Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C5 Hand
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Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C5 Hand
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C5 Hand

I was raised by the old man.

When I was three years old, my parents died in a car accident. Since then, my grandfather and I have been living together in this Chinese medicine store.

In my memory, the old gramps has always been a warm person. Although he is a little overbearing and a little stubborn at times, he is definitely not the kind of person who doesn't hold back. But now …

The person in front of him was about to kneel down when he heard the old tutor's words.

But he hadn't thought that the old man would move even faster. The old man kicked a wooden chair right over when the man's knee was half bent, stopping the man from kneeling down.

"This one doesn't deserve to be hit, neither do I." The old man looked at the newspaper and said without raising his head, "I don't want your life, I only want one of your hands."

Hearing the old man's words, he could only turn his head and look at me, hoping that I would speak up for him.

"I … How about … "Forget it …" I tried to persuade her as I couldn't bear to do so.

The old man didn't look at me. He continued to read the newspaper with a calm expression and asked, "Old? Do you still remember how I taught you?"

"You've taught me too many things … "You mean …"

"You can't bully people, but you can't be bullied either." As the old man spoke, he turned his head to look at me and asked, "Did you bully him before?"

"No …"

"So you still want to forget about it?"

Under normal circumstances, I would certainly advise him. After all, he had been used to me coming from a young age, and it wasn't excessive to describe my childhood as a pampered one.

But at this moment, the old man gave me a strange feeling, his gaze and tone had never been so strict before.

"This person's heart is too venomous. He probably did quite a bit of harm to someone else. This time, let's consider it a lesson. Otherwise, there will still be people who will take advantage of him." The old man took out a cigarette and lit it for himself, then said as he looked at the person.

Hearing the old man's words, that person's tears were about to fall. He hurriedly explained, "Did I lower him too much!? I won't harm him! "At most …"

The old tutor shook his head and interrupted him before he could finish.

"Just because you didn't plan to kill him, I'll let you live." The old man smiled, "If you want an arm from my grandson, I'll just take it back, not cripple your ability. What are you afraid of?"

With that, the old tutor stood up and walked behind the counter. He rummaged through the counter and took out a small knife that was as long as a pair of chopsticks.

"unicorn, come over and help that person." As the old man spoke, he placed his saber on the counter and waved at us, "It's only a matter of a single slash. It'll be over in a blink of an eye."


"Just give him a stab and his fall will be resolved." The old man looked at me with a complicated expression. "You wouldn't be afraid, right?"

I didn't say anything, but my expression was enough to say that I really didn't dare.

Even though I'm usually a vengeful person and never like to suffer losses, this is the first time I'm using a knife, and I really can't do it.

"Then let's just wait and see." The old man said with a hint of disappointment in his tone. He shook his head and walked back over to continue reading the newspaper. He didn't say anything more to us.

Just as I was in a daze, that person suddenly opened his mouth and asked the old man, "If I don't understand this, what will happen in the end?"

"After two hours, the drop in your right hand will spread to your left hand, and the worms inside will constantly gnaw on your bones." His grandfather expressionlessly looked at the newspaper and said, "At the latest, tonight, you will be bitten by these worms to the point where not even dregs will remain."

That person gritted his teeth and stared at the old tutor, not speaking for a long time.


Suddenly, he opened his mouth and spoke with a trembling voice, as if he had made up his mind.

"I'll take this lesson."

With that, he walked to the counter and placed his worm-covered hands on it.

"Little brother, I have let you down this time. Why don't you give me a cut? These worms have already started to gnaw on my bones …"

I frowned but didn't move. I couldn't help but to mutter to myself, this blade is really light, what if he were to really stab me? What would I do if he retaliates against me afterwards?

At this moment, that person seemed to be unable to endure the pain within his body and rushed over to pull me over. After which, he forcefully stuffed the knife into my hand.

"Come!" He gritted his teeth and looked at me almost imploringly. "I beg of you!"

Before I could say anything, the old man came over, took out a round black paper, and inserted it into the knife.

"I'm a witness."

The old man smiled and gave me a deep look. "Go ahead."

At this moment, that person had already placed his arm on the counter as he stared at me, as if he was begging me to quickly release him.

"I … Do we really have to do it? " I asked, my voice shaky.

"Let me ask you, other than Ma Ol 'Three, who else did you harm?" The old man suddenly asked, "The type of person who doesn't take money but does things based on temper, how many people have you harmed?"

"Seven... No! Eight! " The man's tears were already streaming down his face. God only knew how much pain he was feeling. He was shaking uncontrollably.

"Take a look." As the old man spoke, he looked at me. "Is there a need to let such a person go?"

I held the knife and didn't say anything. My heart was beating so fast that I didn't know what to do.

"A useless thing."

The old man sighed, and without any warning, he grabbed my hand. He suddenly raised his hand and stabbed the blade into the palm of that person's hand.

With a muffled bang, the tip of the blade pierced through his palm and directly stabbed into the wooden shelf.

"Being able to roam the martial arts world doesn't depend on one's mental fortitude, nor does it depend on one's strength."

The old tutor glared coldly at the man. He abruptly lifted his hand and pulled out the knife.

"It depends on the rules."

When the tip of the blade left the back of his hand, a pungent smell of blood mixed with some unknown black mucus instantly gushed out from the wound.

I didn't think about anything at the time, so I almost subconsciously bandaged the man up and told him to hurry to the hospital.

"Rules?" That person cried as if he was mocking himself instead of provoking others, "Do you know how chaotic the martial arts world is these days? The rules have long been eaten by this world! "

"A bunch of trash." The old man scolded, "Scram quickly, don't stand in my way!"

"Which door did you come from …" He gritted his teeth and stared at the old man, "Please leave your name, in the future …"

"You want to come back and fight?" the old man asked.

That person didn't say anything, but that was obviously the meaning of his eyes.

Seeing this, the old man sighed and said, "Go away, don't come back to Sichuan anymore."

"Qingshan, if I don't change the flow, I …"


The person didn't make a sound after being yelled at by the old tutor, as if he was running for his life. He opened the door and ran outside, not even daring to turn his head.

To be honest, the lordmaster's expression had been quite complicated. It hadn't been pure anger, but rather a sort of inexplicable loss.

"Master, don't be angry." I didn't dare to ask too much. I just wanted the old man to recover his composure. His attitude was quite scary, "Am I not done? That person was taught a lesson! "

"I'm not angry."

The old man shook his head, his tone growing more downcast.

"I just feel that the current juniors... "F * cking generation after generation!" The old man scolded, "F * cking son of a bitch! You even forgot the rules of our ancestors! "

Just as I was thinking about how to comfort him, I heard a ruckus outside the store. More and more footsteps started moving towards the street corner, as if there were a lot of people rushing over there.

When he opened the door to take a look, many of the residents of the old street had expressions of curiosity on their faces as they ran towards the entrance to the street one after another.

"What's going on?" I was stunned. "What happened over there?"

"We'll know after we go and take a look." As the old man spoke, he led me out of the medicine store.

At the corner of the street, a man with blood oozing out from his nose and mouth was lying in the middle of the road. A car was parked beside him.

The driver got off the car and stood beside the wounded man, explaining to the crowd that it had nothing to do with him!

When I saw the wounded man's face, my heart skipped a beat.

How could it be him?!

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