Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C3 Shoulder pat
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Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C3 Shoulder pat
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C3 Shoulder pat

The difference between reality and a movie is really huge.

In a horror movie, if people met a ghost, their first reaction would be to scream, then run. They might even fall down and let the ghost catch up.

But what was the reality?

When we looked at each other, not to mention running, I didn't even have the courage to shout for help. It was as if I couldn't control my entire body, and I didn't dare to move.

The third brother's face was the same as his face when he died, deathly pale to the extreme.

The lifeless look in his eyes looked rigid, like a paper man sold in a wreath shop. It didn't seem threatening at all, but it was also incredibly strange.


Suddenly, the third brother opened his mouth and let out a hoarse roar.

It was as if he wanted to say something, but was unable to utter a single word.

"Ma …" "Hempen-ge …" I gathered my courage and tried my best to act as if I wasn't afraid of him. I asked him, "We have no grievances with each other in the past few days … What business do you have with me? "

When Ma Laowu heard my words, the low roar coming out of his mouth stopped. He stared at me as if he was thinking about something.

After half a minute or so, seeing that he had no intention of attacking me, I slowly moved back, intending to find a chance to escape.

I didn't expect that at this moment, Ma Laowu would suddenly make a move. He fiercely rushed over and grabbed my arm, forcefully pulling me back.

"Big bro pockmarked!" We can talk it over! Are you... "

Without waiting for me to finish speaking, I heard the sound of anxious footsteps coming from outside the shop. Ma Ol 'Three's body also started to tremble. He immediately released my arm and took a few steps back.

I turned around and saw that it was none other than the old man.

"F * cking numbing number three!" You're asking me to help you! You're just here to scare my grandson?! " The old tutor had been infuriated at the time, his eyes staring like copper bells, his face full of rage. "Get the hell out! Otherwise, I won't even let you be a ghost! "

As soon as he finished cursing, Ma Ol 'Three suddenly disappeared as if it had evaporated.

To be honest, it was the first time I'd ever seen a ghost, and the first time I'd ever believed in ghosts.

No matter how bold I was before, at this moment, I was really scared out of my wits.

When he raised his head and saw the old man, it was as if he had seen his lifesaver. He scrambled up and hugged his leg, "Master! How did Ma Laowu get back?! "

When the old man saw me like this, he disdainfully spat and said, "Look at your useless appearance, a little brat can scare you to this extent! Get lost! "

I slowly got up and asked with lingering fear, "Master, that Ma Laowu from earlier …" Is it a ghost? "

"If it's not a ghost, then could it be a human?" The old man replied snappily, before kicking me again, "Get lost and go to bed!"

Seeing that he was so angry, I didn't dare to ask anymore questions. I could only obediently listen to him and swallow down all the questions in my mind.

I didn't sleep well that night, or rather, I didn't dare to close my eyes at all, for fear that Third Ma might come looking for me again.

The next morning, I planned to ask the old man about it.

But when I went downstairs, I found out that the old man had already gone out. There was still a note on the counter saying that he had gone out to play mahjong and wanted me to settle my lunch.

When I saw the note, I was extremely depressed. Just as I was about to wash my face, I heard someone knocking on the door.

He walked over to open the door and saw that there was no one else standing outside. It was Seventh Treasure.

"Aiyo, Brother Shen, look at your troubled face. Which woman are you thinking about?" he asked me, grinning.

Qibao and I have known each other since we were small, and can be said to be the Iron Brothers who grew up together in the open crotch pants.

After graduating from university, he relied on his family's wealth and his uncle was the head of the Public Security Bureau. Thus, he did not find a proper job and spent his days using the pocket money his parents had given him.

"Think my ass." I rolled my eyes at him.

Seventh Treasure chuckled and walked over to pat me on the shoulder. "Let's go, we're going to eat on South Street!"

"No, I still have to stay here and look at the shops." I said helplessly.

"I just ran into your grandpa at Old Li's house. He told me to take you out for fun and told you to be a fool staying in the medicine store every day." Seven Treasures said earnestly.

