The Defiant/C2 Looking for Trouble
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The Defiant/C2 Looking for Trouble
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C2 Looking for Trouble

Normally, Cultivators would be able to awaken the Natal Profound Body before he turned ten. If he couldn't awaken the Natal Profound Body before the age of ten, he basically wouldn't have the chance to awaken his mysterious body for the rest of his life.

However, Tang Feng knew the reason why he couldn't awaken the Natal Profound Body. This was also a big secret of his family.

His family was originally a branch of an ancient and powerful Loong Clan, and they possessed an incomparably powerful 'Dragon's Profound Body' that could awaken their bloodline.

"The 'Dragon's Profound Body' was a powerful and overbearing profound body, and it possessed an extremely strong offensive and defensive attributes. However, its awakening time was five years later than a normal mystic body. An ordinary person simply did not know this point.

Although the Tang Family was a descendant of the Loong Clan, there had never been any family disciple with the bloodline of the Loong Clan in their family.

It wasn't until Tang Feng was born that the curse was broken. He had become one of them. The only son of the family who possessed the bloodline of the Loong Clan.

Therefore, the Tang Family had paid a huge price and relied on a lot of connections to send Tang Feng, who was eight years old, to the Heavenly Star Academy to learn and cultivate.

Before he was ten years old, Shangguan Xiong, the tutor Tang Feng's family hired, treated him quite well and did not discriminate against him. After all, Shangguan Xiong had secretly received tremendous benefits from the Tang Family, and had even promised them that he would cultivate Tang Feng well.

However, after Tang Feng was confirmed to be unable to awaken the Natal Profound Body after he was ten years old, Shangguan Xiong's attitude towards him had changed completely. From now on, not to mention teaching him martial arts, he wouldn't even be bothered to talk to him.

His spoiled daughter, Shangguan Bing'er, was the same. Her vanity was very strong. How could she look at Tang Feng, who couldn't even awaken the Natal Profound Body?

Over the past few years, Shangguan Bing'er had been picking on him all over the place. Her words were cold to him. A trash on the left and a trash on the right mocked him. She was simply unscrupulous.

Due to the fact that he had yet to awaken the Natal Profound Body and his lack of strength, Tang Feng had been gritting his teeth and enduring Shangguan Bing'er's humiliation.

But it was different now. Tang Feng had already awakened the Natal Profound Body and had cultivated it to the realm of a rank three profound practitioner. With his current strength, he absolutely would not look at the expressions of Shangguan Xiong and his daughter again.

"Trash, you're finally willing to stick your head out of the turtle shell?"

Not long after Tang Feng left the courtyard, a cold and mocking voice suddenly came from afar.

Tang Feng looked over and saw a young man in a green robe leaning against a green rock on the left side of the road.

The young man's hands were placed in front of him, and he had a strand of dog tail grass in his mouth. His eyes were filled with ruthlessness.

He looked at Tang Feng lazily, and his eyes were filled with disdain and disdain. The ear-piercing shout just now had come from his mouth.

"I finally caught you today. You decide for yourself, should I do it or should you do it yourself?" The young man in green clothes walked towards Tang Feng. He was stretching his muscles and bones along the way. It seemed like he was here to cause trouble for Tang Feng.

Tang Feng recognized this person. He was also a student of the intermediate teacher, Aida Ling. His name was Faang Shaohu, and he was an expert at the third level of the profound practitioner realm.

The profound practitioners were divided into ten levels, and there was a huge difference in strength between each level. The strength of a third level profound practitioner was not to be underestimated.

"Why did this guy come looking for trouble with me? I don't seem to have much contact with him. Could it be that he came for his senior sister Lin Qingxue?" Looking at the aggressive Faang Shaohu, Tang Feng merely thought for a moment before he instantly guessed the other party's intention.

The mentors were divided into junior mentors, intermediate mentors, advanced mentors, and Saint mentors. Shangguan Xiong was a junior instructor, and his position was a level lower than Adeline's.

It was no wonder that after Tang Feng offended the favorite female student of Ai Daring, Lin Qingxue, Shangguan Xiong, as Tang Feng's mentor wanted to hand Tang Feng over without any hesitation or hesitation.

