Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C19 Fujia village
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Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C19 Fujia village
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C19 Fujia village

We slept together in the car that night.

Originally, I thought that since the old man wanted to sleep alone, he would be like during the day, not letting me into his car. He had a beautiful name, saying that he wanted me to communicate with the people of the same generation so that I wouldn't be like my father and become a loner.

But I didn't expect that the old man would drag me into the car as soon as I returned.

I slept in the passenger seat, and he slept in the two rear seats, snoring louder and more soundly than anyone else.

It was a little past six the next morning, just as dawn broke, and the old man sat up straight as if he was faking it. He patted me on the shoulder and told me to go down and help him carry his things.

I was so confused that I followed the old man out of the car like I was sleepwalking and helped him unload the two bags in the trunk.

These two bags contained items that he and I had found the night before we left.

Only the heavens knew how many treasures the Old Master had hidden in his own room. Apart from consumables like yellow paper and red sand, the rest were mostly ancient items. The Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China had the most items.

What we brought this time was only a small part of it.

"Yellow Talisman Red Sand Ink Bucket Line …" "Glutinous rice, millet, peach wood nails …" The old man squatted on the ground, checked his equipment, and muttered: "cordage …" Yang Qian … Gold and silver ingots. "The Gongxiang..."

Just then, Chen Qiuyan and the rest woke up and got off the carriage, excitedly surrounding the old man and watching him tidy up his equipment.

"Oh, Master Shen, you still have the compass?" Sun Xiaowu suddenly asked as he stared at Luo Geng who was the size of a plate. "This doesn't seem to be the same as what Mr. Feng Shui used!"

I asked the question Sun Xiaowu asked me that night.

This Luo Geng's appearance was similar to Luo Geng, who was used to look at feng shui. However, there were no words carved on it. Instead, there were many patterns that resembled fiendish demons. Every few centimeters, there was even a character carved on it.

"This is called looking for evil, it's used to locate the wrongdoers." The old man said, "It's about the same as a tracking device."

"This is way too advanced." Sun Xiaowu smacked his lips: "This is my first time seeing it!"

The old man smiled but didn't say anything. After checking his equipment, he zipped it up, indicating that I should carry it.

"Lead the way." The old man said, "Let's take advantage of the dawn and go meet those five evildoers. If we meet them at this time, our chances of winning will increase by 20%!"

Hearing the old man's words, Chen Qiuyan and the others did not dawdle any longer. They took out compressed biscuits and gave us a full breakfast, then led the team up the mountain.

During this process, Chen Qiuyan also indirectly asked a few things about the five blessings, and even asked if the five blessings's corpse could be completely preserved.

The answer that the old man gave me was the same as what he told me last night. He directly said that it was no, he didn't have the ability to do so.

After receiving her reply, Chen Qiuyan appeared to be very disappointed. Sun Xiaowu had even laughed at her, saying that this girl had come here to work for nothing, so she should be able to return home empty-handed.

"The corpse is gone. Don't we still have the coffin?" At that time, Chen Qiuyan rolled her eyes at Sun Xiaowu, and said confidently: "I do not believe that I will not be able to find the slightest bit of mold within the coffin! At most, I will just get someone to carry all of the coffins to the Four Nine Cities to study them slowly! "

Hearing her say so, the old man gave me a look, but didn't say anything. He patiently accompanied them on their way.

The mountain was not high, but the area it covered was quite large, and the forest was especially dense.

If there was no mountain road in front of us that was opened up by someone, it would be extremely difficult for us to reach the village before noon.

Zhou Zhiguo and Sun Xiaowu were armed to the teeth, so I didn't pay attention to them when we were on the carriage. When we got on the mountain, I discovered that both of them had pistols strapped to their waists.

Not only that, the two of them had also picked up their respective sabers and were leading the way. Their legs were even tied with daggers, making them look like they were exaggerating.

