The Strongest Martial God/C3 Desperate Situation
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The Strongest Martial God/C3 Desperate Situation
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C3 Desperate Situation

Coleman City, Lin Family Mansion Guest Room.

The black clothed man looked at the atmosphere, which was broken by the ruthless intrusion of Demon Ancient, and sighed helplessly. He then shifted his gaze to Whitey.

Lil 'White received the black-clothed man's gaze and nodded slightly, indicating for the black-clothed man to change his original plan.

The black-clothed man sighed once more, putting his hand to his mouth and whistling. Following that, countless black-clothed men appeared one after another in the Lin Clan's mansion.

"The original plan has been changed. Plan B will be executed." The man in black waved his right hand towards the Lin Family Patriarch and the City Lord of Coleman, while pointing his right hand in the direction of the Lin Family Patriarch and behind him.


Coleman City, in front of the Lin Family's treasure room.

The loud sounds of Dou Qi collisions reverberated in the air above the Lin Family Mansion. The originally glorious and glorious Lin Family Mansion was now in ruins under the impact of countless Dou Qi. The ruins of the Lin Family Mansion stood firmly on the spot like loyal guards, as if trying hard to display the former glory of the Lin Family Mansion.

"Something big seems to have happened in the family?" Feeling the constant tremors coming from the Lin family's mansion, and seeing that the Lin family's mansion was gradually changing beyond recognition, Linley asked Lin Xin in confusion.

"It's normal for brother Lei to not feel it. After all, brother Lei's strength is only …" After opening her mouth a bit, Lin Xin didn't say what she was going to say. Seemingly realizing that she had accidentally stabbed at Linley's sore spot, she carefully looked at Linley. "Big brother Ley, um, I didn't do it on purpose! I really did not do it on purpose! "

Linley found it funny to look at Lin Xin gently shaking his hand. He reached out his hand, stroking her head, and then comforted her while he tidied up her messy hair, "Your big brother Lin isn't that weak yet. After so many years, I'm already used to it. Furthermore, all of these are already in the past, they are already in the past! "

Yes, it was all over. The past grievances, the past helplessness, the past pain … Everything in the past was accompanied by the Patriarch's words of "you don't owe us" as it disappeared into the vast and endless river of history. After a few splashes, it disappeared without a trace.

"I knew Brother Lei wouldn't blame me!" Lin Xin happily looked at Linley. While enjoying the large hand that Linley had placed on her head, she closed her eyes and began to investigate the situation of the Lin family estate.

"Just what kind of situation could cause such a commotion in the family's mansion?" Linley murmured softly to himself as he slowly rearranged Lin Xin's hair.

After a while, Lin Xin opened her eyes. Her cute little face suddenly revealed an unprecedented seriousness. Big brother Ley, this is not something that people at our level can participate in. Hurry up and leave this place! "

Right after she finished speaking, Lin Xin grabbed onto Linley's hand and wiped away the blood on the corner of her mouth without leaving a trace. She then pulled Linley along as they quickly ran towards Linley's residence, which was located far away from the Lin family's residence.

"Hey, wait a minute, Xin'er. What happened?" Linley, who was being pulled by Lin Xin's immense strength, stumbled as he ran, asking Lin Xin this question out of nowhere.

But when Linley's group returned to Linley's residence, they saw a scene which Linley and Lin Xin would never be able to forget for the rest of their lives.

AHH!" "Kneeling on both knees, with his hands on his head, Linley stared in disbelief at the astonishing scene before him.

In front of Linley, a woman was lying lifelessly in a pool of blood. A large hole had been cut open in her chest, and the heart that should have been there suddenly disappeared, and blood began gushing out of the wound. Not too far away from this woman, a black-clothed man was standing there, a sword in his left hand and a heart in his right hand. He was staring coldly at Linley and Lin Xin, who had just barged in.

From the look on Linley's face, Linley could tell that this woman lying in a pool of blood was Linley's mother, the one who had given him birth on the Paragon Continent and raised him for sixteen years. Lin Yue-er.

"Big brother Ley, I know I shouldn't say this right now, but I have to." Lin Xin bit her lips, her eyes bloodshot. Both of her hands held onto Linley tightly, preventing him from doing anything stupid.

"Run!" I think even if Aunt Yue'er was still alive, she would still use his life to protect us and let us leave safely. So run! "Don't do anything stupid. The most important thing right now is to not let Auntie Yue Er's life become meaningless!"

