The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C29 Mind change
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The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C29 Mind change
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C29 Mind change

The President of State Y and several senior government officials came to see us off. Together with several of the President's bodyguards, they gracefully accompanied the President Cabrioun and bid us farewell. The staff members of the Chinese Embassy in Y Country were standing neatly on both sides. Chief C went forward to have a brief conversation with the staff members of the Embassy, then cordially shook hands with President Cabrioun and expressed his friendliness. Once again, he said that he would soon be visiting China to continue his friendship and cooperation.

The reporters from both countries fought to be the first to film this scene. Just like my colleagues, Secretary Zhang and You Meng, I focused on observing our surroundings, trying to prevent any kind of emergency from happening. For guards, vigilance is the most important thing, vigilance is the soul of security, especially in a public place like this, where we can't afford to be careless. In this sense, even if we are more anxious and vigilant, we should try to appear easy-going on the outside. The basic form of security is' inner tension and outer tension ', which means that the appearance of easiness and naturalness, but the inner vigilance is always on the high side.

When my gaze fell upon the Guard Captain Kai Sefu who was standing beside President Cabrioun, he seemed to be looking at me as well. A kind of fear gradually grew. I'm afraid that this arrogant guy will report what happened between Mary Shiya and I to our superior, and that way it will be somewhat troublesome. No matter who the reason is, I will be punished, after all, that kind of thing is hard to say, from my perspective, I have a clear conscience, but who would believe that?

I felt a little guilty, so my gaze didn't linger on Kai Sefu for too long, but turned to Mary Shiya instead. Mary Shiya's expression seemed to be a little unusual, when they looked at each other, the look in his eyes seemed to have something on it. All of a sudden, I had a strange premonition: there must be something going on!

It was only later on that I found out about everything Mary Shiya had done for me …

That afternoon we arrived in Beijing.

[C] Sectary office, at 6: 30 PM, Secretary Zhang organized a meeting of security personnel and summarized the specific work of this trip to Y Country. Although it was a summary, it was actually the same as before, it was just a set of usual procedures. When the Secretary Zhang was having a meeting, we, the guards, listened to him symbolically. To be honest, the meeting was empty and there was nothing new in it.

At seven o'clock, Yellow Staff Officer and I were on duty in the on-call room. Division Chief C's daughter, Jiaojiao, came and pestered me to find badminton, but I tactfully rejected his. Jiaojiao was a sensible girl, so he stopped pestering me.

I put a cigarette in my mouth and poured myself a cup of tea.

You Meng mysteriously entered the bedroom and pulled a chair over to sit beside me. She grabbed the remote control on the desk and turned on the TV. Zhao Long, the News Simulcast has started. Watch seriously! "

I said smilingly, "Haven't you seen enough news?"

You Meng tsk-tsked, "It's not the same this time!"

"What's different?" I asked.

You Meng said: "Maybe you and I will be on the news!"

I suddenly understood and chuckled. I also stared at the screen, getting a bit more attention.

The broadcaster of CCTV began to broadcast the content of the news in standard Mandarin. As expected, Chief C's trip to Y country was also one of the highlights of the news. In the news, the main screen switched to the scene of Chief C boarding the plane right before he returned home. Although the cameras were mainly shot by Chief C and President Cabrioun, the few people accompanying him could still see everything clearly. , Secretary Zhang, me, as well as the guards of State Y, Kai Sefu, etc. all appeared on the news in a few scenes.

You Meng pointed to the television screen and said, "Zhao Long, you look pretty normal normally, but you look really energetic the moment you're on TV.

I smirked. "Don't praise me. It's easy to be proud."

You Meng chewed on a bubble gum and made a face at me. She scolded, "You sure are modest."

I said, "Humility is a virtue of our Chinese nation. How can we not be modest?"

You Meng glared at me and laughed when she saw my humorous expression.

At 7: 30, when the news broadcast ended and the weather forecast was listened to, the weatherman said it would be sunny and sunny tomorrow.

You Meng suggested: "Let's go and play badminton with Jiaojiao?" She chewed two mouthfuls of bubble gum and looked at me expectantly.

I grumbled, "Aren't you tired?"