I thought about it and felt that he had a point, so I followed him out the door.

When he passed Ma Laowu's fortune-telling library, the expression on Seventh Treasure's face suddenly became mysterious.

He leaned close to my ear and whispered, "Do you know how Ma Laowu died?"

"What the hell? Isn't it just hanging? " I asked him.

Seventh Treasure lowered his voice as if he had discovered some shocking secret. "From what my uncle said, Mai Ol'third is too much of a hooker. He's contracted some kind of fatal disease …"

"Sick?" I asked doubtfully.

"Yes, it's an illness. It's probably because Ma Laowu couldn't accept it that he hanged himself."

"Could it be AIDS?"

"I don't know. Anyways, when my old man told me that the medical examiner had turned Ma Lao San over, his back was full of holes. It's just like a lotus flower petal. Disgusting!" Seventh Treasure said as if he had seen it with his own eyes, "This isn't the most disgusting thing. The most disgusting thing is that the holes are filled with eggs. I heard that they are all parasites!"

At this point, Seventh Treasure seems to have been disgusted and he shuddered. At the same time, I was also extremely disgusted.

Recalling the matter of Ma Lao San asking my grandpa for help … Was it related to the parasite behind him?

Seeing that Seventh Treasure still knew quite a bit of inside information, I asked in detail about Ma Laowu and basically asked about everything Seventh Treasure knew, but still didn't have any leads.

By the time Seventh Treasure and I had eaten our fill and prepared to return home, it was already past two in the afternoon.

When I passed Ma Lao San's fortune-telling library again, Seventh Treasure gave me a quick tug and gave me a look, signaling me to look to the left.

I turned my head and saw a person lying on the side window of Ma Laowu's Lifestyle Hall.

That person was doing something. He was leaning against the window, constantly scanning his surroundings. From time to time, he would kick the wall with his foot. It felt quite heavy.

Could this person be related to Ma Lao San?

I gestured to Seventh Treasure to wait for me before carefully walking over.

The man had a flat screwdriver in his hand, which he kept scraping at the dust between the cracks in the wall, and then he stuck the screwdriver into the gap in the window as if looking for something.

At this moment, as if he felt someone approaching him, he vigilantly turned his head and bumped into me.

Frowning, the man quickly put the screwdriver away, wrapped the scraping dust in paper, and asked me, "What are you looking at?"

After hearing that he was speaking Mandarin, I replied, "I didn't see anything."

"Then what are you doing here?" He was getting impatient.

"What are you doing here?" I rebutted him with a question before continuing, "You don't look familiar. You aren't trying to steal something, are you?"

He didn't answer me but just stood there in silence for a while. Suddenly, his attitude took a 180 degree turn and changed to a smiling face as he said, "Aiya, I just came to visit relatives. I heard that someone died here, so I was curious …"

Before he could finish, he came up and patted me on the shoulder.

"Little brother, I'm sorry."

The moment he finished speaking, that person no longer hesitated. He ran as fast as he could, as if he were a guilty thief.

Just as I was about to give chase, he disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Seventh Treasure also felt that something was wrong. He walked over to me with a puzzled expression and asked, "What's going on?"

"How should I know?" I helplessly looked at Seventh Treasure as I complained, "You saw him running here, yet you still didn't say that you were going to chase after him?"

"This turtle ran too fast, and by the time I could react, he was already gone." Seventh Treasure shrugged.

I shook my head and didn't say anything more. Then, I touched my shoulder subconsciously.

At the beginning, I only scratched a few times, but the more I scratched, the more itchy it got.

"What is it?" Seventh Treasure asked me, "Did you get bitten by a mosquito?"

"Where did this mosquito come from …" "I just feel itchy …" I gritted my teeth and pulled my clothes down a little.

The next second, Seventh Treasure and I fell silent.

The flesh that had been patted by the man was now covered in a dense red rash, and all of it was caved in, looking as frightening as a hole.

I don't know if it's because I scratched it or for some other reason.

At that time, these holes were emitting droplets of blood, emitting waves of a fishy stench …

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