Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C9 Decedent
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Tales of Chinese Tama Head/C9 Decedent
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C9 Decedent

That night, I kept tossing and turning, feeling more excited than I had ever felt before.

I never would have thought that the old man was actually a professional teacher, and a descending arcane master at that. Listening to what old man Chen said … It seemed like he wasn't an ordinary arcane master!

In the industry, he should be quite famous, right?

Recalling what Old Man Chen said to Old Master, I couldn't help but have mixed feelings in my heart.

Ever since I was young, the old man has never made me suffer. Aside from teaching me Chinese medicine, which is a bit serious, the rest of the time, it could be said that he doted on me.

Previously, I thought that the old man was teaching me some skills so that I could inherit this medicine store in the future, or become a barefooted Chinese doctor like him.

Now that I think about it, the old tutor was just leaving me a path of retreat.

Even if I don't eat the Shen family's rice bowl, I can still rely on this medicine store to survive. I can even live a bit more comfortably than an ordinary person.

But was that kind of bland life really what I wanted?

When I thought of this, I lost some of my sleep and lay in bed, unable to close my eyes.

The next morning.

I hastily washed up, then impatiently went downstairs to look for the old man.

Surprisingly, he didn't open his shop today, nor did he go out to play mahjong. Instead, he sat upright at the tea table, as if he was waiting for me.

When she saw me, she waved for me to come over.

Walking forward, I saw a large wooden chest on the table that I had never seen before. The old man's right hand was resting on the lid while his left hand held onto a cigarette. He looked at me with a complicated expression and asked, "What do you think about being a doctor?"

"Sure." I replied smilingly, "Anyway, I'll listen to you. I'll do whatever you want me to do."

Hearing this, the old man nodded, took two long puffs of smoke, and asked me, "Are you afraid of death?"

"I'm afraid." I didn't hesitate to ask, "Everyone is afraid of death. Master, are you afraid?"

Hearing this answer, the old man couldn't help but laugh, nodding his head, "I'm definitely afraid too. You're so scared of death, you son of a bitch. When I leave in the future and those enemies of mine come looking for you, wouldn't you pee your pants?"

"Not really." I shrugged. "At worst, we'll just have to fight them."

"You can fight?" the old man asked me.

I didn't say anything. I just looked at him in silence. The answer in my eyes was obvious.

"Enough, Shi An, I won't waste my breath on you either." The old man coughed twice. A trace of helplessness seemed to appear in his murky eyes. "Elder Chen is right. I should have given you a chance, but I don't want to give you this chance …"

"Master, you have always pampered me, follow me in everything. This matter …" Can you listen to me? " I asked carefully.

The old man smoked and looked at me. "Say it."

"I want to learn from you." "The Shen family's skills have been passed down from generation to generation. If it's because you don't want me to learn it, then let the skills end in my generation, then the ancestors definitely won't agree. Why don't you give me a chance to try?"

"The Shen family's skills are not meant to be useless." The old man sighed, "In my generation, there were many disciples in our Shen family, but I was the only one who was truly qualified to learn. In your father's generation, he did his best, he was the only one with an only child, he also passed that trial …"

"Trial?" I started.

"How about this, let's take a gamble." The old man smiled, "If you can pass the test according to the Shen family's rules, then I'll let you enter the industry. Eat this bowl of rice with a dead man. If you can't pass the test..."

"If I can't make it through, I'll stay in this shop for the rest of my life." I said.

"Fine, that's settled then." The old man nodded and flipped open the lid.

When I first saw this big wooden box, I was still wondering where the old man had gotten this wooden box.

When he opened the lid and I saw what was inside, I was even more puzzled.

"You went to the gold shop?" I asked carefully.

The old man glared at me and unhappily scolded: "This is something that the ancestors of the Shen family have passed down through generations! Destroying you, you motherf * cker! "

There were eighteen palm-sized golden coffins inside the wooden chest, and they were definitely not made of bronze. One could tell at a glance.

Looking at these gold coffins, I feel like I'm dreaming. Isn't this too exaggerated?

If I sold all eighteen golden coffins, I would never need to worry about food and drinks in my life!

"What's written on it?" I asked curiously.

On the lid of each of these eighteen gold coffins, there were a few carvings that looked similar to the inscriptions on the bones. They were very eye-catching.

Hearing my question, the old man didn't explain any further and just casually said, "That was written for ghosts and gods."

(Note: The fourth ring, Ju sui's first ring.)

"What do these words mean?" I asked again.

Hearing that, the old man pointed to the coffin on the far left and introduced it to me.

"Tongue pulling, scissor, iron tree, evil mirror, steamer, bronze pillar, sword mountain, cold mountain, oil pan, livestock pit, stone pressing, spring mortar, sea of blood, wasted, peak burning, ghost grinding, sawing, ground."

"These words sound familiar, it's like the 18 levels of folklore …"

Without waiting for me to finish speaking, the old tutor nodded and said, "These eighteen coffins correspond to the eighteen layers of hell."

"Bring out these coffins … Are you going to teach it to me? " I looked at him with interest.

"Bullsh * t. You're a b * stard thinking too much!" The old man said snappily, "These things will only be in your custody when I die. Don't you think of doing anything wrong now!"

After saying that, the old man put out his cigarette and gave me a deep look.

"If you want to enter the industry, you must use the things in these coffins."

With that, the old man stood up and walked over to the counter to get a jar that looked like an incense burner.

When he sat back down, he opened the coffins one by one.

The contents of these coffins were all similar to dead wood. If one looked carefully, they would even look like dried meat.

These "jerky" could be of any shape, be it big or small.

Some of them were clearly humanoid, while some of them were incomplete. They were just a piece of wood that looked like a block of wood.

As he got closer, he could smell a fishy stench coming from these items.

"Master, what is this?" I asked curiously.

"Eighteen sinners."

As the old man spoke, he took out a piece of "jerky" from the coffin and carefully broke off a small piece with his hand before putting it into the jar. After that, he returned the "jerky" back to its original position and covered the coffin with the lid.

The old tutor had repeated this action a total of seventeen times. Apart from the coffin at the side, he'd opened the rest.

"Master, we don't need the things in the coffin?" I asked, pointing to the only unopened gold coffin.

The old man nodded and said without raising his head, "There's nothing in that coffin. It's empty."

"What about the things inside?" I asked curiously.

"Your father used up it." The old man said impatiently.

Hearing this, I was stunned for a moment. Before I could ask for more information, the old man waved his hand, urging me to return to my room and wait there. He wanted to put the coffins away first.

Before I went upstairs, I specifically asked, "How do I use this jerky?" What is the trial that I entered? Don't tell me you want me to eat all this stuff?

"No." The old man said, "I'm going to perform an operation on you later and bury these sinners in your flesh. If you yell out in the middle of it or pass out halfway, then you won't be able to pass."

I was startled and didn't say anything.

"If you can't pass the test, then you don't have the qualifications to eat this bowl of rice from the Shen family. This is the rule." The old man looked deeply at me. His tone was very complicated, as if he wanted me to retreat in the face of difficulties. "Have you really thought about it?"

To acknowledge a master for his skills … Didn't he just kowtow a few times … Why did he bring an operation with him?

Burying these things in the flesh won't infect the wound, will it?

The old man seemed to know what I was thinking, so he explained, "Each family has their own rules, our Shen family's rules are like this. If you regret it, it's still too late."

I scratched my head. Although I was a little scared, I knew that the old gramps would definitely not harm me.

"Let's give it a try." I said smilingly, "If I don't give it a try, I won't accept it."

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