Sword Romance In Jianghu/C12 An Eminent Monk Who Had Passed away Was like a Family Member Who Had Left Him
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Sword Romance In Jianghu/C12 An Eminent Monk Who Had Passed away Was like a Family Member Who Had Left Him
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C12 An Eminent Monk Who Had Passed away Was like a Family Member Who Had Left Him

Not long after that night, Liao Yuan went to the forbidden area to find the circle magic as usual, but no one answered him even after he knocked on the door many times.

He was very curious. "This is the time when I came to practice martial arts. Senior is waiting for me at this time every day. Is he not here this time? He shouldn't be here. Could it be!? " When he thought of this, his heart suddenly raised. He recalled that Yuan Fa had told him half a year ago that he would soon die in this world. Could it be that something had really happened? Thus, he pushed open the door of the pagoda.

The old man with a wrinkled face was still in his sight. However, the difference this time was that he was sitting there with his eyes closed. Liao Yuan called him senior a few more times, but he still did not reply. He quickly went to the front of the circle and checked his pulse. He found that the circle was no longer breathing, and there was a letter beside it.

"Senior, why did you leave just like that?! Junior has yet to repay you for your teaching. " As he spoke, he fell to his knees with a plop, tears immediately flowing down his face.

Although the person in front of him wasn't his master, Yuan Fa had taught him everything he had learned throughout his life, as well as all kinds of Buddhist scriptures that he couldn't see in Shaolin Temple over the years. Furthermore, they got along very well with each other. Although Liao Yuan had been criticized by Yuan Fa many times, However, Liao Yuan had already regarded him as his master, as well as his own family. His departure was like the departure of his loved ones. The heart-wrenching pain made him feel that the world was big, but he would never see his most respected and respected loved one.

Liao Yuan cried in front of Yuan Fa for a while before he picked up the letter and read it. Liao Yuan, I am about to die. This is also the end of our relationship. Don't be sad, there will always be a time when people die. Not to mention that I am close to a hundred years old, and that is enough for me to live for the rest of my life. The only thing I am worried about is you. . . Even though you're smart and your martial arts skills are hard to match, you've always been growing up in Shaolin. You've only heard of the dangers of the Pugilistic World, but you haven't seen it. I hope you'll be more careful when you step into the Pugilistic World in the future. You must not easily listen to other people's words. This is also the reason why I told you about the martial world.

Half a year ago, I could already tell that you are no longer the young monk Liao Yuan from before. The Qi that you are emitting is somewhat different from before. Although you have tried your best to conceal that Qi, I am sure that I have experienced it before. I can still tell that you have some killing intent.

You have been cultivating hard in Shaolin every day, but you are still able to produce this faint killing intent. I believe that you must have a grudge against me for killing you. Although I won't follow the rules like the other monks and stop you from taking revenge. . . However, Buddhism talks about the salvation of all living beings and compassion. I hope that when you embark on the path of revenge in the future, you can always remind yourself to be merciful. Unless absolutely necessary, you must not kill indiscriminately. A man should never be ruthless when doing things, and that was the end of fate. Giving someone else a path at the right time was giving himself a path. Don't let the hatred in your heart destroy your conscience. If that happens, I am worried that you will fall into the devil path and be eternally doomed.

In the end, I still want to tell you that you must find the Sarira Pearl. This is your responsibility after learning martial arts. This road is full of thorns and thorns. You must always maintain good intentions in your heart, only then will you have the protection of the gods and turn bad luck into good.

After reading the letter, Liao Yuan was filled with emotions. Originally, he did not dare to tell Yuan Fa about his hatred. He was afraid that Yuan Fa would stop him, so he tried his best to hide his killing intent, but was still discovered by Yuan Fa. But I didn't expect that since he didn't stop me. . . This made Liao Yuan extremely grateful. After putting away the letter, he packed up everything in the pagoda and slowly left the pagoda. He gently closed the door. He began to practice outside by himself.

However, the pain of parting made him unable to calm down. The scenes of the past kept appearing in front of his eyes. He had secretly made food for him. The two of them sat together and fed him mouthful by mouthful. In winter, when he was cultivating outside, the old monk would prepare thick clothes for him to resist the cold. Also, the old monk always liked to coax him to play with him when he was cultivating. All of this seemed to have happened yesterday.

He decided not to practice martial arts anymore. Instead, he went to the front of the pagoda door and knelt down before it. Senior, I will guard your spirit tonight. I hope that you can walk well and reach paradise as soon as possible.

And so, he knelt down in front of the tower gate and said, Senior, I will guard your spirit tonight. Liao Yuan didn't close his eyes for the whole night. It was almost dawn, and it was time for him to leave. But when he wanted to stand up, he found that his legs were numb and couldn't stand up anymore. He sat there for a long time before he slowly stood up and returned to his meditation room.

Although the Circulatory Cycle Revolution was over two years later, Liao Yuan was already used to practicing martial arts under this tower. Two years had passed very quickly. Half a year ago, he had already consumed the last Twelve Zodiac Pill and had gone through half a year of study. His martial arts improved day by day. He had already mastered Shaolin's seventy-two ultimate techniques and Phaseless Art. The reason why he did not leave was to wait for his mother to return here.

However, half a year had passed and his mother had not sent a single message. He knew that his mother might have already been killed. This made him even more furious, and he swore to find the real culprit.

On this day, Liao Yuan was studying poison in the Medicine King Manor. Yu Kong hurriedly ran in. "Junior brother, so you are here. "

"What are you doing, Senior Brother? Why are you in such a hurry to find me?"

"Master told me to come and find you. He told you to go to the main hall. "

"What's the matter?"

"It's like this. Two distinguished guests from Shaolin came today, and they were paid five thousand taels of sesame oil at once. Your Buddhist cultivation base is the highest among us brothers. Therefore, the abbot wants you to go and entertain these two distinguished guests. "

"Who are they? How can they be so generous?"

"They are two young masters. One of them is elegant and elegant, and the other is a young master with a handsome and strange face. I don't know who they are either. I've never seen them before. This should be the first time I've come here. "

" Since it's the abbot's summon, let's go. " As he spoke, he went in front of the Medicine King Manor's chief and greeted him before walking towards the main hall with Kong.

Before they could enter the hall, the sound of fighting could be heard. The two of them looked at each other and knew that something had happened, so they hurriedly walked towards the hall. But when they rushed there, they found the abbot, the disciples, and the two young masters fighting with some masked men. "What's going on?" Liao Yuan looked at the sky curiously.

"I don't know either. I was fine when I left just now. How did it become like this?"

As they were talking, the battle slowly came to an end. Several masked men were subdued and captured by Shaolin monks one by one.

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