing that, Xiang Tianze was surprised, but when he saw the levelling up system notification, he immediately became alert.

What he was worried about the most was this Blessed Sweeper software. After 8 o'clock tonight, with the end of the easy to pay treasure gathering, it was very likely that it would disappear.

But... If this software could still be upgraded, then wouldn't it be kept forever?

Seeing that the word "Upgrade" in the prompt was marked red, Xiang Tianze then tried clicking on the two words.

A new dialog box popped up on the screen:

[Upgrade now], [Cancel].

Sure enough, after the upgrade, the scanning and downloading system would disconnect from the original mobile software. As a result … Naturally, it was impossible for Yi Fubao to turn off the Gatherer event, so the scanning and downloading functions in the phone disappeared with it.

As for the meaning behind the soul binding … Xiang Tianze was not too clear about this at the moment.

But... When Xiang Tianze saw that the energy consumption for levelling up was actually as high as 10,000 points, he was immediately dumbfounded!

One Energy Point was equivalent to a hundred yuan worth of RMB. These ten thousand Energy Point, wouldn't it cost a million!

F * ck … Xiang Tianze instantly felt that he had been tricked!

It wasn't easy for him to sell it for 1.2 million, but now, it was going to be taken away by the system by one million! This is simply … It was the exploitation of bare fruits!

However, even though he was reluctant to part with the one million yuan that he had just obtained, it was still not enough.

However, when he thought about it … As long as he paid the price of one million yuan, he would be able to use the mysterious scanning and downloading system's function in the future. Thus, he gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and clicked on the [Upgrade immediately] option!

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