The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C11 A farce
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The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C11 A farce
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C11 A farce

After we got in the car, You Meng looked through the window at Secretary Zhang who was sweating cold sweat, he shook his head and sighed: "I never thought that Secretary Zhang would actually be such a flashy character. Normally, the guard's theory was very deep, and when it came to critical moments, he would be stupefied. I might as well be you, a first lieutenant who just got assigned to the Sectary office! "In my opinion, you are like a general who can command thousands of men and horses. You are calm in the face of trouble, but your mind is clear..."

I ignored You Meng and looked at my watch. Then, I immediately took out my car fleet's walkie-talkie and ordered, "Let's go!"

The convoy left the courtyard, and then left the security area.

The route guards respectfully saluted the convoy. They did not know that there were no leaders in this convoy.

The white poplars on both sides of the road extended in an orderly fashion. Occasionally, a few leaves would fall onto the windows, passing by in a flash. I could guess that everyone in the convoy was nervous, including You Meng who was beside me. She was chewing on a piece of Green Arrow Gum, and although she was staring forward calmly, I think her heart was definitely not calm at all.

Ten minutes later, the Jade Gate Bridge appeared in his sight.

You Meng and I immediately increased our vigilance. Grabbing onto our pistols tightly, we turned on our insurance and scanned the surrounding terrain and objects with our eyes. At the same time, I used the walkie-talkie to shout, "Be on high alert. Emergency Response Unit, get ready! " At this moment, the calm exterior of the caravan was actually fully armed, waiting for the appearance of the enemy.

All of a sudden, a strong autumn wind blew. Several towering trees by the Jade Gate Bridge gently shook their branches, and snow-like leaves fell down hastily like shooting stars. One of them even landed on the hats of the armed police who were standing guard at the end of the bridge.

The soldier did not notice and quickly raised his hand, giving the caravan a a standard salute.

You Meng vigilantly scanned the surroundings and asked softly, "Zhao Long, did you find anything?"

I shook my head. "No."

You Meng said: "Could it be, that my superior's intelligence report was wrong?"

I said, "Impossible."

I didn't give the order to slow down the carriage, instead, I drove on at a steady pace. I turned on the walkie-talkie and asked about the opening of the police car. I peeped out the window, apart from the chaotic autumn wind, there wasn't anything special about it. You Meng, who was by my side, played with her gun in her hand, staring at the outside of the window with her bright eyes, not daring to slack off at all. To us from the Special Guard, the word 'vigilance' is the most important word. No matter how calm and peaceful an environment we live in, we must always remain vigilant, or else the consequences would be unimaginable.

The additional guards on both sides of the road saluted and watched as the convoy approached. I was a little confused, why would there be a Terrorism lurking at this place, where there was a sentry every ten meters? Is the news reliable?

The convoy reached Mu He Street. On both sides of the road, there were broken houses and endless white poplar forests. There was still some distance between here and Beijing. The semi-suburbs of Beijing had big loopholes, and many places had the same level of development as rural towns. The sharpness of the profession reminds me that this place can easily be called a 'place of filth'.

Once again, I used the intercom to alert the team while I looked at the houses on both sides and the White Poplar Forest. The moment there was any movement, the Emergency Response Unit hiding in the car would come out in full force to subdue the other party.

However, the surroundings were still calm and peaceful.

I simply lit up a cigarette, but after smoking it for two breaths, You Meng suddenly waved her hand towards the corner of my mouth, snatched the cigarette away, and threw it into the car's ashtray. "What time is it, you're still in the mood to smoke?" As You Meng observed the situation in front of him, he complained to me. I chuckled but didn't refute him.

Suddenly, I saw the door of a house on the right side of the road move slightly, and then the door was pushed open and a group of men in black hoods rushed out with iron rods in their hands.

My head exploded. I immediately used the intercom to give a command, "Emergency Response Unit, let's begin!" Then, I held onto my handgun and looked at You Meng for a while. Then, I quickly stopped the car, opened the door and rushed out.

