Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C21 Kids
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Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C21 Kids
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C21 Kids

When I saw the old man going through the mist people, I couldn't help but be startled, but before I could think about anything, Zhou Zhiguo and Sun Xiaowu followed behind him into the house.

Chen Qiuyan squeezed herself closer to me, looking a little scared. "Are those ghosts still standing by the door?"

I said yes.

"The closest one is only twenty centimeters away from you." I told Chen Qiuyan the truth and described the situation that I saw.

Hearing that, Chen Qiuyan's face turned white, she suddenly grabbed onto my arm, and her body started to tremble.

Being hugged by Chen Qiuyan made my brain go blank. My face was extremely red and I couldn't even speak properly.

Don't look at how I'm in my early twenties. In terms of relationships between men and women, I've always been a fledgling!

Ever since I started studying in high school, I didn't pay any more attention to this matter. Or rather, I didn't really care, but at this moment …

Feeling the softness on my arm, I felt like I was swimming in cold water. My teeth chattered, "Hey, don't …" Don't be afraid! See, the fifth brother of the Brother Zhou is fine too! "

Chen Qiuyan didn't answer me. Instead, she leaned her head on my shoulder and gently nodded.

"What are you all waiting for?! Come in quickly! "

Suddenly, the old man's urging voice came from inside the house. Hearing this, Chen Qiuyan hesitated for a moment, then pulled my arm and walked in.

At that time, I could clearly see that we passed through the bodies of those misty people.

The mist people didn't have any special reaction. They just stood there motionlessly, staring at us. It didn't seem like they were going to attack us.

When I walked into the hall, my first reaction was to wrinkle my nose. I could feel the smell in the room was a little stuffy.

"The incense in this room is quite strong." I looked down at the floor, which was littered with yellow paper, and there was a row of burnt candles in the corner.

At this moment, the old tutor was squatting beside the candles and staring intently at the floor, as if he was studying something.

"Little Zhou, before I came, did you call on another mister to take care of this matter?" The old man suddenly asked.

Hearing that, Zhou Zhiguo nodded his head, and said honestly: "They had an old teacher surnamed Liu in their village. His cultivation was not high, but he more or less understood some things, so..."

"Sure!" The old tutor grinned and laughed, "This old geezer's skills are quite good. He forcefully trapped these vengeful spirits inside the house and didn't let them escape!"

The old man pointed at the wet yellow paper on the floor as he spoke.

"I reckon the other two rooms have one too." The old tutor smiled, "This will save us a lot of trouble. If we let all of those vengeful spirits escape, it will take Eldest Brother much effort to recapture them."

"Master Shen, what do we do now?" Zhou Zhiguo asked: "Do you want to go up the mountain to look at the coffins?"

"No rush." The old man waved his hand, "Let's collect these ghosts first. Keeping them here is also a disaster. If we were to fight with the five blessings on the mountain, this bunch of wrongdoers would suddenly show up and take sides …"

"Are you afraid of a fire in the backyard?" I asked.

The old man nodded and looked left and right before saying, "Go outside with Little Wu and take this red rope and bask it in the sun for five minutes. After that, you can come in."

Saying that, the old man handed me a cigarette... No, it should be a ball of red rope!

The ball of red rope looked like a ball of wool, its thickness was also similar to the ball of wool, but its surface was a bit smoother.

When he took it and looked at it, he felt that this thread didn't have any bright spots at all. The more he looked, the more ordinary it seemed.

"Is this a magical equipment?" I curiously asked.

The old man squatted on the ground and studied the yellow paper without even turning his head. He waved his hand and said, "Are you trying to tell me if this is a magical equipment or not? Hurry up and go bask in the sun! "

Hearing the old man say that, I couldn't help but feel a little helpless. I looked at each other, and left the house without saying anything further.

Walking out of the house, Sun Xiaowu appeared to be more relaxed, he lit a cigarette by himself and started smoking, he kept patting his clothes, as though he was trying to sweep away some bad luck.

"Brother Sun, are you really scared of these things?"

I chuckled as I asked him. I casually tossed the "cotton ball" to where the sunlight could reach before squatting to the side and looking at my watch as I waited patiently.

Sun Xiaowu did not feel awkward, he smiled and shrugged: "I'm afraid, how can I not be afraid."

"You're afraid that you'll enter this business?" I couldn't help but ask him.

"Aren't you the same?" Sun Xiaowu asked back, sighing and saying: "What do I have to do with the arrangements from the higher ups?"

Sun Xiaowu spoke up to this point and could only helplessly shake his head. "From the moment I entered the sect until now, I have only completed three missions, and this is the third."

"What's the name of the first two missions?" I asked casually.

"The first time was at Qiqihar, the incident with the water monkey." Sun Xiaowu grinned, the smile on his face was extremely unnatural, there was a sense of lingering fear in his eyes: "The second time was at the Four Nine Cities, there was someone who hanged himself over there, and in the end, on Soul Night's day..."

Sun Xiaowu did not finish his sentence. Instead, he suddenly frowned and said in a troubled tone: "Bro, I need to go take a piss. Why don't you wait here for me first?"

"I'll go with you." I coughed a couple of times and calmly looked at the Fog People who were staring at me.

Sun Xiaowu nodded his head and brought me into the forest. With his back facing me, he took out some stuff and started pouring water while whistling leisurely.

I was about to untie my belt and dig for something when I heard a child's cry coming from the bushes in the distance.

That wave of blurry crying sound scared Sun Xiaowu and I.

I'm still alright, I didn't even start spreading it, and Sun Xiaowu already became much more embarrassed. Halfway through it, he was forcibly repelled back by half of it.

"Did you hear that?" Sun Xiaowu tentatively asked me.

"Yes." As I spoke, I kept glancing towards the bushes. My heart was beating really fast. "It seems like my child is crying."

As soon as he said that, the crying stopped without any warning, and the surroundings once again fell into dead silence.

Sun Xiaowu and I looked at each other. Neither of us made a sound, our foreheads were covered in cold sweat, and thinking about those children killed by the five blessings … Could it really be them?

Other than us, there's only ghosts left in the wilderness. There can't be any children following their parents here, right?

"Let's go over and take a look?" Sun Xiaowu asked me.

"Not going." I bluntly said, "You're courting death if you go. You should report the situation to my grandfather first!"

Coincidentally, the moment I gave my reply, the wailing sound started once again.

But this time it didn't come from the bushes, but from behind a tree no more than five meters away.

That towering tree was as thick as two people. From our position, we couldn't even see behind the tree.

"Run..." Run? " Sun Xiaowu laughed unnaturally as the corner of his mouth twitched twice. "Can you pull me? "I'm a bit out of my depth right now …"

Hearing Sun Xiaowu's words, I subconsciously wanted to reach out to pull him, but it was also at this moment that I unexpectedly discovered that I simply couldn't move at all.

That feeling was akin to having one's acupoints pierced through. One's entire body was out of control, and only the head could move.

At that time, I didn't even dare to think about it. I didn't even dare to think about it. Something was wrong! Come over here quickly! "

"Wuu …"

Suddenly, the crying came back to us.

But this time, the cry wasn't coming from behind the big tree, but from beside us.

Looking down, we saw three pale children holding onto the hem of our clothes, staring at us with their mouths wide open.

They look like normal people, and the substance is very strong, but... Their eyes were not something that a living person could have!

The children's eyeballs were gone, and there were only two big black holes in their sockets.

At this time, black mucus were still coming out from the holes.

A stench that was like the decay of a corpse entered our nasal cavities in an instant …

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