The Defiant/C17 Treasure Spitting Mouse
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The Defiant/C17 Treasure Spitting Mouse
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C17 Treasure Spitting Mouse

Tang Feng returned from the dueling platform to where he lived. Along the way, the way the students looked at him had completely changed.

Previously, it was contempt and mockery, but now, it was fear and dread. The crippling of Faang Shaohu and Bai Ao on the dueling platform had already caused his reputation to soar.

Wu Shea, who had just advanced, had actually been crippled by Tang Feng, who was an ordinary student. The effect of this intimidation was simply too great. It was no wonder that no one dared to treat him as a trash anymore.

Tang Feng returned to his simple and crude residence. It was a dilapidated and abandoned courtyard. Not only did he live in it, there was also another old man who was sweeping the floor. Usually, Tang Feng would call him Elder Hee.

"Feng, you have improved a lot after five days of cultivation. "

As soon as Tang Feng stepped into the courtyard, a white-haired old man stopped working in the courtyard. He held a broom and greeted him kindly.

The person who spoke was an old man who was dressed in black. His hair was full of impetuous white hair, and his face was full of wrinkles, like the bark of a pine tree. His thin body stood under the tree, giving people a sense of loneliness and desolation. This person was precisely the descendant of Tang Feng, who had been regarded as trash. The old sweeping man who had always lived with Tang Feng, Tang Feng usually referred to him as Elder Hee.

"Haha, Elder Hee is amused. He had been in the academy for seven or eight years. I need to increase my cultivation. "

Tang Feng smiled at the old man. He immediately rubbed his shrivelled stomach and said in a somewhat embarrassed manner, "That. . . I have been cultivating on the mountain for so long. It has always been some dry rations and a stomach, so. . . "

"Hee hee, Feng, from the looks of it, you look just like that. I know that you are starving. "

Elder Hee laughed and immediately understood what Tang Feng meant. He patted his chest and promised, "You go first. I will send the food to your room later. "

All this time, Elder Hee had been managing Tang Feng's food, clothing, and accommodation. This was also the reason why Tang Feng was able to survive those difficult five years.

Tang Feng thanked him and returned to his residence to start cultivating. Ever since the 'Profound Qi Ancestral Tree' had appeared in his Dantian, the speed at which Tang Feng absorbed the Profound Qi had greatly increased. His cultivation speed was at least twice as fast as before!

After cultivating for a while, Elder Hee attentively served the food. Among them was the "onion pancake" that Tang Feng really liked to eat. Elder Hee also knew Tang Feng's hobbies, so he specially prepared it. This touched Tang Feng a little. In the academy, only Elder Hee and him depended on each other.

Without saying anything, Tang Feng, who couldn't bear the hunger, immediately started to eat heartily. After a full meal, Tang Feng tidied up the table and put the remaining two pieces of onion cake away. He yawned and went to sleep in the bedroom.

The next day, Tang Feng woke up full of energy. He went to the table and prepared to eat the remaining two pieces of "scallion pancakes" for breakfast.

"Huh? Why did the green onion pancakes that I put on the table yesterday disappear?" Tang Feng sounded suspicious and went to the table. He found that the "scallion pancakes" that he put on the table yesterday had disappeared, leaving only some crushed biscuits on the table.

"Could it be that Elder Hee ate it?" Tang Feng thought for a while and went to cultivate. He did not take this matter to heart.

However, in the afternoon, Tang Feng was surprised to find that the "green onion cake" he ate at noon had disappeared again.

"This shouldn't be Elder Hee's doing!"

Tang Feng swept the crushed biscuits on the table and shook his head with certainty. After that, he found Elder Hee and asked about this matter. As expected, he got a negative answer.

Instantly, curiosity arose in Tang Feng's heart, "Could it be that some demon beast has barged in?"

Under the urging of curiosity, Tang Feng planned to wait in the dark tonight to see if he could catch this demon beast that was secretly eating.

Tang Feng purposely placed the two pieces of scallion pancakes on the table and hid in the dark to observe. Time passed quietly and soon it was late at night. However, the mysterious thief who had eaten the scallion pancakes had not appeared. Suddenly, Tang Feng felt tired and yawned. He could not help but want to go to sleep.

However, at this moment, there was movement outside the door. Following a sound, a black shadow flashed past the door. In an instant, it jumped onto the table, grabbed the scallion pancakes, and began to chew. It was accompanied by the sound of chewing.

"It's actually a mouse!" With the help of the moonlight, Tang Feng could clearly see the appearance of the "thief" in an instant. It was actually a fat and cute mouse.

"Damn that rat! Watch how I deal with you!" Tang Feng quickly seized the opportunity. He leapt up and rushed out from the darkness. A strong wind appeared in his palm, and with a whistling sound, he grabbed at the mouse with lightning speed.

"What are you talking about?!" The rat screamed when it heard the sound. It slightly twisted its body, and its seemingly heavy and fat body actually agilely passed by Tang Feng's side. Moreover, it quickly rushed out of the room and fled towards the outside.

Tang Feng was secretly shocked. He hurriedly withdrew his punches and kicks, and the tip of his foot lightly tapped the ground. His body shot out and quickly chased after the fleeing mouse.

"You can't run, come here!" Tang Feng was after all a rank four profound practitioner, and his speed was astonishing. How could he not catch a rat?

Sure enough, in less than fifteen minutes, Tang Feng had locked onto that fat mouse. He once again stretched out his hand, and was ready to grab it.

The mouse seemed to panic as well. Suddenly, it turned its head around and spat out a golden object at Tang Feng, who was about to grab it.

Tang Feng was shocked and quickly stopped himself. He forcefully twisted the palm that was trying to grab the mouse and seized the opportunity to grab the object that was shooting at him.

In this short period of time, the extraordinary rat had already crossed the wall and disappeared.

Tang Feng stopped in his tracks and felt a sense of loss. He had almost caught that damn rat.

However, just as Tang Feng was feeling it, he suddenly realized that the foreign object in his hand was actually an ancient golden sheepskin scroll.

Tang Feng's eyes narrowed. He hurriedly brought the sheepskin scroll that the mouse spat out back to the room, lit up the oil lamp, and started flipping through it.

The light shone on the sheepskin scroll. The first thing that entered his sight was the words "Advanced Heavenly Level Combat Skill Shadow Step. "

"High-Ranked Heavenly Level Combat Skill - Shadow Step! The thing that came out of the mouse's mouth was actually that incomparably rare Heavenly Level Combat Skill, and it was even a High-Ranked Combat Skill! "

Tang Feng was completely stunned on the spot at this moment.

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