If Tang Feng had really offended Lin Qingxue in that place and asked Tang Feng to apologize to her, Tang Feng knew that he still had the demeanor to do so.

However, the key was that Lin Qingxue's offense was just a charge that he had imposed on Tang Feng.

At that time, Lin Qingxue was cultivating in the room, and Tang Feng was just passing by. After that, Lin Qingxue failed to break through. Later, she learned from others that Tang Feng happened to pass by his room at the critical moment of her breakthrough.

Immediately, she wanted to shout at Tang Feng to beat him up and kill him. She wanted Shangguan Xiong to let her handle Tang Feng to vent the hatred in her heart.

If you want to add a crime, you have no choice but to do so!

If this could be considered an offense, then when Lin Qingxue was cultivating, she passed by her room. It wasn't just Tang Feng. Why did Lin Qingxue insist that the reason why she could not break through was because of Tang Feng, and not because of other students?

In the end, she did not take a fancy to Tang Feng's strength being too weak. Lin Qingxue was vexed that she did not break through, so she wanted to find him to vent her anger.

"With martial arts as the basis," "Weak meat feeds on strong food," these two words were very clear to Lin Qingxue. If Tang Feng was not a weakling who could not cultivate at that time, but a powerhouse with a certain level of strength. Then would Lin Qingxue dare to impose such a ridiculous crime on him?

The answer was obvious. This Faang Shaohu and Lin Qingxue had the same mentor. It seemed that he came to settle accounts with him to please Lin Qingxue.

Tang Feng knew all about this. In Heavenly Star Academy, it was common for strong people to bully the weak!

Faang Shaohu's face carried a fierce expression as he approached step by step. That arrogant aura was extremely self-righteous.

"You came for Lin Qingxue?" Tang Feng sneered in his heart as he looked at Faang Shaohu and asked calmly.


The calmness and calmness in Tang Feng's voice made Faang Shaohu slightly stunned. Immediately, he could not help but become furious. "What, you still want to pretend to be calm, right? When you see me, Not only did you not immediately kneel down and beg for forgiveness, you even dare to call Senior Sister Qingxue by her name. I'm really curious, where did your confidence come from? That's why you still have the confidence to pretend to be Thirteen here?"

Seeing the calm expression on Tang Feng's face, Faang Shaohu couldn't help but reveal a cruel expression.

How could this trash maintain such an experienced and profound appearance in front of him? He should be begging for mercy in fear.

Of course, this couldn't be blamed on Tang Feng. After all, there was a peerless profound body hidden deep within Tang Feng's body. The powerful profound body had been tempered by the Profound Qi for a month, and it had caused a fundamental change in Tang Feng's temperament. In addition to that, his calm and reserved nature had given him an extraordinary bearing.

It was no wonder that Faang Shaohu did not like Tang Feng. The main reason was that his temperament was too different from Tang Feng's.

He, Faang Shaohu, was a rank three profound practitioner. His strength was strong, and his methods were ruthless. How could his temperament not be as good as a trash? This was something that made him feel humiliated.

"Looks like Brother Shaohu wants to stand up for your senior sister properly! If that's the case, I naturally won't disappoint you. " Tang Feng smiled faintly and suddenly strode forward. He casually walked past Faang Shaohu, and at the same time, he didn't forget to tease him.

"Trash, where do you want to go without my permission? I will break your legs now. " Faang Shaohu's face twitched. How dare this trash ignore him and leave like this? How could he let him go so easily?

"Didn't you want to take credit for what you did? Who would know that you, Faang Shaohu, did this to me? I will wait for you on the academy's dueling platform. " Tang Feng's calm voice came from behind him.

"Haha, good, good, good. What a loser. You want to die with dignity. "

Faang Shaohu let out a wild laugh. He thought that this wastrel knew that he would be crippled by him no matter what, so he decided to cripple him in the name of a duel.

"I'll give you a dignified way to die. " Faang Shaohu laughed maniacally. He strode forward and caught up with Tang Feng. He couldn't wait to cripple him in front of everyone on the dueling platform.

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