Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C18 Antecedents
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Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C18 Antecedents
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C18 Antecedents

The village we were heading to could not be considered close to the provincial capital. It was only at dusk that Zhou Zhiguo finally spoke to me about the village.

The parking place was a ditch at the foot of a barren mountain. There was not a single trace of human life in the area, and even the shabby old wooden house that I had imagined was nowhere to be seen.

I asked, didn't I say to enter the village? Why did he stop the car at the foot of the mountain?

Zhou Zhiguo seemed to understand the situation better, and upon hearing my question, he explained that the mountain was not safe, and that it would be best if they could wait until the sun rose tomorrow before climbing the mountain.

"F * ck!" The old man cursed as soon as he got off the car, flapping his mosquitoes non-stop. "Mosquitoes can even fly in this weather! It was really f * cking hectoring! "

As he scolded, the old man lit a cigarette and waved it at me, "Let's go! Accompany me to the toilet! "

Hearing this, I realized that the old man probably had something to say to me, so I agreed without thinking.

When I followed the old man into the woods, he asked me, "What did the kids say in the car?"

"Are you curious?" I asked, smiling.

"No." The old man frowned and said, "It's one thing for us to do our own work, but having someone above us to follow us is another."

I nodded and turned my head back without any change in my expression. After confirming that no one had followed me, I said to the old man, "They said that they needed your help in a lot of areas. They also said that they wanted to preserve the body of the five blessings as much as possible …."

"As expected, this amount of money is hard to earn." The old man grinned, his smile extremely ugly, "It's already good that we can get rid of the five blessings, and still want to protect their bodies as much as possible?"

"Master, didn't you have to deal with the five blessings before?" I cautiously asked, "Is it really that difficult to clean them up and leave their corpses behind?"

"Difficult." The old man said very straightforwardly, "If you want to get rid of the five blessings, then you must first disperse their souls. After that, the five elements qi in five blessings's body will scatter and turn into ashes on the ground …"

"Little Grey?" I couldn't help but laugh, my shoulders shaking.

"F * ck!" That's what it means! " The old man slapped me on the neck and said impatiently, "It's impossible to protect their bodies anyways. We can't help you with that."

When he said here, the old man put on his pants and smiled, "But this matter has already reminded me, as long as we are careful, we can fish out some benefits from the five blessings's body."

"What benefits?" I asked quickly.

"Don't even think about keeping the five blessings's body. If we can't keep it, then we can't keep it either. After being stuck in there for so many years, it would be bad luck for us to keep it." The old tutor chuckled, "The benefits I've said are all in suppressing their coffins."

I listened with interest, not daring to interrupt.

"The coffins that suppressed five blessings, each mouthful was nailed with eight coffin nail, five coffins and one coffin, that makes forty." The old man rubbed his palms together, looking extremely excited: "In the hands of others, these coffin nail can be used to exorcise ghosts and suppress evil, but in our hands …"

"It can also be used to exorcise ghosts and suppress evil?" I asked tentatively.

The old man didn't say anything, but slapped him again, saying snappily, "Suppressing evil my ass! This can be used to harm people! "

"Harm?" I looked at the old man in confusion. "What harm?"

"These coffin nail are not ordinary, they are all made from the standard Thunderclap Peach Tree, in each coffin nail, there is even a golden line buried, both ends are sealed with white jade, and the top and bottom are engraved with the Five Blessed Curses …"

"After absorbing the five elements qi for so many years, and stained with the blessing of many living people, these coffin nail can already be considered magic tools." The old man smiled, "They can be used as the eye of the formation, to repel evil spirits. It can be said that it is always a success, and as long as we use them correctly, these coffin nail can still ruin the other party's family's luck, which is the standard way to kill them without seeing blood …"

"How do I use it?" I asked curiously.

"There are many uses for it, the most common one is the Qi Breaking Meridian." The old man smiled, "You wouldn't understand even if you talked too much. It's just talk on paper. I'll give you a demonstration when I get the chance and then I'll slowly teach you."

