The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C38 Transference
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The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C38 Transference
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C38 Transference

For some reason, in just a few short seconds, I felt that my cheeks were slightly hot, the place where I had been kissed by Mary Shiya … Was this woman also so flirtatious to any man?

It seemed that Mary Shiya was not as pure and perfect as people thought. It was the world security world. Public opinion had lifted her too high. As the legendary number one female bodyguard, she had never heard of any scandal. She had rejected many of Prince Charming's requests for love … So all of this was an illusion. It was just a lie.

I felt sick inside. I was feeling sorry for her. I was feeling sorry for the name I had given to the sacred number one female bodyguard in the world.

At this moment, her beautiful image has already imperceptibly crossed the line in my heart.

I had originally wanted to leave, but Kai Sefu sensed my arrival, so he suddenly shouted: "Come in, what's wrong with hiding at the door?"

He spoke in Y. I can understand that.

But how can I disturb these wild mandarins?

Thus, I replied: "Lieutenant Colonel Kai Sefu, I will accompany Miss Itafini to the gym. If there's anything else, you can notify me. Thank you!"

After I finished speaking, I wanted to leave, but Kai Sefu had already walked over. He opened the door and said to me: "Come in, let's have a good chat."

I discovered that his tone was completely different from before. His complexion looked good, and a smile of contempt or satisfaction hung on his face. He extended his left hand out as an invitation, and Mary Shiya sat upright on the other side of him with an awkward expression. Maybe he was showing me something, maybe just doing it by accident.

I did not refuse again, but entered the room thoughtfully.

Mary Shiya stood up from the bed with a flustered look, and gave me an embarrassed smile, but didn't say anything. Actually, I could tell that Mary Shiya had always been avoiding me when she came to China this time, and sshe didn't even dare to take the initiative to look me in the eye or say a single word to me. I originally thought that since Mary Shiya came to China, he was unaccustomed to the local customs and practices, and thus revealed a sense of restraint. However, today it seems that I was wrong. Was she afraid that I would see through the ambiguous relationship between her and Kai Sefu?

Or perhaps, this special behavior of hers was a kind of 'moving away love' apology?

There was no way to explain it.

Kai Sefu sat on the chair proudly and used his hands to scratch his chest. Maybe it was because the fur on his chest was a little itchy, but he scratched it a few times. He crossed his legs and looked at me while swinging his big feet. He suddenly smiled and said, "There are a few things that I must let you know." As Kai Sefu said that, he took out a box of Zhonghua from the table, opened the package and took a cigarette into his mouth, then lit it up.

I sat on the sofa and said, "Go ahead."

Mary Shiya took a glass of water from the water dispenser and placed it in front of me, but she didn't dare look up at me, her face slightly flushed.

Kai Sefu took out the cigarette in his mouth, and after taking a few puffs, he kept the cigarette in the ashtray. He puffed a few times and frowned: "Oh, your cigarettes taste really good, not good, not good, let's smoke it ourselves!" He picked up a black jacket from the bed, took out a box of cigarettes filled with Chinese characters, put it back in his mouth and lit it.

I asked, "Could it be that you want me to know this?"

Kai Sefu exhaled the smoke and said: "Of course not." He leaned forward and stared at me. "Let me ask you, did you just say that you would accompany Miss Itafini to the gym?"

I said, "Yes."

Kai Sefu smacked his lips, shrugged his shoulders and said: "Aren't you a little too … I feel that you are trying to flaunt your Chinese martial arts to Miss Itafini, I have already expressed my opinion many times regarding this matter, you shouldn't do this, what do you think, Staff Officer Zhao? "

I calmly replied, "I don't think so. This was suggested by Miss Itafini herself, and since we're on friendly terms, I can't reject, can I? "

Kai Sefu said: "Do you really think that China's martial arts is stronger than our State of Y? Or do you think you're smart enough to think that your Chinese guards can beat our guards? " Kai Sefu asked as he made two symbolic gestures in the air, looking quite provocative.

