The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C39 It's all for you
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The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C39 It's all for you
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C39 It's all for you

It's all for you.

Looking at this young princess with such a serious expression, a special feeling surged into my heart. Honestly speaking, I have always had a prejudice that girls should not learn martial arts. But the way Itafini was training in the martial arts, made me completely change this view. I finally believe that a woman training in martial arts is also a type of display of beauty. While displaying her punches and kicks, she would be able to fully display the charm of her body.

She was a loyal fan of the Chinese kung fu. When I explained the origin of the Chinese kung fu, sect, name, or the spirit of Chinese martial arts to her, Itafini listened very attentively, like an unknown and strong child. When she did actual movements, she practiced a hundred times more and tried to do them to perfection. When a girl was doing something seriously, it was the moment when she could show her womanly charm the most. Under that focused expression and in her eyes, there flowed the temptation to let one's imagination run wild.

And I, with my respect for my foreign friends and my perseverance, seriously helped Itafini understand and practice the Chinese kung fu.

I highly value Mr. Li Xiaolong's fighting techniques, so I used Li Xiaolong's martial arts as my foundation and started learning the amputation path, Tripods, Zhenfan, and other forms of the Chinese fist arts with him. In fact, Miss Itafini herself was also a fan of Li Xiaolong's martial arts. She only had a vague understanding of Li Xiaolong's martial arts, so teaching him was not difficult at all.

The whole morning, Itafini was immersed in training.

In the afternoon, I rested for over an hour before continuing to accompany Itafini to the gym to learn Chinese kung fu.

Around four in the afternoon, You Meng came to the gym to inform me that I had an event scheduled.

At four-thirty, we accompanied President Cabrioun to a friendly banquet, and when it ended, it was already seven-thirty in the afternoon.

At nine o'clock in the evening, I began to work the night shift. The President Cabrioun, their families and their entourage had all gone to bed.

I looked around the apartment building and stopped at the entrance. Although our security for the apartment can be considered flawless and we still have a 24-hour sentry duty outside the apartment, as for my test, I must not slack at all. Under normal circumstances, defending a foreign guest is a relatively high standard and Secret Service's requirements are also much stricter. As the saying goes, safe work is not a trivial matter. Prevention is one of the important principles of our security. We cannot slack off at all times, or else we will be in danger soon.

At around ten o'clock, a State of Y guard walked towards me. He tidied up his clothes and grumbled: "It's really depressing, this Kai Sefu is really sick!"

This guard who complained was called Dan Erdun. He was a bodyguard for the newly promoted President, who was rumored to be one of the most outstanding people selected from the special forces of State Y. Last time I accompanied Chief on a visit to Y Nation, Dan Erdun was not yet in office.

Dan Erdun stopped by my side, took out two cigarettes, and handed one to me. "Come, have a smoke.

I waved my hand to refuse and reminded him, "Captain Dan Erdun, for our safety's sake, it's best not to smoke at this time. If you want to smoke, you can go back to your room and smoke. Wouldn't that be better? "

Dan Erdun shook his head. "I'm on duty. Like you, I'm in charge of the security patrols for the first half of the night."

I was stunned for a moment. Why, is he on duty too?

But I still asked, "Who told you to come?"

Dan Erdun said: "Kai Sefu, our Guard Captain. He arranged for me to come. That's a real lunatic. Bullying me is a new addition, letting me be on duty every night is tiring! "

I understand everything in an instant!

So it turns out that Kai Sefu didn't trust our national security that much, which was why he sent his national guard to be on duty with us at night. It seemed that this Kai Sefu was really a self-righteous guy, wasn't he obviously untrusting of the Chinese Security's strength? As a national bodyguard, it's not a rare occurrence to encounter such a situation. I've heard many old guards say something like this before, that when some foreign leaders come to China to visit, the head guard would be worried about the Chinese Security, so he would forcefully increase the guard's strength and send his own guards as reinforcements. In the face of such a situation, we could only maintain our calm, or indirectly convince the other party with our strength.