I nodded, as if I understood something. I didn't ask any further and just followed the old man back.

On the way, I suddenly remembered the figure that I saw that night, so I couldn't help but ask: "Master, when you were negotiating with Wang Shenghai that day, the eighteen figures that appeared on the ground should be the Eighteen Scoundrels, right?"

The old man nodded and said, "Yes."

"Are the eighteen sinners?" I asked carefully.

"No." The old man shook his head. "Although they look similar to wrongdoings, in detail, they can only be considered a special kind of magical equipment."

With that, the old man suddenly stopped walking and turned around to look at me.

At that time, the old man's expression was very complicated. He suddenly asked me, "Do you know how these sinners were made out of?"

"How do you make it?" I asked.

"Without affecting the nature of the soul, take out a portion of the three souls and seven souls of the deceased, add in the remaining life force in their bodies, and use a secret technique to refine them for forty-nine days …" The old man smiled and said, "The hardest part is taking out the soul. Only we, the Shen family, can take the soul without harming it, and the soul without harming it …"

The old tutor snorted coldly as his expression grew ugly.

"The method of refining Fallen Sons by the Shen family has been spread out before, but this piece of soul collecting method can't be spread out. If this piece of soul isn't taken according to the method of the Shen family, then there must be a scattered soul." The old man continued, "Those falling division s who have refined Fallen Seed can only use it, but they can't do anything about it. They don't even know how many people's souls have been destroyed before they were refined!"

"Our Shen family... It was also refined using someone's soul? " I asked tentatively.

The old man shook his head and said, "No, even if the method we use to retrieve the soul is unique and won't cause any damage to the soul, we can't use other people's soul to refine it."

"That's …"

"Eighteen evil sons, all of them were taken from the ancestors of our Shen family." The old tutor spoke very calmly, the smile on his face held a sense of pride or honor.

According to the old man, every generation's Sect Master must donate a portion of his soul after his death before he can be reincarnated.

"A person's soul can only refine one sinful son. Have you seen that thing before? It's just like a piece of meat! " The old man said with a wry smile, "Some are small and some are small. This is uncertain. The biggest piece is made by my grandfather. He used his father's soul …"

When I heard this, I couldn't help but shiver. I didn't dare say anything.

"If I die one day, don't forget to retrieve my soul." The old man said as he winked at me, "In your generation, you only have seventeen sinners. When I die, you should be able to gather eighteen."

"Gathering eighteen prizes?" I said snappily. "Master, can we not say such words?" It sounds like she's in a panic! "

The old man smiled and didn't say anything. He turned around and continued to walk with me.

"Why is the Shen family's technique so powerful? It's all because of the existence of these sinners."

"Descending techniques will harm people, regardless of whether they are good or bad, they will cost one's life. However, the falling division of our Shen family, is able to transfer this kind of heavenly punishment onto Sin Luo."

"In the eyes of the heavens, the culprit is the Fallen Scoundrel. It has nothing to do with us, so no matter how many people we harm, we won't suffer even the slightest bit of retribution from the heavens …"

"Have you killed anyone before?" I asked under my breath.

The old man shrugged and didn't say anything.

"Is that really okay?" I asked again with a complicated expression, "No matter if it's good or bad, it's still a human life …"

"Everyone in the industry said that the Shen family's technique is evil and poisonous." The old man said without turning his head, "But I can tell you, the Shen family's skills are indeed evil, but people … "It's really not that bad."

As the old man spoke, he extinguished his cigarette and threw it on the ground, gently stepping on it.

"There are several tens of members of the Shen family, and quite a few of them are both righteous and evil. However, not a single piece of trash appeared." The old tutor smiled, "The Old Ancestor said that one can be bad and venomous, but one must not be without conscience!"

I was deep in thought and didn't say anything.

"A clear conscience. From beginning to end."

The old man turned and looked at me.

"To cultivate the Dao, one has to first focus."

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