Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C11 Kungfu
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Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C11 Kungfu
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C11 Kungfu

After a few minutes, I recovered a little. The old man brought me a basin of hot water and told me to quickly wipe my face with a towel. I had something to do in the hall later.

By the time I got to the lobby, clean and clean, the old man had already hung a painting on the wall.

"Come pay your respects to the ancestor!" The old man urged.

I quickly ran over and looked up, and saw that there was everything in the painting. Besides the Three Purities and Four Imperial Guards, there was also Tathagata the Buddha, as well as the eighteen Arhats and the Bodhisattvas.

The eight statues painted on the top were dressed differently from the other gods. They all looked like they were wearing robes, and their hair was similar to barbarians.

According to the old man, those people were the ancestor masters of the Shaman Sect. They represented the yin and yang of the yin and yang, the yin and yang of wind, rain, lightning, and thunder.

"Why are there so many people in this painting?" I asked, a little puzzled.

"That's more than enough?" The old man laughed, "If all of the ancestor masters were to be drawn out, this wall wouldn't be able to fit them all!"

"Buddhist, Taoist, Witch …" I scratched my head. "We have to pay our respects to the ancestors of the three religions?"

"You're just a kid!" Why are you blabbering so much?! " The old man frowned and said impatiently, "Your father asks you to do so! Kneel down! Kowtow and thank Ancestor for your teachings! "

Even I didn't dare dawdle after being yelled at by the old tutor. I knelt down towards the portrait with a thump.

"As long as I wave my hand, you will kowtow, do you understand?" the old man asked me.

I nodded. "Understood!"

The old man took out a Gongxiang and lit it up. Then, he respectfully paid his respects to the portrait and placed it into the censer.

"Shen Shian of the Shen family, I am listening to the teachings of the ancestor."

As soon as I said that, the old man waved his hand, and I kowtowed without hesitation.

When I had finished kowtowing, he lit another stick of incense and stood still facing the portrait, mumbling to himself.

"Fellow grandmasters, come to the hall and speak of Dharma and Dharma erratic ways." (TL: Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma Dharma.)

"The Dao Sovereign's Spiritual Light is extremely high, the Buddhist family is vast and boundless."

"I kowtow to become your disciple. My ancestor has something to say …"

When I said this, the old man waved his hand and I kowtowed again.

"I bow to the gods and men of this world."

The old man waved his hand and I kowtowed.

"Second bow to Martial Ancestor with a kind heart."

The old man waved his hand again, and I continued to kowtow.

"Three Bows True Art to Penetrate Yin and Yang."

When he said till here, for some reason, the burning speed of the Gongxiang that had just been inserted into the incense burner by the old man had suddenly increased.

It was as if someone was blowing on a Gongxiang.

"Four kowtows for wind, rain, thunder, and lightning."

After every sentence, I would be the first to speak.

At this moment, the old man slowly turned around. Holding the Gongxiang in his hand, he started circling around my head.

"The point of magic is spiritual wisdom, the three lights are created by the Tao. The Buddhist magic is immeasurable, and it is natural to bring disaster and blessings."

"Dealing with others will solve our problem. Do not have a vicious heart. Money is easy to obtain. Greed will bring disaster upon yourself."

"If a man does good deeds, a tree will bear good fruits. If a man is evil, then he will be punished."

"Disciple will remember the teachings of the ancestor. Once you practice magic, you will see for yourself the rest of the world."

By the time the old man finished chanting, the Gongxiang in the censer had already been completely burnt.

Seeing this scene, the old man shot me a look and said in a low voice, "Kowtow three times in a row, for a sound!"

After saying that, he inserted the Gongxiang in his hand into the censer and stared at me without blinking.

The moment I heard the old man say he would "ring", I didn't dare to take advantage of him. Gritting my teeth, I kowtowed three times. My forehead was purple, causing me to gasp in pain.

Hearing that extremely pleasant sound, the old man smiled in relief, but the more I looked at his expression, the more I felt that he was gloating.

"Shen Shian, the younger generation of the Shen family, please bestow this immortal pill to me. With this elixir in your mouth, you will gain great fortune."

