The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C4 The voice of angels
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The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C4 The voice of angels
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C4 The voice of angels

I shamed myself and bitterly smiled. "That thing isn't safe either. If I really fall for it, it would be too late to regret."

Zhao Jie suddenly raised his head, stared at me and said: "Why don't you just wear two?"

I wanted to find a crack in the door to hide in, I thought to myself, what's wrong with Zhao Jie, why does she have to use such a method to tie my heart to her? To think that she could think of such a thing!

Just as I was hesitating, Zhao Jie made an even bolder move. She complained to me, "Hmph, what are you pretending to be so innocent for? You talk like you're a righteous man, but you've actually been wanting to eat me for a long time now … "I'm telling you, Zhao Long, stop pretending. I've already given my all to give you my body, yet you still dare to pretend to be tall …"

I groaned in my heart, and though I wanted to, there seemed to be a bondage in my mind, and I could not allow myself to cross that chasm. I held onto her shoulder, then removed her hand and spoke in a righteous manner, "Zhao Jie, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that I can't hurt you. You are still a student, and I am going to Beijing to serve. If I take the opportunity to hurt you today, I will be uneasy for the rest of my life. Perhaps, you will hate me for the rest of your life. "

Zhao Jie shook her head with all her might and firmly replied, "I don't hate it. If it is something that I wish to do, I cannot allow others to do so! "

I forced a smile and comforted her, "When we get married, it won't matter if we do these things every day. Isn't it? "

Zhao Jie's face changed drastically. She laughed bitterly and her expression became cold, she looked at me with her pair of eyes filled with killing intent and laughed coldly: "Wait until the wedding? Who knows if you'll change your mind then? The person you'll marry, and whether or not that's me, isn't certain yet! "

I promised her, "Don't worry. As long as your heart does not change, my feelings for you will never change! "

Zhao Jie laughed coldly: "I would rather believe that there's a ghost in this world than a man's stinky mouth! Since you aren't going to eat the tofu that has been delivered to my doorstep, I won't be so selfish. "Take care!"

While I was still in a daze, Zhao Jie had already quickly put on her clothes, opened the door and rushed out.

I sighed, thinking that a woman was really an unfathomable animal, changing at will. She got angry just like that?

I ran after her, but I couldn't catch her. After she left the hotel, she caught a taxi and left.

Then, when I called her, she didn't answer, and she didn't reply. I tapped my forehead and thought, What did I do wrong?

The next day, the Recruitment cadres took us to the train to leave home.

The life of the new company was difficult, and the new company of the Central Legion lived in much the same way as the others. The only advantage one had was the ability to touch and practice with pistols, which were the patents of the armed police and special forces. In the other troops, only commanders were qualified to issue handguns.

As for me, with the belief of becoming a senior national security guard — the legendary Zhongnanhai bodyguard — I earnestly walked every step of the way. I trained the hardest;

In the blink of an eye, the new year's bell will ring, the new company leader arranged for us to call our family and friends, I clearly remember the scene. Many of his comrades cried when they called their family or girlfriends. After all, after so many months away from home, when no one had spoken of their hard military training, all their emotions burst forth.

I didn't cry when I called. Of course, I finished the call with tears in my eyes. After greeting my parents, I called my girlfriend, Zhao Jie. She had already forgiven me, and in the phone call, we made a solemn vow to make a lifelong bond. She said, "She was too rash that day, and asked me to forgive her."

Of course I wouldn't bother with her. She was right.

To be precise, I had fallen deeply in love with this unit. The Central Secret Service, known as the 'First Army of the world', indeed had its own charisma. Who would believe that the commander of the Central Guard was a general? In the army, officers ranged from minor to major among the lieutenants, commandos, and generals. In peacetime, however, the highest rank of a general was that of a general, a commander with the highest rank in the Chinese army on his shoulders.

