The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C27 Verbal skirmish
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The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C27 Verbal skirmish
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C27 Verbal skirmish

Kai Sefu waited for You Meng to finish his words before giving an explanation: "Princess, this matter isn't my fault. It was this unfathomable Chinese kid who seduced our Mary Shiya, I couldn't bear to watch him do it … …"

You Meng interrupted Kai Sefu and asked strongly: "Is that possible? Would our Staff Officer Zhao seduce Major Mary Shiya? Your excuse is hard to believe, at least, Princess Itafini would not believe it, and neither would I! Furthermore, when Princess and I arrived, you were the one who chased after Staff Officer Zhao and fought, and Staff Officer Zhao didn't even fight back … "

Mary Shiya followed and explained, "It's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!"

I didn't want to escalate this matter further, so I also agreed with Mary Shiya: "It was indeed a misunderstanding. Princess Itafini, don't worry, Kai Sefu and I were alright.

Itafini looked at the few of them, I looked at her and she nodded slightly.

This young princess was clever enough, after exchanging a few pleasantries with me, she brought Mary Shiya and went back.

Before Kai Sefu left, he said to me in a low voice: "Brat, we are not done yet, if I bring today's matter to your Secretary Zhang, it would be hard for you to take it!"

I was stunned and a little bit scared. Although I have no guilt in my heart, there are times when the truth is only grasped in the hands of a small number of people. It is true that Mary Shiya and I were kissing in the park, no matter who it was that took the initiative to kiss, it had still happened and was seen by Kai Sefu!

After everyone had left, You Meng's face gradually filled with righteous indignation. While I was thanking her for helping me with the sword, I noticed the abrupt change in her expression. She stared at me and asked, "You really like Mary Shiya?"

I smiled. "Do you think that's possible?"

You Meng frowned: "What's impossible? Mary Shiya was as beautiful as a spirit! Staff Officer Zhao, you are really ruthless. After coming to Yi Kingdom for a few days, you actually managed to get your hands on the female presidential guard Mary Shiya, who is known as the number one female guard in the world.

I could hear the sarcasm You Meng was showing me, but I wasn't angry. Actually, You Meng is too clever, she had started to attack Kai Sefu strongly from the very beginning, her goal was to be at the top in terms of movements and words. It was like a partnership between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, which first exorcised the Japanese, and then began the civil war.

I explained, "You Meng, don't spout nonsense if you aren't clear about this. There is nothing going on between Mary Shiya and I!"

You Meng retorted, "Nothing? If there was nothing else, would Kai Sefu really fight it out with you? Don't you know that Kai Sefu has always been chasing after Mary Shiya? What part of it are you interjecting yourself with? "

I frowned. "Alright, let's go back and talk about it later. Is that alright?"

You Meng nodded, and said: "Alright, let's see how you can argue when we get back!"

You Meng and I returned to the National Hotel and sat on the headboard of my bedroom. It was already late in the night by then, and I knew that You Meng would definitely make a big fuss over this matter. Thus, she took the initiative to ask You Meng: "You Meng, did you go to find Princess Itafini just now?"

You Meng picked up a bubble gum and chewed it a few times before speaking with an expressionless face, "It's almost midnight and you're still not back. How can I not ask? When I asked Princess Itafini and she said that you had returned, I went out to pick you up. Coincidentally, I met her at the entrance of the park, she was also panicking and looking for you. Who would have thought that you would have a secret meeting with that female guard, and even got caught red-handed by Kai Sefu … "

Initially, I wanted to change the topic, but You Meng had brought up something that I did not want to touch upon. However, there was no way to explain it, and I still tried my best to avoid sensitive topics. I interrupted You Meng and said, "Can't you make a phone call?"

You Meng said angrily: "Your phone cannot be connected, who knows what you are doing!"

I was stunned for a moment. I took out my phone to check and sure enough, it was turned off. He didn't know if he accidentally touched the shut down button or if there was no electricity at all. I immediately found a charger to refill my phone with, then urged You Meng, "You Meng, it's getting late, you should go back and rest early." When I said those words, my face was a little red. To be honest, I was rather embarrassed.

