Ten Thousands of Swords Flies/C6 The escape of the lightning bird
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Ten Thousands of Swords Flies/C6 The escape of the lightning bird
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C6 The escape of the lightning bird

Carefully walking forward, Yu Jian soon arrived in front of a huge tree! Leaning on this tree, he rested for a while, "Hey, what kind of tree is this? "Why do I feel that this tree is very hard?" He lightly knocked on the tree a few times. Unexpectedly, the sound he made was' Block it! 'It was as if he had hit a steel bar!

"So hard?" This made Yu Jian very curious. He casually raised his Wind Thunder Sword and slashed it towards the tree. "Dang ~ ~ ~" It was still this kind of sound. At this moment, the Wind Thunder Sword's Level 9 holy sword actually didn't do any damage to the tree!

"Wow, so it's that hard! If it's made into a weapon, then what a great material!" Actually, Yu Jian didn't know that this tree was called the Steel Tree. The branches were extremely hard, as if they were made of steel. They were simply not afraid of the Wind, Moon, and Lightning attacks! Similarly, like the phoenix's Wutong Tree, there was a very powerful bird called the Lightning Bird on top of the steel tree!

"Ga Ga ~ ~ Zizi!" Suddenly, Yu Jian felt a strong electrical current being transmitted from his hand. He immediately picked up his hand and looked at the tree in front of him with a puzzled expression. He asked, "What exactly is this tree like? Why is there such a strong electrical current?"

Thinking of this, Yu Jian once again stretched out his hand and gently touched the steel tree. "Rumble ~ ~" But this time, the lightning was different! This time, a bolt of lightning shot towards Yu Jian. It all struck Yu Jian's feet in one go. "Boom!" Yu Jian was completely frightened by this. He hurriedly jumped away and dodged it!

When Yu Jian jumped back, a large hole appeared at the bottom of Yu Jian's feet! Looking at the dark hole, Yu Jian patted his chest and said with fear, "Huhu, what weather is this? How can it be like this?" Slowly, Yu Jian was angered to the point that he raised his head. Suddenly, he saw a huge bird with a blue body appear above his head, and the lightning continued to dance!

"What?! What monster is this?! It's so huge!" At this moment, the Lightning Bird covered the entire sky above the sword, making it so that the sword could not see the sky. Yu Jian's eyes widened as he watched the lightning strike towards him again. He quickly dodged behind the tree!

However, Yu Jian, who was able to dodge this time's skill, didn't have much luck. At this time, Yu Jian still hadn't relaxed yet, when a huge bolt of lightning once again shot towards Yu Jian. Yu Jian wasn't so lucky right now, as he was directly hit by the lightning.

This time, it was extremely pitiful. The handsome young man was suddenly turned into a beggar, and Yu Jian's entire face was black, and his clothes were torn! "Huhu ~ ~" he puffed out two mouthfuls of smoke. Yu Jian's entire face was black, and his clothes were tattered!

He raised his head to look at the Lightning Bird flying in the sky. This time, Yu Jian was angry, "You stupid bird, you actually dared to electric me. This time, I will definitely kill you!" As he spoke, Yu Jian directly threw out his Wind Thunder Sword! In his heart, he silently recited the "Sword Kinesis Mantra!" As the Dou Qi on Yu Jian's body swayed, the Wind Thunder Sword that Yu Jian had thrown out flew straight into the air, charging straight towards the Lightning Bird!

"Shriek ~ ~" Sensing the aura of being on par with him emitted from the Wind Thunder Sword, the Lightning Bird suddenly let out a warning cry, then its entire body began to glow with lightning, "Shriek ~ ~" Once again, countless bolts of lightning unceasingly danced on the Lightning Bird's body, as streaks of lightning appeared. Even though most of the lightning was aimed at the Lightning Wind Thunder Sword, some of them still continued to attack the sword!

"Damn it, your sister even dared to attack me!" He hurriedly dodged another attack and shouted towards the sky. This time, Yu Jian's entire body and mind were focused on him. He didn't want to feel like he was electrocuted again!

"Wind Thunder Sword, teach this guy a lesson. You must teach him a lesson, otherwise don't come back for me!" "Buzz ~ ~" Hearing Yu Jian's words, the Wind Thunder Sword immediately emitted a terrifying lightning energy from its entire body. After a while, it actually followed the Lightning Bird in front of them and directly took the form of a Lightning Bird. Its entire body was surrounded by lightning!