Compared to them, Chen Qiuyan seemed a little more normal. She was only carrying a backpack, and did not take anything else.

After more than an hour of walking along this winding mountain path, the village that we were heading to gradually entered our sight.

The village was not big. From the size of the houses, there were at least seventy to eighty people that could live in Heaven Breaker.

Many of the houses belonged to wooden houses, and the mottled marks on them were very eye-catching. The roof was even covered with a layer of tile, and there were many places where holes could be seen.

Our current location should be at the village entrance of this village. On the left hand side, there is a stone tablet.

I haven't seen any of the information that the Old Master took from Old Man Chen. The Old Master didn't seem to plan to show it to me, he only mentioned the five blessings. I really don't know the details.

I once asked him, why didn't he show me those things?

The old man gave me a very simple answer. He said that he was afraid that I would get distracted from reading, so he might as well read more practical books. I don't need to worry about anything else.

"This village is called the Fu Family Village, but the people here aren't surnamed Fu. They are all people from a village that moved here a hundred years ago …" Sun Xiaowu had also heard about this situation from me, and knew that I was not too familiar with the matter, he started to introduce the place to me fervently: "As for why this place is called Fu Family Village, we have yet to investigate why this place is called, it might be related to the five blessings that you are talking about."

"The villagers have all left?" I asked.

"They've all left." Sun Xiaowu laughed: Initially, there were still a few elders who were not willing to leave, but they could not bear with the fear of their families. Over ninety people, all of them were moved within a day.

"Who discovered five blessings at the beginning?" I asked curiously.

"The children of the village." Zhou Zhiguo suddenly opened his mouth and expressionlessly said to me: "A while ago, that group of children went into the mountains to play and accidentally saw those coffin boards …"

I made a sound of assent. Seeing that the old man had no intention of walking into the village, I asked curiously, "Elder, are we not entering the village?"

"No rush." The old tutor coughed twice and looked left and right, as if searching for something. "Let me take a look first."

"The village should be dead, right?" I asked.

Without waiting for others to speak, the old man told me, "If he dies, how can he not die from causing trouble with the five blessings?"

"There were three children who found the coffin. None of them died that night at home." Zhou Zhiguo said, and then sighed: "On the second day at noon, the families of the three children all died, their deaths were all caused by the same thing, a heart attack."

"Sixteen people died in a row. The village chief is already on the verge of tears, it's already too late for them to report by the time they reach the foot of the mountain …" Sun Xiaowu laughed bitterly: "Something has happened over at the coffin."

"What incident?" I started.

"Those coffins are vertical." Sun Xiaowu explained to me while gesturing with his hands: "In the beginning, they also went to the place where the coffins were buried. The coffins only revealed the heads of the coffins, they were all properly buried underneath, but after those people died, half of the coffin would come out."

"It popped out halfway?" My head was full of fog as I asked, "Someone started digging the coffin?"

"Nope." Zhou Zhiguo said: "The coffin popped out."

At this moment, the old man suddenly opened his mouth and said: "Little Zhou, lead the way. Go to the families of the dead first. It seems there are some things that haven't left …"

"Some things still haven't left?" Zhou Zhiguo frowned: "What is it?"

The old tutor chuckled, his tone incredibly relaxed.

"What else can there be? It's a ghost! "

After receiving the answer, Zhou Zhiguo did not have any reaction. Adding me, Sun Xiaowu's face had turned white.

"Master, in the middle of the day …" A ghost can still come out? " I asked carefully.

The old man nodded and, without giving us any further explanation, took seven peaches out of his bag.

Afterward, he arranged the peach wood nails according to the order of the Big Dipper and inserted them outside of the village entrance one by one.

It was unknown whether it was a coincidence or some other reason.

When the old man put down the last peach nail, we felt a gust of cold wind blow into our faces, making us sneeze.

At that time, the temperature in the surrounding area also began to drop rapidly, as if it had just turned cold in the early spring.

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