You Meng snorted, she chewed on the bubble gum gently and tried to spit it out a few times, but she failed. I have deeply experienced You Meng's habit of eating bubble gum. When she was happy, she would spit out bubbles. If she wasn't happy, she wouldn't be able to spit out bubbles at all. Based on the current situation, You Meng is obviously extremely furious at my actions. I can understand her feelings, and although I'm an innocent victim, how can I explain it?

You Meng finally opened her mouth and she stared at me: "Zhao Long, honestly tell me, when did you and Mary Shiya start?"

While You Meng was speaking, I could feel that the white bubble gum was dancing on her tongue, as if it was responding to You Meng's call to denounce me. For some reason, the light in the bedroom also dimmed. I didn't know if it was due to the unstable voltage, or it was hinting that I was being honest. I calmed my emotions and explained: "You Meng, listen to me, this is just a misunderstanding. I just happened to meet Mary Shiya at the park, that's all!"

"Coincidentally? That coincidental? Both of you are nocturnal cats, so you both like to do night activities? " You Meng immediately asked.

I said, "It's a coincidence. We just met for a chat, who would have thought Kai Sefu would follow us! " I continue to stand my ground. At the moment, I could only try to hide this episode from the world. I'm not a person who likes to lie, but at this moment, I have to keep my mouth shut. I can't tell You Meng that Mary Shiya took the initiative to seduce me, and even kiss me … Would she believe it? Even if she believes me, I can't ruin her reputation because of Mary Shiya's momentary impulse. After all, she's famous in the world as a superwoman, and we can't hurt her.

You Meng chided: "Zhao Long, when did you become dishonest? I, Kai Sefu has already said it, how can I accuse you wrongly? "If you treat me as your friend, then just tell me honestly. I promise I won't tell anyone else!"

I said, "It's nothing at all. How do you say it?"

You Meng said strongly: "So you are saying, you are insisting on not giving me an explanation?"

You're not a leader, so why do I have to report anything to you? However, he said, "It's not like that. What do you want me to explain?"

You Meng's face had already turned ugly as a ball of anger engulfed her entire face. She pointed a finger at my nose, turned her face, and said, "Zhao Long, you make me look down on you! To think that you actually started a relationship with a foreigner on your own, and even hid the fact that you are not admitting it. Do you know that the consequences will be severe? "

I smiled. "What's the result?" I didn't do anything wrong, what's the consequence? "

"You — —" You Meng clenched her powder tightly.

A small, delicate fist stared at me with a frown. Ye Zichen spat out the bubble gum in his mouth onto the floor.

I asked back, "What's wrong with me? What right do you have to insist that I'm related to Mary Shiya? Is there any evidence? "

You Meng angrily thought about it, her eyes glazed over, and she hatefully said: "Have you thought about if we, the Bureau Chief or the leaders of the Bureau, were to know about this, how the Leader would handle you? Kai Sefu is so angry, maybe he can even drag this matter into the picture, and then, you will have to bear the consequences! "

That suddenly reminded me of something, and I was stunned for a moment. You Meng's words were very reasonable. Who knows if that Kai Sefu will exaggerate this matter and report it to my superior? Furthermore, there was also Princess Itafini. Although her performance on the scene seemed to indicate that she no longer wished to pursue the matter, who could be certain that she would not interfere? This is especially true for Kai Sefu, he is a guy who would use any means possible to achieve his goal. Although I don't have much towards Mary Shiya, I can only suffer a loss.

Bad, I thought. Bad!

Seeing my expression suddenly change, You Meng immediately seized the opportunity to grab onto my shoulder, as if she was afraid that the world would become chaotic: "What, afraid, Zhao Long? Paper could not contain fire. If you confess to me, I might be able to help you through this crisis! "

I bitterly smiled. "How are you going to help me?"

You Meng said confidently: "Then you don't have to worry, since I have my own ways. You have experienced my ability. As long as you are willing to say it, I am willing to help! "

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