The Strongest Martial God/C6 Advanced
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The Strongest Martial God/C6 Advanced
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C6 Advanced

Coleman City, a cave in the Lin Family's back mountain.

"There is a wild beast hidden inside your body, even if it's just a sleeping wild beast." The long robed woman used her devilish right eye to look at Linley and said casually.

Linley couldn't resist the gaze of the long robed woman's right eye. He couldn't help but lower his head and look at his own hand. If he didn't look, he wouldn't know. But upon seeing the finger on his right hand, Linley was startled to discover that there was a white finger attached to it. Clearly, this wasn't his original index finger. Linley tried to give a few instructions to this index finger, but the index finger was meticulously completed, as though it had been his own finger.

Linley's expression changed. Hurriedly, he extended his hand towards his bosom, only to discover that the finger that had been in his bosom, Lin Xin, had already disappeared.

The little Fiend watched Linley's series of actions, then calmly flew back to Linley's hands and gently held Linley by the index finger. He said, "It must be understood that in that snowstorm just now, your entire body was frozen into fragments. Being able to completely fight off your body was already pretty good.

Linley looked at the finger which had once belonged to Lin Xin, then quietly closed his eyes.

"No matter what, let's first replenish the food and water!" "There might be a great battle coming. If you don't want to be caught up in it, you should hurry up and leave!"

"A great battle?" Linley opened his eyes, looking at the woman in long robes, puzzled.

"Don't ignore this little devil!"

Linley suddenly felt a surge of pain from his index finger. Lowering his head, he saw that the little fiend, his lips covered in scarlet red, was currently raising his head and staring angrily at him.

"Hmph, the little devil is very angry!" Let me tell you, a little demon is a demon! Fraud was the nature of the little devil, his vocation when betraying him. "How is it, are you scared?" The little Fiend pointed his tail at Linley, full of vigor, but not long later, the little Fiend, like a frosted eggplant, shrivelled up. "That's not right. Why would I want to tell you the truth about this little Fiend!"

"Nezha, what the little devil just told you was a lie. The little devil is actually an angel, with a pair of feathered wings on his back, a gentle and kind angel. " The little demon hurriedly flew in front of Linley, his eyes wide as he strove to show his sincerity. "Really, the little demon was lying to you just now. No, that can't be right. The Little Devil isn't lying to you; that can't be, the Little Devil is lying to you; the Little Devil isn't lying to you, the Little Devil is lying to you … Little Devil … "Little Devil …"

"Be careful of the beast in your body, don't let it control you." The long robed woman stretched out her hand to catch the stunned little demon, then turned to warn Linley meaningfully, "Hurry up and eat." Then, the woman turned around and quietly led the little devil to the cave entrance and sat down.

Linley turned his gaze to the two bottles in his hands. Taking out the compressed food and the fresh water from the bottles, he placed them in front of his nose, took a sniff, then ate them. What made Linley feel incomparably surprised was that just as he ate, the hunger in his stomach and the thirst in his mouth disappeared.

(If I could have these two things …)

Linley couldn't help but grip the compressed food in his hands tightly, as well as the solid, fresh water in his hands. He looked at the cave entrance, then bit his lip, summoning up his courage and walked over to the side of the robed woman.

"What's the matter?" The long robed woman could sense that Linley had walked next to her, and she turned her gaze towards him.

"That …" Linley gulped, then asked the woman in robes, somewhat embarrassed, "Can I keep these two bottles of compressed food and solid fresh water?"

"Sure." The robed woman turned her gaze back to the blizzard outside the cave. "Since the time I gave you these two bottles, they have already belonged to you. It doesn't matter even if you throw them away now."

Linley let out a sigh of relief, then carefully collected the two bottles of compressed food and the solid state of fresh water. Just as Linley put away the compressed food and the solid, fresh water, the robed woman reached out an ice-blue gemstone in front of him.

Linley picked up the gem. Puzzled, he stared at the woman, waiting for her explanation.

"This thing can protect you from this blizzard." The robed woman pointed at the snowstorm outside the cave, which was growing increasingly violent. She said to Linley, "Or do you mean that you have other methods to safely leave this snowstorm? In that case, give it back to me. "

Linley hurriedly shook his head in denial. What a joke. Without any protection at all, given his weak warrior's power, how could he possibly escape from this storm!

