The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C16 Beautiful stunt
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The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C16 Beautiful stunt
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C16 Beautiful stunt

After Secretary Zhang entered the duty room, I communicated and discussed with him about this matter. When the usually indecisive Secretary Zhang heard this, his face immediately filled with worry, not only because he was afraid of ruining the friendly relationship between the two countries, but also because he was worried that Princess Itafini would misunderstand, and at the same time worried that the security guards of Yi Kingdom would make a request for a spar.

However, the situation did not change according to the will of the people. The more worried they were, the more silent things would become.

The next morning, Chief C and President Cabrioun held a meeting at Presidential Palace. After the meeting, the President Cabrioun suggested that the security personnel of both countries exchange skills with each other. Chief C agreed.

There was no doubt that it was only because Kai Sefu intervened and did some work in front of the President that the President made such a request. Normally, when heads of state met, their guards would spar with each other, and it was not uncommon for the head of state to suggest it himself. The Führers were really looking forward to seeing the abilities and skills of their personal bodyguards, so they could indirectly predict their own safety factors.

At this point, as guards, we have no way to refuse. Secretary Zhang and Kai Sefu then drew up an exchange list of items. After all, the leaders had to consider carefully if they wanted to spectate.

At eleven in the morning, Secretary Zhang summoned all his security personnel to study the communication. It could be seen that Secretary Zhang was a little worried about the exchange, even though the leaders were saying that the communication was the main focus and the competition was the basis, so it was no problem for them to win or lose. But honestly speaking, if we were to leave the country and lose to a foreigner, we really can't afford to lose that guy.

Furthermore, I can feel that this is Guard Captain Kai Sefu indirectly showing off to us, giving us a heavy pressure in the name of communication. Do not blindly believe that there will be any competition for friendship between the top security officers of both countries. There will only be a contest between countries. There will only be competition for dignity and dignity.

During the research, I discovered that Secretary Zhang was holding the communication item form. His hands were trembling, and although he tried his best to put on a peaceful expression, it couldn't hide the nervousness in his heart. For the first time, he smoked a cigarette in the middle of the meeting, and while holding a form, he said to us: "For the exchange project between us and the Y side guards, we have formulated three major items, shooting, fighting, and specialization. In terms of shooting and fighting, we are not the best when compared to the Y side, so we have to be extra careful, but as for the candidates, I think that Zhao Long will be involved in shooting, and the Yellow Staff Officer will be the one to handle the fighting, the specialization will be shown … With regards to that, You Meng would have to prepare … "In short, this small exchange is of great importance, we must think of a way to win …" Secretary Zhang's words were a bit pale, and some of his words didn't make sense. Moreover, his face began to drip with sweat.

You Meng raised his doubt: "Secretary Zhang, what speciality do I have? Let's just let Zhao Long have a special skill, it has to be him! " You Meng then looked at me and secretly made a face at me.

Secretary Zhang looked at me thoughtfully and asked tentatively, "Zhao Long, you should prepare yourself for this aspect."

I smiled bitterly: "Secretary Zhang, no problem."

After the meeting ended, You Meng called me back, and took the credit: "How about it, I gave you another chance to perform!"

I said angrily, "Are you the smart one? "You seem to be quite good at avoiding risks. Not doing business is too much of a waste of your talent!"

You Meng argued: "Why, do you still blame me?"

I replied, "Don't tell me I have to thank you?"

You Meng mischievously glared at me and pouted: "The one you learned from Captain Sun … Wasn't the ultimate card, and the needle that pierced the glass, just in time to be used? Do you want to keep your skills to yourself? "

I smiled. "About this …" I won't use it unless I have to. This is what Captain Sun told me before. "

You Meng complained: Why are you so stiff?

I said, "It's not a stalemate. It's a promise."

You Meng scratched my nose in astonishment and scolded out of goodwill, "You're crazy!"

I smiled but didn't argue.

You Meng asked, "Then why did you agree to Secretary Zhang's request? What kind of stunt are you going to perform? "

I extended a finger towards her, and You Meng immediately understood. Her face flushed with excitement: "What, you succeeded?"

I nodded. "Yes."

