The Strongest Martial God/C9 Beginnings
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The Strongest Martial God/C9 Beginnings
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C9 Beginnings

Outside of Coleman City, outside the Magical Beast Forest, in the aristocratic hunting camp.


Saudi snow snorted, folded his arms across his chest, and stared coldly at Andrew Allen, whose head was buried in Lillian's chest. He ignored Lillian's sarcasm.

Andrew Allen struggled to pull his head out of Lillian's chest, but when he saw the icy look on Saudi snow's face, he panicked and quickly explained, "Listen to me, Saudi snow, it's not what you think it is! "Lillian and I are just …"

"But what?" Saudi snow raised his voice, interrupting Andrew Allen's next words.

"I don't know what your relationship with her is, and I don't want to know. Don't make it sound like it has anything to do with me! Vincennes, let's go. "

As soon as she finished her sentence, she pulled Vincennes along with her and left in the direction of Lisa.

"Heh, how is it that a willful young miss like you knows our relationship?" Lillian hugged Andrew Allen from behind and sneered at the departing Saudi snow.

Andrew Allen moved slightly, and found that Lillian was holding him tighter and tighter. Seeing that Saudi snow was getting further and further away from him, Andrew Allen mustered his battle spirit and forcefully broke free of Lillian's restraints, running in the direction of Saudi snow while shouting, "Snow, wait for me! Listen to my explanation!"

Lillian looked at Andrew Allen as he walked away with hidden bitterness. She bit her lower lip in indignation and shouted at the crowd around her, "What are you looking at? What's there to look at! Do what you have to do! "

Andrew Allen, you're mine!" Yes, yes! Liliane looked in the direction in which Andrew Allen had gone, and her expression grew somber. "No one can take you away from me! No matter who it is, even if it's that bitch Saudi snow, it's still impossible!

Outside of Coleman City, outside of the Magic Beast Forest, in the aristocratic hunting camp, lived Lisa.

Lisa was leisurely drinking her tea when she was interrupted by Saudi snow and Wen Shenzhen, who barged in. She looked at the cup of black tea in her hands with a bit of pity, sighed, then raised her head to look at the dissatisfied Saudi snow, and asked: "Saudi snow, why have you come at this time? Andrew Allen pissed you off again? "

"En!" Saudi snow pounced into Lisa's embrace and rubbed against her chest in a spoiled manner. With an aggrieved 'En', she looked at Lisa with glistening teary eyes.

"Be good ~ Be good ~ It's okay, it's okay." Lisa gently combed through Saudi snow's hair with her fingers as she consoled him. She turned her gaze to the ragged youth on Vincennes' back. "Vincennes, who is this youth?"

"When Miss Saudi Xue was strolling in the forest of magical beasts, she discovered a young man who was killed, so she asked me to bring him back." Wen Sheng carefully placed the boy on the bed that Lisa was using to treat the wounded before answering Lisa's question.

"Oh ~ really?" Lisa raised her eyebrows and looked deeply at the youth on the bed. Then, she let go of the coquettish Saudi snow in her arms and walked to the boy's side. She extended a finger to touch the boy's body.

"Those who escaped from the sudden blizzard must have sustained severe frostbite, right?" Lisa looked at her finger, which had become extremely cold from the touch, and made her deduction.

"Can Sister Lisa save him?" Hearing Lisa's judgment, Saudi Xue looked at the young man in tattered clothes lying on the bed with concern.

"Of course, who do you think your Big Sister Lisa is?!" Lisa lovingly pinched Saudi snow's nose, looked her in the eye and said, "Well, you all go out first! I need a quiet environment right now. Don't come in and disturb me without my permission, and don't let anyone disturb me either. "

"… …." "Really?" At the entrance, Sakura Memories suddenly turned around and looked at the young man on the bed with a worried look.

"It's true!" Lisa didn't know whether to laugh or cry as she looked at Saudi Xue. With a stern face, she pretended to be fierce as she said, "If you keep questioning your Big Sister Lisa's abilities, I'll get angry!"

"Oh." Seeing Lisa's expression, Sakura Memories nodded her head and looked at the young man on the bed again before reluctantly leaving.

Vincennes followed behind Saudi snow, saluting Lisa respectfully and closing the door as he left.

When Lisa arrived at the door and confirmed that Saudi snow and Vincennes had left, she said something that shocked the boy lying on the bed.

"It's about time to get up, Linley!"

Outside of Coleman City, outside of the Magic Beast Forest, in the aristocratic hunting camp, lived Lisa.