"I'm afraid it's too late for you to leave." The robed woman looked outside the cave with a serious expression. She sighed and patted the little devil in her arms.

Linley followed the robed woman's gaze, and he saw that in the midst of that massive snowstorm, a large figure and a small figure were gradually emerging. The surrounding snowstorm suddenly grew even more violent, as though it was welcoming them, but it didn't affect them at all.

The large figure wore a dark blue long skirt, with a dark blue hair ornament on his head, and six ice wings on his back. The other small figure was about the same size as the little devil. It had feathered wings on its back, and it should be the Angel like creature that the little devil mentioned before.

"You're here, Nine." The long robed woman greeted the woman warmly as if she was a friend from far away.

"Although I don't know why, I feel that your words contain deep malice." The woman in the long skirt frowned, "And I'm not called Jiu, my name is..."

Hearing the woman's voice, Linley was stunned. He had the feeling that he had heard this voice before.

"Hmm, don't mind the details. Those who care about the details are all idiots." The long robed woman waved her hand, interrupting the woman's words.

The woman in long skirt was choked by the robed woman's words. After a long while, she finally forced out a sentence, "If you want to fight, then fight. "Little angel."

Seeing the small angel flying in the sky beside the woman in the long skirt, the little devil also hurriedly flew up, flying towards the sky where the small angel was.

When the little devil reached the height of the little angel, the little angel raised her right hand.

The little demon raised his right hand as well.

"The second round."

Immediately afterwards, the little demon and the little angel both waved their right hands.

"Let's go to war!"

An enigmatic image appeared in the air, disappearing in the blink of an eye like fireworks.

Just as she finished speaking, a large amount of freezing air gathered in the woman's hand, freezing the woman in the robe into a huge block of ice.

Linley suddenly remembered that the woman's voice was the same voice he had heard before the snowstorm. After hearing her voice, the entire mountain behind the Lin clan was covered by this violent snowstorm. Could she have caused this blizzard that covered the entire back mountain? Just how strong was she?

"Diamond Storm."

Ling Lie's frost energy flowed through the entire cave, including Linley's.

Before the frost energy had even reached Linley, Linley could sense the domineering coldness. And then, the gem on Linley's chest emitted a ray of light, sweeping away all of the cold energy emanating from Linley's body. Linley felt a surge of joy. Hurriedly, he pulled out a gem and placed it in front of himself.

"Bang!" The ice block which had frozen the woman suddenly shattered. The woman's body was now covered with a violet crystal armor, and her right hand was gripping a translucent crystal sword. She flashed in front of Linley, striking at Linley's left hand, which was holding the gem.

Unexpectedly, the pain he felt didn't come. His body seemed to have disappeared from the face of the mountain, passed through the back mountain, passed through the snowstorm, and flew into the sky. Moments later, he came to a halt in the air, then fell towards the ground.

(Should not die …) Is it?)

Linley looked at the cloud around him, which was within his reach. He once more lost consciousness, filled with an unfathomable feeling.

Outside Coleman City, in a cemetery far away from the city.

When Linley regained his senses, he discovered that he was in a graveyard. Linley checked his body's condition, only to discover that aside from his left hand, there wasn't a single injury on his body.

Linley stared at his left hand. The icy-blue gem which the woman had given him was deeply embedded in his left palm, but Linley didn't feel any pain at all. It was as though the gem had always been embedded within his left hand.

But this wasn't the most surprising thing to Linley. What surprised Linley the most was … that after being stuck in the warrior arena for nearly thirteen years, he had finally made a breakthrough.

"Hum, hum, hum …" Hehehehe … "Hahahaha!"

Linley could sense the power of his battle spirit. Clutching his face with his left hand, he began to laugh wildly, and two streams of tears flowed down his face.

Originally, Linley had thought that he would never be able to break through to the Dou Zhe level in his entire life. He had planned to find a place where the black-robed man could never be found and live a life of subservience, until his death. And now …

"I've broken through!" Father, mother, Xin'er, I've broken through! Did you see that? " Tears streaming down his face, Linley opened his arms to the skies, then shouted loudly, "I can finally avenge you all! I can take revenge for all of you! "

As he spoke, Linley's face slowly grew savage. This was an expression which he had never revealed in his sixteen years of life.

"I want revenge!" I want revenge! Father, mother, and Xin'er, I will avenge all of you! I will definitely avenge all of you! "

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