Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C20 Watermelon worm
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Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C20 Watermelon worm
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C20 Watermelon worm

"Master Shen, what are you doing?" Sun Xiaowu asked curiously.

"I borrowed the power of the peach nail and nailed the Yin Meridians of this village." As the old man spoke, he raised his hand and pointed to the forest on the left and right of him. "The Miasma here is too dense and the Yin Veins are too numerous, but the biggest one is right at the entrance to the village."

"I've nailed the Yin Meridians …" What's the use of it? " Sun Xiaowu asked again.

"I can temporarily withstand some Yin Qi." The old man frowned and said, "The weaker the yin qi, the weaker it will naturally weaken the ghost's ability. I'm just afraid that you guys will fall for it …"

Hearing that, Sun Xiaowu's face turned even paler, he nodded and did not ask further.

At this time, we all became vigilant, constantly scanning our surroundings, as if we were all prepared to fight.

It was not strange to see it in the dark at night, but it was a matter of life and death to see it in broad daylight.

This kind of wraith dared to come out during the day, so how could you be afraid that it wouldn't have the ability to kill you?

It was true that the firearms in the hands of Zhou Zhiguo and the others could deal with living people, but when it came to dealing with ghosts and evil spirits, it was impossible to have any effect …

As he led us into the village, the Old Man even asked Zhou Zhiguo and the rest, since you guys are here to do such a troublesome job, why don't you guys have a few tools to give to you?

"What magical equipment? Being able to get a gun is already not bad." Sun Xiaowu did not know whether to laugh or cry, "Do you really think we are from the Bureau of Ecclesiastic Education?"

The old tutor didn't say anything and continued to smile, seemingly taking pleasure in Jiang Chen's misfortune.

"The people up there have said that you can help us solve any problem." Zhou Zhiguo sighed: "Master Shen, from a certain perspective, you are our protective talisman."

Hearing this, the old man sneered and started smoking. He muttered, "I didn't expect that those old people would think so highly of me …"

"Master Shen, I heard that you don't like trouble." Zhou Zhiguo suddenly said.

The old man nodded and said yes.

"This time, I have no choice but to come and trouble you." Zhou Zhiguo sighed: "Within the radius of a few hundred miles, the only expert that could be found by those above, is you."

"Are you saying that your father's anti-detection ability is too bad?" The old man asked back without batting an eyelid.

The corner of Zhou Zhiguo's mouth twitched, and he did not speak further.

The village was not big. After walking for less than two minutes, they arrived at their destination.

After Zhou Zhiguo stopped, he looked around to his left and right to confirm what it was. Finally, he said to us: "It should be here, the dead people's three families are all side by side, the first to die is the one on the left … …"

As he said that, Zhou Zhiguo even raised his hand, preparing to point towards the dilapidated house.

But before he could point at the target, the old tutor slapped his arm.

"F * cking courting death!" The old man glared at Zhou Zhiguo, "Just say it! "Don't count on me!"

Zhou Zhiguo looked at the old man in shock, as if he didn't understand why the old man would slap him.

"Brother Zhou, there are some things that cannot be mentioned." I explained in a low voice. Although I am not an industry person, I have read the book that the old man gave me, so I more or less remember some general knowledge about it.

Whether it was the idol in the temple or the tombstone of the lonely grave in the desolate mountain.

In many cases, it was impossible to point it out with one's hand. This kind of action was a standard blasphemy.

Take the current situation for example.

If Zhou Zhiguo were to point it out, then some 'things' would be fine. But since he was lucky, if he met someone who was a bit mischievous, then he would have to pester him no matter what …

"So that's how it is." Zhou Zhiguo wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and nodded: "I understand, I will pay attention in the future."

"Master, can you see ghosts?" I asked, turning my head.

The old man shook his head and said he couldn't see, but he could feel that something was wrong.

With that, the old tutor took out a small clay pot from his pocket and shook it vigorously a few times. There was a rustling sound from inside, as if insects were crawling about inside, causing goosebumps to appear on one's skin.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Worms." The old man smiled at me mysteriously and asked, "Do you want to see a ghost?"

Hearing this, my face immediately paled, but before I could refuse, the old man laughed out loud, "Come, come, it's time for us two to display our prowess. Let me show you what these ghosts look like!"

With that, the old man opened the jar and handed it to me.

Lowering my head to take a look, my scalp immediately explodes and I feel as disgusted as I can get.

There were a dozen or so of them. They were about the size of a fingernail, and the green ones on their backs were very similar in color to the flies.

But from the outline of their bodies and their characteristics … Aren't these the magnified watermelon insects?

[Remarks: Watermelon worm, a scoundrel.]

As I stared blankly at the watermelon bugs with a head full of fog, the old man gently patted my shoulder and smiled at me.

"Come, unicorn, pick a worm that you like and eat."

"Let me eat a shovel!" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry as I said, "Master!" Can we not joke? "

"I'm not joking." The old man looked at me very seriously, "These worms are yin creatures, and they seem to be alive. In reality, they are dead. You don't have to worry about them eating while you eat."

While explaining this to me, the old man stretched out his hand and picked a watermelon bug out of the pot with his fingers.

"Look, this color, this oily nature, it's definitely not something that a living thing can have!" The lordmaster said in high spirits, seeming to be showing off to his wife.

Before I could say anything, the old man suddenly grabbed my neck and forcefully threw the watermelon insect into my mouth before I could react.

Before I could vomit, the insect seemed to have returned to its hometown and happily crawled into my throat …

"It's okay, they won't die." The old man patted my back and kept helping me get better.

At that time, I didn't even have the urge to vomit and was completely stunned. I bent my waist to cough for a long time before I managed to recover with great difficulty.

When I looked up to denounce the old man, my expression froze before I could say anything.

As the place where I stood was directly facing the old houses where people had died, I was able to see the main doors of those houses directly from the moment I raised my eyes.

There were seven or eight green figures standing in the old houses.

Even if they were called human figures, they did not fit perfectly. They seemed more like people formed by fog, with the contours of living people. However, their facial features were very blurry, and their eyes were like two black fog. They were very eye-catching.

When I looked at them, they turned their heads and stared at me, as if they had realized I could see them.

"Elder …" I couldn't help but lower my voice and when I spoke, my voice trembled slightly. "I saw … They just stand behind the threshold … "

"He didn't come out?" The old man smoked his cigarette and asked me, looking relaxed.

"Nope." I shook my head.

"What's it like?" The old man asked again.

"Human form... "The Fog People..." I said honestly.

When he heard this answer, the lordmaster's brow creased and he seemed a bit surprised.

"That's not right, the souls of living people who were killed by the five blessings should be damaged, how can they gather into human forms?"

The old man muttered a few words and took out a watermelon worm and ate it without hesitation.

"Little Zhou, you and Little Wu, follow me. unicorn, take Qiuyan and go behind." The old man said in a low voice.

Everyone nodded in agreement when they heard the old tutor's arrangements.

At that time, Zhou Zhiguo was rather calm, and only Sun Xiaowu had a face uglier than mine. It goes without saying that he was shocked.

As we began to approach the first of the old houses, the mists in the room took a step forward, as if to block our way.

"You're already dead, and you still want to block the door …" "This bunch of people are also stubborn …"

The old man sighed and took out a stack of bills from his bag, waving it around.

By the time the bills landed, the old man had already strode into the room and was urging us on without even looking back.

"Hurry up and catch up!"

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