The Strongest Takeout System

The Strongest Takeout System

1186 Chapters
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He was an ordinary dilivery man, and one day he was suddenly bound to the strongest takeout system. From then on, life was full of surprises like a turnover.

Wang Yu is a dilivery man. Although he works hard, he always has no luck. Sometimes he encountered elevator outages, so he had to take the stairs to take delivery. He had always encountered grumpy customers, and he could only endure in silence.

On this day, he encountered a bad elevator again. After climbing to the 30th floor, he was humiliated by the customer. He was really intolerable when he was angry. When he was about to quarrel with the customer, he heard a voice in his head saying: "The strongest takeout system is bound!"

Unexpectedly, he was suddenly tied to this strongest takeout system. Through this system, he will get reward points for each delivery, and if he reaches a certain standard, he will get a mysterious surprise. Is he really going to be lucky?

Table of Contents

C1086 God
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1085 Church
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1084 Wang yu's purpose
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1083 A different world
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1082 Set out to penglai
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1081 Perfect solution
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1080 Expelling toxic tumor
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1079 Capture mo without saying a word
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1078 Host-like
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1077 Take the initiative
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1076 Intruder
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1075 New god of carts
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1074 Destined outcome?
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1073 Cosmetics
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1072 Contract
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1071 Recover
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1070 People who can't stay
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1069 Door
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1068 Master
Nov 4th, 05:15
C1067 Jiang ling'er's elder brother
Nov 4th, 05:15


April 2, 2023 5:37 PM
Very nice and fun to read and build up of characters in the Central Park Ave and fun to read and build up
April 2, 2023 5:37 PM
Very nice and fun to read and build up of characters in
Very nice and fun to read and build up of characters in
March 20, 2023 10:01 PM
Very nice and fun to read and build up of characters that
March 20, 2023 7:56 PM
Very nice and fun to read
March 20, 2023 7:56 PM
Very nice and fun to read and
Very nice and fun to read and
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