Hearing Lisa's words, the fingers of Linley's left hand gently brushed against the piece of cloth on the ice-blue gem embedded in his palm. Immediately afterwards, the icy cold aura covering Linley's body slowly disappeared. Linley, whose cold energy had dissipated, opened his eyes and sat up on the bed. He stared coldly at Lisa, then spat out a few words. The cold energy entered Lisa's ears.

"Who are you?"

"Is it important who I am?" Lisa looked at Linley's cold, unchanging expression. Helplessly, she shrugged and said, "Fine, I'm just a healer in a noble hunting camp." Are you satisfied with the answer? "

"How did you know I was pretending?" Seeing that he was unable to get any more information from Lisa, Linley could only change the topic.

"With your disguise skills …" "Let's not talk about the matter of how far away that snowstorm covered mountain is from this forest of magical beasts. You clearly don't understand one thing, which is enough to completely tear your disguise apart. Just how lethal was that blizzard?"

Linley was silent for a moment, not answering Lisa's question.

Seeing that she couldn't get an answer from Linley, Lisa revealed an 'as expected' expression, and continued, "In that sudden blizzard, only a Dou Zong could barely walk on the edge of the blizzard, and only a Dou Huang was qualified to walk on the edge of the blizzard. When a Dou Wang came into contact with the blizzard, he would instantly be seriously injured, and those who haven't reached the Dou Wang Realm would approach the end of the blizzard without permission.

Indeed, the lethality of that blizzard was so great that a person who had just entered the Dou Ling class would not be able to survive in that blizzard. Moreover, he would also be able to escape to the outskirts of the Magical Beast Forest, which was so far away from the blizzard. This was indeed a fatal flaw in his disguise.

Hearing Lisa's explanation, Linley thought back to the words the little fiend had said to him in the snowstorm.

"You know that in the blizzard, you were frozen into pieces. It's already good enough to be able to put your body back together. This finger of yours is still better than nothing!"

(Which is to say, I've already died once, and then the little devil or that nameless robed woman …) Resurrection.)

Linley was startled by this sudden thought. He couldn't help but glance at the index finger of his right hand. Lin Xin's index finger was perfectly connected to his right hand, accurately executing the bends he had given her.

Lisa followed Linley's gaze, seeing the completely different index finger of Linley's right hand. She revealed a look of surprise.

(Even the Dou Zong class could only barely walk on the edge of the blizzard. No wonder Yao Gu and Xiao Bai didn't chase them up the mountain.) In that case, the robed woman and the little devil should be at least at the Warrior Sage Realm, or maybe even … The legendary Dou Di Realm.)

Linley's cold expression instantly shattered, and a look of amazement slowly spread out on his face. Thinking about how he had survived the battle between two Dou Saints or even Dou Emperors, Linley couldn't help but reveal a look of relief and fear.

"It seems that you have survived the blizzard and obtained some fortuitous encounters!" Lisa looked at Linley's face, which had suddenly changed to an unfathomable expression. She then looked at Linley's left hand, which was bound by a piece of cloth, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"As for why I know your name …" Because … when Linley's mood gradually calmed down, Lisa threw out yet another, heavier bomb. "I am your real mother."

"What?!" Linley stared, slack-jawed, at Lisa.

"You really believed it!" Seeing Linley's shocked expression, Lisa let out a laugh. "Have you forgotten? I'm a healer, and your illness is very famous in the entire city. How could I miss it?"

Lisa raised three of her fingers, wagging them at Linley as she said smugly,

"I've been taking care of you for three whole years!"

Outside of Coleman City, outside the Magical Beast Forest, in the aristocratic hunting camp.

"Sister Lisa, you're amazing!" Seeing Linley, who had followed Lisa out, Saudi snow looked at her with a look of worship.

"Why don't you look at who I am? I'm your older sister Lisa." Lisa lovingly stroked Saudi snow's head, then turned her gaze towards Andrew Allen, who was standing beside Vincennes.

"Andrew Allen, you bullied my Cheryl again, didn't you?"

"How would I dare? I can't even love her in time!" Andrew Allen said submissively. Seeing Linley behind Lisa, he hurriedly changed the topic, "That piece of trash, do you dare to go hunting with me?"

Hearing Andrew Allen's words of "trash", Linley recalled the mockery the Lin Family had towards him. He also remembered the Lin Family's annihilation tragedy, as well as the many people who had died to save him. A wave of anger rose in his heart.

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