You Meng said: "What's there to be tired about? Isn't it just a few hours plane ride?"

Coincidentally, when You Meng just finished speaking, she couldn't help but yawn. Just as I was about to take this opportunity to berate her for her hypocrisy, she took the initiative to explain in all seriousness: "Don't misunderstand, what a habit! This lady is different from the others. With a yawn, the trap will be gone. "

I hit her and said, "Just drop it, why are you pretending? You're still pretending in front of me!" As I spoke, I glanced at her charming and cute appearance. I couldn't help but laugh.

Just as You Meng was about to fight back, my phone rang. I opened it and looked, and was immediately stunned: How could it be her?

The phone call turned out to be from my ex-girlfriend, Zhao Jie. It's been two years and she hasn't called me. From a certain point of view, Zhao Jie was my first love, and also a pain that I could not shake off. Zhao Jie, who used to love her so dearly but was still unable to get rid of her troubles in the secular world, began to become realistic and started to chase after her wonderful life. In her memory, I was just a poor soldier. Many times, no matter how deep my love was, I would slowly walk to the grave without money as a foundation.

I will admit that I will never forget Zhao Jie, nor her every move. I could even guess that with her beauty and temperament, there would definitely be a large number of pursuers in the school. Perhaps, she has already found her own happiness.

Of course, what that I won't forget even more is the scene of Zhao Jie proposing to split my power. Her every word, pierced deep into my heart. I am not a coward, but I am unusually persistent with my feelings. I will always remember Zhao Jie's final parting speech. "Zhao Long, we are not on the same boat, you can think about it, you are serving as a soldier, but I am studying, you are serving as a soldier, I am reading books, and normally, it is difficult to not see each other. It's kind of a delay for both of us to be together. I won't hold you up, and you shouldn't hold me up either. Let's break up … "

At this moment, facing the familiar name on my cell phone screen, as well as the sad ringing in my head, a wave of heartfelt sadness flooded into my heart. I hesitated for a long time before I pressed the answer button.

You Meng moved closer to ask: "Whose number are you calling, why aren't you answering?"

I casually said, "It's Zhao Jie."

You Meng was shocked, she stopped chewing and stared with her eyes wide: "Didn't you guys break up already, and are still in contact?"

I smiled wryly. "No, this is the first time since we broke up that she has called me."

A strange expression flitted across You Meng's face, but she suddenly turned to look at the television screen, and said thoughtfully: "You decide for yourself, to accept or not to accept, but … But I hope you. You have to be calm. "

Of course I understand the meaning of You Meng's words, she didn't want me to recover our relationship. Of course, it was not because You Meng wanted to add insult to injury, but because she felt that it was not worth it.

It wasn't until the second ring from the bell rang that I pressed the 'Answer' button. I didn't speak first, but Zhao Jie's familiar voice sounded from the other side of the phone: "Zhao Long, are you alright?"

I had the feeling that I wanted to cry, not because I was too weak, but because the feelings I cared so much about were now so far away.

I said, "That's very good. What about you?"

Zhao Jie said: "Can you tell me the truth, what exactly are you doing now?"

I was stunned for a moment. I didn't understand why she was asking this question. "To be a soldier? I'm still a soldier."

Zhao Jie anxiously asked: "Can you tell me what kind of weapon you are really?"

I replied, "Guard, you know about it."

Zhao Jie stood at the side in silence for a moment, then became agitated: "No, no … You're lying to me. Let me ask you the truth. When Chief C came back from his visit to State Y on the news today, were you the one in the black suit behind Chief C? When I was watching the news, I was completely stunned. It's actually you, it's really you … Tell me honestly, what exactly are you doing now? "

I was also stunned. As the saying goes, there's no such thing as a book or two, Zhao Jie finally discovered my figure in the news. Even though it was only a one-sided lens, but to Zhao Jie, how could she not recognize me? However, I must keep a low profile. All of our work is classified as confidential, including the fact that I am now Chief C's personal guard and even my family does not know about me. They only know that I am a cadre in the army and that I am now a lieutenant in the middle.

I explained, "Zhao Jie, you must be seeing things. Why would I appear on the news?"

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