The old man recited a few more words in a completely mysterious manner. Then, he took out a black object from his pocket, saying that it was the Shen family's secret 'pill'. Eating it would attract the good fortune of all five sides.

I didn't think too much and swallowed it.

Although the shape of the pill was slightly unique, not a perfectly round one. It looked like a rolled up piece of skin, but the taste was still quite good. It was just that it was sour and sweet like that …

"Master, what's this pill?" I asked curiously.

When he heard me ask this, the old tutor immediately rolled his eyes, "A simple reprimand, that's the skin of a fruit."

After receiving this answer, I was a little stunned and couldn't react. I asked in a daze, "Didn't you say that it was an immortal pill?!"

"Just tell me what you want. What are you looking for?" This daddy will rub some mud from my body to make you a celestial pill, do you want it? " The old man looked at me with disdain as he spoke.

I stopped talking and looked at the old man helplessly. I felt that no matter how I looked at him, this old man was unreliable.

"You can now be considered a member of the Shen family. There are some things that you are qualified to meddle in." As the old man spoke, he slowly walked up the stairs and said without looking back, "Help me hang up a lantern later."

"Hanging lanterns?" I was stunned. "What lantern?"

The old man didn't give me an answer before he disappeared. After two minutes, he walked down the stairs with a Red Lantern the size of a thermos in his hand.

The lamp was not made of paper, it looked a little like animal leather. If you looked closely, you could see pores, but they were only red.

There were also many patterns drawn on it in black ink. Most of the patterns were in the shape of a beast, and there was a large "Shen" written on the front.

Hanging under the lantern was a string of copper bells. When he looked closer, he realized that all of them were statues with heads. There were a total of eighteen of them.

These bronze bell statues seemed to be full of spirit, and the expressions on each of their faces were vividly carved out. There were men, women, old, and young, and they all had different appearances, but all of their expressions were the same.

The faces of all the statues were written with the word "pain." Their eyes were wide open and their mouths were wide open, as if they were asking us for help. The more they looked, the more terrifying they became.

"This lantern looks a little demonic …" I frowned.

"This is the Shen family's lantern, and also the Shen family's signboard." As the old man spoke, he passed the lantern to me. "If a person is still alive, the lantern in front of the door will hang as long as the members of the Shen family are not all dead."

"What's the use of hanging this lantern?" I curiously asked, "You can't possibly just hang out and play, right?"

"This is for people." The old man smiled, "Go hang it up and you'll know what's useful."

Hearing that, I didn't ask any further questions and headed out of the room with the lantern in my hand.

At first I was wondering, where would it be appropriate to hang the lantern?

As a result, the moment I stepped out of the door, I looked up and saw the big iron hook by the door frame. Almost subconsciously, I raised my hand and hung the Red Lantern on it.

At this moment, the night wind blew, and the eighteen bronze bells hanging from the lanterns also chimed.

I don't know if it was my imagination or something.

When the bell rang, I didn't hear any sound that could be associated with it.

All I could hear was the faint, drifting sound of laughter.


The laughter was not from one or two people, but from a group of people.

"Master!" I hastily ran back into the house and shouted, "That bell won't ring!"

"Did you laugh?" the old man asked me.

I subconsciously replied, "I smiled."

"Alright then." The old tutor lit a cigarette and continued smoking with a calm expression, "If you're smiling, then it's proof that the lantern is not broken. Just you wait. Those youngsters will be coming to greet me soon."

"Those youngsters?" I reacted in an instant as I asked, "Are you talking about the falling division who came to Old Street to look for the books?"

"Yeah." The Old Master laughed, "Didn't I agree to Old Chen? I have to get rid of those youngsters! "

"What if those people don't listen to you?" I asked tentatively.

The old tutor calmly said as he took a drag from his cigarette, as if he didn't feel the slightest bit of pressure.

"As long as I still have one breath left, there won't be anyone who won't listen to my words."

With that, the old man's expression gradually turned cold as he looked in the direction of the door and spoke.

"The old street isn't big, but we can't allow them to be presumptuous …"

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