I said, "You can tell Kai Sefu that the night shift does not require that many people. I ask him to believe in the strength of the Chinese Security."

Dan Erdun smiled slightly, lit the cigarette in his mouth, and said: "About this, you should know Kai Sefu's character. Moreover, safe work is not a trivial matter, perhaps he has a reason for being so cautious. "

I replied, "Since you insist, I have nothing to say, but I must remind you not to smoke during the shift, okay?"

Dan Erdun held onto a cigarette with two fingers, and said in disbelief: "Oh, you're too serious, all you do is smoke. Now everyone is asleep, our smoking will not affect anyone." After Dan Erdun finished speaking, he still unrestrainedly held the cigarette in his mouth, his head tilted as he exhaled the smoke, looking extremely pleased with himself, as if he was trying to find joy in his hardships.

I asked back, "Captain Dan Erdun, may I ask, when you guys were on duty in State Y, did you guys also dare to smoke?"

Dan Erdun laughed: "No no, I never. But now it's different, it's at the Chinese State Hotel, not to mention at night, smoking a cigarette to raise your spirits, and that's a good thing! "

I restrained my amiable expression and spoke to Dan Erdun in a nearly commanding tone, "Now, you have two choices. You can either smoke your cigarette away, or go back to sleep obediently. Since you have come to China, you should abide by Chinese discipline, smoking while on duty is a very irresponsible performance! "

Dan Erdun's smile froze, he pointed at me and shook his head, saying, "You are so humorous, do you need to be so serious? There's just the two of us right now, not to mention smoking, and even if we had a few drinks at night, no one would know. "There's no need to be so serious, do you know, Chinese friend?"

I said, "You have to be serious, you have to be serious. I suppose you know? "

Dan Erdun rolled his eyes at me in anger. Looking at his expression, he seemed to think that I was unreasonable. Annoyed, he put out the cigarette and said to himself, "Being in the same class as you, what bad luck." Then he walked to the other side of the apartment.

I looked at his back and slightly shook my head, thinking, could it be that this is the habit of Imperial Guard Y?

Compared to Kai Sefu, this Dan Erdun might be even better.

What I didn't expect was that Mary Shiya would arrive at 11: 30 PM.

Mary Shiya had replaced Dan Erdun, but Dan Erdun still did not understand what was going on. Why was it that not long after he had started working, he was replaced by someone else? Mary Shiya, on the other hand, was quite quick-witted. He said that he could not sleep at night, and helped him to shift for a while, showing the friendship between colleagues.

Dan Erdun went back to rest with gratitude. Before he left, he even waved his hands at me and said with a cigarette in his mouth, "I'm off work now. He blew a puff of smoke at me.

I ignored him. I just thought there was something fishy about this.

I don't think it's a coincidence that Mary Shiya appeared.

Instead, I deliberately moved to the other side of the building, keeping as far away from her as I could.

However, there were some things that could not be avoided, and in a moment, Mary Shiya took the initiative to come over. I glanced at her. She seemed to be confused, and there were too many elements in her brows. She fixed her hair, pursed her lips, and spoke: "Staff Officer Zhao, in fact …. Actually, what you have seen might not be real! "

I didn't understand what she was talking about. "What do you mean?"

Mary Shiya took a deep breath, seemed to be gathering her courage, and said. "It's me and Kai Sefu, between us … "There's nothing between us."

I was shocked and asked, "What does that have to do with me?" As he spoke, he realized that his tone was a little heavy. Perhaps, it was hard for Mary Shiya to accept it.

Mary Shiya pulled back her hair and said: "I have already … All that I have done was actually for you! "

Hearing this, I was a little shocked.

How could it be for me?

Isn't this too much of a joke!

Just as I was feeling suspicious, Mary Shiya walked closer to me. Her eyes were extremely complicated and confused, making me unable to figure out what she was thinking. The lighting of the apartment made her beautiful face look especially alluring. It was as if she had breathed in too much of the essence of the world. Her clear eyes, in the blink of an eye, seemed to be concealing endless secrets from her heart.

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