Lin Xin said these words as she released the battle-qi that she had been accumulating for a long time, chopping at the black clothed man wielding the sword. Then, without any hesitation, she turned around, pulling Linley along as she rapidly ran away from Linley's residence and the Lin family's mansion, not wasting any time to check on the results of her battle-qi attack.

"Hmph, a firefly's fire dares to compete with the sun and moon!" The man in black casually deflected Lin Xin's attack with her full strength and curled his lips in disdain, "I'll let you see what real battle qi is like."

As soon as he finished speaking, the aura of the man in black with the sword suddenly spread out. Under the pressure of this aura, Lin Xin and Linley's footsteps grew heavier and heavier, and their movements slower and slower. Immediately after, a huge wave of battle qi emerged from the body of the man in black, who was holding the sword, and gathered on the sword in his left hand.

Under the huge pressure from the man in black with the sword, Lin Xin fiercely bit the tip of her tongue. With the help of the sharp pain on her tongue, she managed to withstand the pressure and burst out her battle qi. Perhaps it was due to the explosion of her battle-qi, Lin Xin and Linley had successfully escaped the saber-wielding black man's lock. Lin Xin did not even dare to spare a little bit of her energy to sense the black man's subsequent actions, and hurriedly pulled Linley away from his field of vision.

But the man in black, who was holding the sword, was not in the mood to chase after Linley and Lin Xin. He stared blankly at the sword that had suddenly stabbed through his chest, spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the cold ground.

The sword-wielding black-clothed man turned his head with great difficulty, wanting to see just who had plotted against him. But even until he lost consciousness forever, he still could not see who that person was. Even if that person was male or female, he had no way of knowing. In the end, the sword-wielding black-clothed man's eyes were filled with a pair of bloody, growing soles.

His shoes completely covered the sword wielding black clothed man's dead eyes. His right hand weakly rested on his shoulder, while his left hand covered his bleeding right hand, and he placed his left hand in front of himself. Looking at his left hand that was covered in blood, he helplessly sighed, and muttered to himself: "Lin Hai, Lin Hai, if you can't save the Lin Family, then you must at least save your own son! Lei, where exactly are you? "

Lin Hai used his uninjured left hand to pull out the sword that had been stabbed into the chest of the man with the sword. He looked at the sword, smiled wryly, and thrust the sword into the ground, mourning for the sword that had accompanied him for so many years. Then he reached for the sword in the dead man's hand, and gently pulled it out, only to find that the man with the sword still clung to his sword, even though he was already dead.

"This is really …" Lin Hai scratched his head with his left hand, dyeing his hair blood-red. "Forget it!"

Lin Hai gave up on the idea of seizing the sword from the black-clothed man with the sword. He once again pulled out the blade that had been twisted, and casually chose a direction to walk in.

And this direction was precisely the direction in which Lin Xin had fled with Linley.

Coleman City, Lin Xin's residence.

"Big brother Ley, you hide here. No matter what happens, you must not come out! "Remember, don't come out no matter what!"

Lin Xin opened one of the cellars under her bed that could only fit one person. She pulled the soulless Linley into the cellar and solemnly warned him not to come out. Afterwards, she closed the entrance to the cellar and moved the bed back to its original position.

However, just as Lin Xin moved the bed to its original position, a white robed Xiao Bai suddenly barged into her room. It looked emotionlessly at Lin Xin, who had been stunned on the spot by its intrusion.

Lin Xin's forehead was covered in cold sweat because the person in front of her was the culprit that had injured her after sensing her presence.

"Big brother Lei …" While Lin Xin silently chanted Linley's name, she tried to move her body without leaving a trace, wanting to use her body to block the secret behind her.

Coleman City, in the cellar of Lin Xin's residence.

With much difficulty, Linley finally awoke from the shock of his own mother's death in front of him. He discovered that he was in a pitch-black, five-fingered cellar.

"Xin Er, where's Xin Er?" Noticing that Lin Xin wasn't by his side, Linley decided to leave and look for her.

Just as Linley opened the two finger-wide crevice at the entrance to the cellar, a loud sound suddenly rang out from above, interrupting Linley's thoughts of continuing to open the cellar's entrance. Linley looked through the crack in the cellar door, and what appeared before him was the ceiling of Lin Xin's residence. The blinding light forced Linley to narrow his eyes in response to it. But just as Linley narrowed his eyes, a shadow suddenly covered Linley's field of vision.

Linley carefully inspected the entrance to the cellar, only to discover, to his astonishment, that what blocked the entrance to the cellar was nothing else but … the bloodied, heavily injured Lin Xin.

Lin Xin was slowly moving on the ground, using her body to cover the entrance to the cellar.

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