You Meng excitedly held my hand and said, "You hid it really well, why didn't you say so earlier?"

I jokingly said, "As a man, one must have a trace of mysteriousness."

"You're so annoying!" You Meng scolded.

We, the guards of State Y, attach great importance to this provocative exchange. State Y guards are the benchmark of the world security industry. It is not easy to beat them, but even so, we still have to go all out.

The Secretary Zhang placed two burdens on me, one of them was for shooting, and the other was for displaying a special technique. The special technique display was actually a kind of 'Wang Ma selling a melon' style of self-pride, and in this display, I chose to show off my ability by using a finger, so I especially 'rewarded' my left index finger, and waited for it to show me the genuine Chinese consummate technique.

Of course, this is not my peerless skill. My peerless skill is actually my unique skill at cards, but what I said before Guard taught me this skill, I cannot use it rashly. I can only show it on the world's top Security Exchange in March next year.

To be honest, I really look forward to the coming of March. I hope to write a lot for the Captain Sun and for China.

Afterwards, we drank a glass of juice with Chief C, and after chatting for a while, under the guidance of the Y. staff, we all rushed to the Aquatic Manor compound.

The luxurious architecture of the Aquatic Manor courtyard made me sigh. The moment we entered, we were all shocked. It was like a crystal palace with luxurious decorations, high-grade chandeliers, and a clear pattern of fitness cells. The spacious lobby of the first floor extended all the way to the small shooting-range outside. It was completely modern in design, making people feel that it was much more advanced.

There were many people from Presidential Palace who came to watch, including the President's daughter, Itafini. There were also some men and women that they did not know, who were all enthusiastically sitting in the spectator's seats. Chief C and President Cabrioun were sitting in the middle and conversing in high spirits. There were one hundred or two hundred high ranking officials and their families sitting around, and the hall was filled with the clear and melodious music of State Y.

Secretary Zhang, I and the rest of the Chinese Security were making our final moves. Secretary Zhang looked at me and the other great figures as if he were looking at a great man of the world, and said while shaking his hand, "We will have to rely on the two of you to win honor for our country."

Yellow Staff Officer had already changed into a set of white martial arts attire, stretching his muscles and bones. You Meng accompanied him to fight and stretch his body, Yellow Staff Officer was even more spirited now. Before he entered the army, he was once the scattered fighting king of Guangxi. In the sparring competition with the guards of another country, he had obtained the upper hand many times.

It was hosted by a male secretary from the President Cabrioun, who had a face full of smiles and a sense of humor like Chaplin. He announced in a crisp Y language, "Today is a happy day, the two countries, Y and China, adhere to the principle of mutual friendship and assistance, have a skill exchange here, and the most honor is that the leaders from both countries, China's Chief C, and Y's President Cabrioun are here to support us, I think this meeting will be a happy and successful one. Let us give a warm round of applause to welcome the two countries' brave warriors onstage …"

After a round of enthusiastic applause, I stepped onto the stage.

Personal Skills Display.

This project was actually equivalent to two teams confessing to themselves. However, this type of confession required true skill to speak for themselves.

I extended my right index finger. Luck seemed to have stopped for a moment as I pressed my index finger to the ground. My body gradually increased its strength, turning into an inverted form. I propped up my whole body with one finger.

When the Secretary Zhang, You Meng and the Yellow Staff Officer saw this, they all applauded and demonstrated, all of them with looks of glory on their faces. Kai Sefu then put on a look of disbelief, and suddenly shouted out loud: "One finger?"

That's right, I was displaying the legendary One Finger Zen. Furthermore, this skill of mine has already surpassed the scope of the traditional Chinese consummate skill. I continuously twisted my body, and with this finger as the axis, I gradually started spinning. This requires a lot of finger power and a strong ability to coordinate and control the body. Back then, I had trained hard for five years and then received guidance from a tall monk of the Shaolin Temple before I was able to reach my current level.

Princess Itafini stood up from her seat, looking at me in disbelief, and shouted, "Oh my god, my Master of China, you are too awesome..."

Three minutes later, as I stood there in a standing position, there was a round of enthusiastic applause, and the President of State Y leaned in close to Chief C and said a few words of affirmation.

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