Could it be that this group of black masked men was the Terrorism that was informed by the Bureau Chief to stop their leader?

Sure enough, this group of men directly blocked the front of the convoy and quickly lined up in a row. The sentries who were working overtime on the roadside were instantly thrown into a panic as they rushed up one after another in an attempt to protect their leader's car. Just at that moment, the hidden emergency troops in the convoy quickly took the form of a, standing in a confrontation with the black-masked men.

There were a dozen of them, and based on their speed, I could tell they were a well-trained group of habitual offenders. Now that the situation was extremely dangerous, I pointed my pistol at them with one hand and pressed the alarm at my waist with the other, asking for reinforcements. You Meng and I, who were beside him, had their backs to each other. She whispered to me, "Zhao Long, what should we do?

I softly replied, "Let's keep watching."

The Terrorism was extremely arrogant. One of the people standing in the middle waved the metal rod in his hand and said arrogantly: "Heh, I never thought that your mobility would be this strong. We still underestimated you."

I didn't have the time to waste words with them, and ordered Emergency Response Unit who was already in formation: "Second Level Scheme."

With that said, a dozen or so Emergency Response Unit members quickly armed themselves and surrounded Terrorism.

But to be honest, I was puzzled. In my past experience, the behavior of these black-masked people was obviously illogical. According to the rules, how could the Terrorism hold a steel rod and not a weapon that could kill? Furthermore, why would they suddenly rush out from the nearby buildings? According to the rules of the guards, the topography at the scene was checked by the guards several times in advance. With more than a dozen people hiding in the house, how could the guards not notice them? What the hell is the Public Security officer supposed to do? What's the use of working as a military police officer? F * ck, I'll deal with them later!

Although we have the situation under control and the other side doesn't have guns, who can say for sure that they don't have explosives tied to their bodies? I've seen those suicide bombers many times. Moreover, what was their goal? Was it simply to stop the car?

When the Emergency Response Unit slowly surrounded them, the men in the black barrier also quickly formed a circle, holding an iron rod in their hands, facing us, I couldn't see their faces, but I could confirm that this wasn't a Terrorism that had infiltrated from abroad, but a domestic anti-government group. I pointed my gun forward and shouted, "Those who know what's good for you should obediently surrender. Put your hands on your head and put it against the wall!"

One of the masked men sneered: "What a joke." You guys want to threaten us? "

I've never met such an unfathomable enemy who was so calm in the face of a dozen black muzzles. You must know, when ordinary Terrorism see us, under such circumstances, they would definitely think of ways to escape, but they actually don't have the slightest hint of fear, but instead all of them have a plan and do not put us in their eyes.

If it wasn't for our strict rules on the use of weapons, I would have broken one of the man's legs!

"Then let's give it a try!" With a wave of my hand, the elites from Emergency Response Unit pounced on me. Without my permission, they didn't dare to use their weapons on me, and instead, used their truncheons to engage Terrorism in close combat.

You Meng also withdrew her spear, and wanted to step forward to participate in the battle, so I pulled her and said: "Don't be anxious, watch carefully."

You Meng was also obedient, she took out a piece of chewing gum from her pocket and started to chew. What happened today? Why do I feel like something isn't right? "

I took a cigarette and said smilingly, "I already felt that something was wrong." I glanced at both sides fighting. It was obvious that the Emergency Response Unit was at a disadvantage. But honestly speaking, I have already found a weak point in these Terrorism s … Actually, they —

Seeing You Meng and I being so calm, while the Emergency Response Unit was fighting with the enemy, a few of the officers of the Public Security Bureau and the armed police were already in position with guns, the Captain Joe of the Public Security Bureau came over and asked: "Staff Officer Zhao, who is causing trouble this time?"

I chuckled and replied with a question, "Captain Joe should know more about this than me, right?"

Captain Joe was startled, he nervously straightened his official's uniform and asked: "What joke is Staff Officer Zhao playing?"

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