Sword Romance In Jianghu/C1 The Autumn Wind Is Bleak the Swaddling Clothes Wreak Havoc at the Mountain Gate
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Sword Romance In Jianghu/C1 The Autumn Wind Is Bleak the Swaddling Clothes Wreak Havoc at the Mountain Gate
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C1 The Autumn Wind Is Bleak the Swaddling Clothes Wreak Havoc at the Mountain Gate

The morning bell and evening drum. Along with the autumn wind, the Shaolin Buddhist voice traveled thousands of miles. The cold wind was bleak and the baby wept. It was originally swaddling in swaddling clothes and causing trouble at the mountain gate.

The story happened at the end of the Jiajing period. Shaolin had experienced the catastrophe seven years ago, but it had been destroyed. However, after these few years of reconstruction, he had already recovered his former dignity. It was autumn, and the cold wind was shivering. The sun was setting in the west, and it was peaceful and peaceful.

In the setting sun, the newly appointed abbot of Shaolin, Master Wuxiang, was bringing the monks to the evening class. At this moment, a young monk hurriedly ran in. "Abbot, we found a baby outside the temple. He's still crying. "

"What!? Baby, follow me to take a look. " Abbot stood up and walked towards the mountain gate. When he came to the door, he found a baby still swaddling on the ground. Maybe he was hungry, or maybe he was frozen by the bleak cold wind and was crying nonstop.

The abbot quickly walked a few steps to the front of the baby and lifted him up. The baby's small face was already covered in tears as he looked at it. He looked around but did not find anyone.

"Amitabha, it seems like this baby was abandoned here. "

"That's right, senior brother. I looked around just now and did not find anyone. I'm afraid that another poor family could not afford to raise this child, so I abandoned this child here. We should quickly hug him tightly and get him some food. Look, this child is probably hungry. "

" Mm, alright then. Let's go back. " As he spoke, he carried the child back to the temple. And just as they walked back, a woman walked out from the corner of the monastery's wall. She was dressed in white and was made of silk. Her skin was tender and fair. One look and one could tell that she was a wealthy person.

Her eyes were still filled with tears as she watched the monks carry the child in. She muttered to herself, "Yunxuan. . . Mother has let you down. Mother has no other choice. You must forgive Mother. Mother will come and see you in the future. After saying that, he wiped his tears and turned around to leave.

It seemed like this woman abandoned her child here. However, she wasn't born in a poor family, so why would she abandon her child here? Could it be that there was something that was difficult to say?

After the monks carried the child back, they looked at his small face and liked him very much. "Senior Brother Abbot, how should we deal with this child?"

"How about this? It's empty. " As he spoke, he looked at the small monk beside him and called out.

"Yes, Master. "

"En, take this child down and feed him some rice soup. He might have been frozen outside for a long time. Let him warm up first, then give him a bath. "

"Yes, Master. " He took the child and left.

"Leave this child to me to take care of first. He is meticulous and I think it is more suitable to take care of the child. When he becomes sensible, I'll hand him over to the other junior brothers as disciples. "

"Mm, now that's all we can do. " After saying that, the two monks continued to recite the scriptures with the other monks.

After some time, Kong brought the child to the kitchen in Shaolin Temple and found some porridge for him. He fed the child little by little with a spoon. After the child ate the porridge, he stopped crying. He brought the child to his own room and covered the child with a blanket to warm him up. During this period of time, he had been watching the child from the side. This child was very cute and chubby. When he didn't cry, it was very fun. Every time he saw him, he would be happy. This made him very happy.

The child was warm under the dust-covered blanket and slowly fell asleep. It was very late and the monks also went to rest. Abbot and the head of the Discipline Department, Wuchen, went to an empty room.

"I'm free. How is the child?"

"In reply to Master, the child is fine now. I fed him some rice soup. He doesn't cry anymore. Sometimes, he even smiles at me. "

"En, this means that this child is fated with you. Wuchen and you, Martial Uncle, plan to let you take care of this child. Are you willing?"

"Yes, I am willing. I will definitely take good care of him. "

"Amitabha. Good, good, good. Then take good care of him. It was getting late. You should rest early too. Give him a bath tomorrow. "

"En. Master and Martial Uncle should also rest early. " The two monks looked at the sleeping child and nodded. Then, they turned around and left the empty meditation room to return to their own meditation room.

The next day, when they were free, they woke up early and ran to the kitchen to prepare food for the child. This night, they had been busy for quite a while, pulling and peeing. Only in the morning did he let the time be so that he could sleep peacefully. The child started to cry again after sleeping for a while. If he was free, he would probably be hungry. So he went to find some food for him.

"Oh my God, children are really hard to take care of. Don't look at how fun it is when you don't cry. But when you're torturing me, I really can't take it. " After some time, he finally stopped crying and sat down on the bed.

"I'm free. How was the child this whole night?"

"Master, I didn't really sleep that night. It was really hard to take care of the child. "

"Hehe, you were careful. That's why we gave the child to you. You have to bear this pain. Don't let me down. "

"I know, Master. Don't worry. I will take him to take a bath in a while. "

"Okay, go. "

"Yes, Master," Wang Yao said. As he spoke, he carried the child out and prepared to give him a bath.

When he was free, he brought a large bathtub and poured some water. After testing the temperature of the water to see if it was appropriate, he took off his clothes and prepared to bathe the child. Just as he took off the child's shirt, he accidentally saw a tattoo on the child's left arm. He carefully looked at the tattoo. It looked like a sword. "How could there be a tattoo on the child's arm? And it looks like a sword. It seems like this child is not a child from a commoner's house. After you give him a bath, I have to report this matter to Master. As he speaks, he takes off the child's clothes and pants and starts taking a bath. After he finished bathing, he placed the child on the bed and went to find Abbot.

"Master, disciple has something to report. "

"Amitabha. What is it that you are free?"

"It's like this master. I saw a tattoo on the child's left arm, and it was a treasure sword. So I thought that this child might not be a child of an ordinary commoner, so I specially came to report to master.

Hearing Kong say this, the two old monks also became curious, so they followed him to see the child. When they arrived at the empty meditation room, they took off the child's clothes and revealed his left arm. It didn't matter if he didn't reveal his left arm, but when he revealed his arm, the two old monks were stunned on the spot.

"Master, what happened to the two of you, Uncle-Master?"

"It's the Azure Dragon Heaven-cleaving Sword!!!"

"That's right, it's indeed the Azure Dragon Sword! Who in the world threw this child here? Why is there an Azure Dragon Sword tattoo on his left arm? Could it be that he's related to Yang Duan Tian?"

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