"Chirp chirp ~ ~ ~ Buzz buzz!" Seeing that a Lightning Bird the same way as him had appeared in front of him, the Lightning Bird was enraged. This was its territory right now, how could it allow another Lightning Bird to appear in front of it! "Shriek, shriek ~ ~"

At this time, the Wind Thunder Sword gained a very high degree of autonomy from the sword technique. Seeing the lightning strike towards him, it did not dodge nor evade, but instead forcibly took all of the lightning! Giggle ~ ~ ~ "Following the arrival of this lightning, the Thunderstorm Sword unexpectedly didn't have any problems with it, and the illusionary Lightning Bird seemed to have become more solid. Seeing this, Yu Jian's eyes immediately lit up, and he happily said:" Well done, not bad, not bad, the Lightning Bird has really met its nemesis! "Hahaha!"

At this moment, Yu Jian did not even feel the slightest bit of pressure from the Lightning Bird. His eyes were full of ridicule! "Buzz ~ ~" Looking at the Thundergale Sword in front of him, the Thundergale Sword suddenly exploded with a powerful aura, and it instantly charged towards the Thundergale Bird. With this charge, even Fleeting Time's eyes turned red, and he also charged forward!

Rumble … it seemed as though the entire world had come to an end. Lightning continued to strike down from the Ninth Heaven! At this moment, Yu Jian could only constantly dodge! As Yu Jian continuously dodged, his eyes were staring intently at the lightning above his head! With the attack of the Wind Thunder Sword, the Dou Qi on his body was disappearing.

"Hit him ruthlessly! You must beat this lightning bird in front of you! I'll roast him for you!" Yu Jian shouted loudly. All of the battle qi in his body was channeled into the Wind Thunder Sword at an even faster speed! With Yu Jian's instigation, the two Lightning Birds that were initially on par with each other, now clearly gained the upper hand with the Wind Thunder Sword!

"Shriek, shriek ~ ~" The Wind Thunder Sword suddenly exploded with a terrifying power, and its lightning continued to emit from its body. The two of them were originally very close to Lightning, but they would still receive damage, "Shriek, shriek ~ ~" They only saw the Lightning Wind Lightning Sword suddenly stab the Lightning Bird!

Following the attack of the Thunderstorm Sword, "Drip, drip, drip" Yu Jian's sharp eyes immediately saw the Mountain Lightning Bird's body begin to emit dark red fresh blood. Along with the appearance of this fresh blood, the Lightning Bird immediately became weak, looking at the weak Lightning Bird's eyes instantly became excited.

"Chirp ~ ~" Because it was too late to dodge the attack of the Wind Thunder Sword, another wound appeared on the Lightning Bird's body. It slowly began to weaken, and the lightning around its body began to weaken. It was no longer possible to emit lightning again.

"Shriek, shriek ~ ~" Suddenly, the Lightning Bird let out a miserable shriek. Following this cry, the remaining strength in its body began to flicker, "Not good, this time the Lightning Bird is going to use a powerful technique!" Looking at the Lightning Bird whose entire body's energy was constantly surging, and looking at the resolution in its eyes, Yu Jian instantly knew that the Lightning Bird was going to launch a big move!

However, Yu Jian could not even think of what would happen next! He saw that Yu Jian had already set up his own defensive skill, and the Wind Thunder Sword was now using its own wings to completely surround his body. At this moment, it looked like a dazzling light emitted by a Lightning Bird, giving off a very depressing feeling.

"What?" You actually dare to run? " This time, Yu Jian was stupefied. He saw that the Lightning Bird was actually flying far away on this beam of light! This time, it was like a shooting star was falling down from the distance! In the blink of an eye, it was about to disappear right in front of Yu Jian!

"This is unimaginable, Yu Jian. This kind of Lightning Bird is a Saint Beast after all, and now it's running away. This is such a shame!" Chase after it, I want it to stay alive! " As he spoke, Yu Jian directly flew towards the direction of the Lightning Bird. At this moment, Yu Jian had already started moving at an extremely fast speed and did not dare to relax even a little. One must know that the Lightning Bird's speed was extremely fast, as fast as lightning.

"Sword Kinesis Mantra, Unparalleled Sword Defense, attack!" Following Yu Jian's chase, the Wind Thunder Sword was also currently flying at an extremely fast speed towards the Lightning Bird with Yu Jian's support. Its speed was obviously faster than Yu Jian's! Closer. Closer! Hurry up and hand it over! " Suddenly, Yu Jian shot out a dazzling ray of light. This ray of light immediately covered the Lightning Bird's radiance. Victory and defeat would be decided by this one strike!

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