I was already used to it, so I did my best to treat his provocations coldly.

I said, "Lieutenant Colonel Kai Sefu, I have never thought of it this way. In other words, I am only trying to satisfy Miss Itafini's curiosity.

Kai Sefu sneered: "No no, no. You shouldn't be like this, you are misleading us, Miss Itafini. As the daughter of the President, she should not think that there is any country in the world where martial arts or kung fu can be compared with our own country. "

I asked back, "Then, what do you think I should do?"

Kai Sefu said: "Let me tell Miss Itafini directly, your Chinese kung fu is not as good as the martial arts of State Y, let Itafini know the truth, and then I will no longer blindly learn some unconventional Chinese kung fu from you … This is what I want to see! "

I have long experienced it. I smiled lightly and continued: "Lieutenant Colonel Kai Sefu, do you really think that the martial arts of State Y is stronger than the Chinese kung fu?"

"Of course." Kai Sefu raised his hand, as if it was natural.

I said quietly, "You'll know the result in March next year!"

"Oh?" Kai Sefu tilted his head and sneered: "What result?"

I pretended to have a humorous face and firmly said, "I will beat you. The five-star red flag will float above the Washington arena in the United States! "

I spoke softly, but in a threatening tone.

Kai Sefu shrugged his shoulders again and laughed coldly: "It's purely … To use one of your Chinese idioms, it's a fantasy! "

I said, "Facts prove everything, don't they?"

Kai Sefu laughed madly for a moment. He was silent for a bit, then he shook his fat lips, took two deep breaths of smoke and said: "Alright, alright. Remember, I will wait. I hope you weren't shot in the audition, I hope. I will use my fists and strength to tell you the truth. Don't forget, in State Y, oh, not long ago, that adviser Huang of yours was easily knocked to the ground by me. You might end up like him! "

I smiled slightly and said: "Lieutenant Colonel Kai Sefu, isn't it a little too early to say that now?"

To be honest, I especially dislike Kai Sefu's arrogance. is even more arrogant than the Americans, he always wants to be above others and doesn't put anyone in his eyes.

Kai Sefu scratched his head and said scornfully: "Maybe it's too early, but it will become a reality!"

I didn't want to waste too much time talking with Kai Sefu, so I wanted to get up and leave. However, Kai Sefu pulled Mary Shiya over and pointed at her.

I asked back, "Me and her? "What do you mean?"

Kai Sefu laughed: "Are you that forgetful? In Country Y, when you were in the park. Of course, I don't care what happened between you and I don't care who kissed who that day. But today, I must let you know that Mary Shiya is my girlfriend. This has already become a reality and their relationship has been confirmed. If you continue to harass or disturb her in the future, I can only tell you that I will not hold back! "

I was startled for a moment, and glanced at Mary Shiya. She didn't dare meet my eyes. She even tried to avoid them. Her expression was very strange, as if she was hiding many unknown secrets. My heart suddenly surged with a strong sense of loss, in my clear memory, rose not a small wave. Of course, this kind of loss isn't because I have any thoughts towards Mary Shiya, but because I feel pity for her.

It was an extremely regretful feeling.

Just as I was about to speak, Kai Sefu began to put on a rather accomplished expression. He grabbed Mary Shiya's hand and gave him a light kiss. Mary Shiya seemed to be resisting soundlessly, but in the end, he accepted it.

In my opinion, that was not the case.

In my impression, Mary Shiya doesn't have a good impression of Kai Sefu.

Then, with doubts in my heart, I left Kai Sefu's room.

I wondered what God was joking about. The beautiful and kind Mary Shiya had actually become Kai Sefu's girlfriend!

Kai Sefu, is he worthy?

Reality was reality after all, and I had no power to change it, nor the right to interfere.

I can only regret it.

Although I seemed to have sensed something from Mary Shiya's expression, but in the face of reality, I had no choice but to believe it.

In the hall, Miss Itafini seemed to have been waiting for a long time. I went up to greet her and then went to the gym with her.

In the gym, Itafini was learning every single move seriously.

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