But now, I am just a small private. If I want to become the legendary Zhongnanhai's bodyguard, I am still far away from it. In our army, the security is divided into a number of categories, the highest form is the head of the personal guard, the general position is the guard staff officer or the guard secretary. These senior guards all followed the dozens of central head s in the country as they carried out the supreme mission of guarding the king. Accompanying the chief on his investigation, going out to visit and so on, these people were the legendary 'Zhongnanhai's bodyguards'.

Outside of personal guard, there were also civil servants, residential guards and many other forms of security.

Becoming a 'Zhongnanhai bodyguard' was not an easy task, it required a lot of selection and nurturing. Moreover, they had to be at the cadre rank to qualify for the position. After being chosen, they still had to enter a large number of Guard s to undergo a period of two years of special training. A portion of them had to be sent to foreign special training schools to carry out advanced training before they could become the real 'Zhongnanhai's bodyguards'.

As for me, I've been working hard for this. I believe that I'll definitely be able to create a legend of the Special Guard!

This is my belief!

A few days before the Spring Festival, the Special Guard had specially organized the literary and artistic squadrons to perform in the various teams. The new company had been looking forward to it for a long time. On that day in Spring Festival Gala, the New Soldiers Company's Auditorium was especially lively. The valiant and formidable sentries stood at the entrance of the Auditorium with guns in their hands. Over a thousand new recruits neatly entered the Auditorium under the arrangement of the big troop's officers.

After sitting down, each company held a song competition, after a few loud military songs, the Spring Festival condolences performance officially began.

I had the privilege of sitting in the front row and staring at the stage.

To be honest, the new recruit company is all male, even the mice are male. We have long wanted to meet the literary and arts female soldiers of the seven great brigades. Now that their wish had been granted, all the recruits widened their eyes, afraid that they would miss any opportunity to admire the opposite sex. Before this, according to the cadres of the new company, the female soldiers of the Special Guard Regiment were all beautiful like jade. They were all specially recruited from the local area and could sing, dance, and be gentle and generous … We have long heard the saliva, today, is really excited boiling blood, the heart than picked up 100,000 yuan even happier.

Under the commentator of a male and female host, the program was officially staged. The start of a large-scale dance had stunned us!

The female soldiers on the stage were all wearing military costume, they were all pretty and cute, and they were all clever and moving. They danced their beautiful bodies, and their every move and every frown and smile was so captivating. We couldn't help but burst into applause for these lovely female comrades.

The show was brilliant, crosstalk, skits, singing and dancing, musical instruments and so on, and we were all immersed in the wonderful, peaceful environment, flying along with the actors on the stage, singing together.

After a wonderful skit, the host began to announce the next program in a clear and melodious voice, "Next, please enjoy the female voice singing solo, 'Gazing at the Starry Sky'. Songstress: You Meng. Dancing partners: Sun Xiaorui, Liu Liuqing, etc … "

Upon hearing the name 'You Meng', I jolted.

Was it really her?

It was only then that I suddenly remembered that the beautiful female cadre You Meng had mentioned before that she was the regional captain of the Arts Team.

At this moment, my heart unconsciously jumped.

First, it was a group of beautiful dancing partners. They wore red costumes. A girl wearing an olive green dress walked out from the side just as the dance started. Her beautiful appearance immediately caused a sensation. She gracefully and gracefully walked to the center of the stage. The applause was like a tide as she walked along. Some of her comrades even couldn't help but cry out loudly.

It really is You Meng!

Her beauty was a beautiful legend.

Under the light of the lamp, her charming face was particularly eye-catching, revealing a smooth and exquisite divine light. His perky acting clothes made his entire body look extremely beautiful. Beneath the skirt, a pair of slender, fair, jade legs formed a "D" shape. Black women's shoes s reflected a special luster.

With one hand on her stomach and the other on her chest to express her feelings, how could her lightly made up face be so enchanting and intoxicating? With her rosy lips gently opening and the melodious melody, how many people were enchanted?

That "Starry Night" by the combination of black ducks, after her singing, was so perfect, so shocking:

The night was hazy as he gazed up at the starry sky.

I am waiting for a star, a star.

It was so bright, it was so affectionate.

Those were the eyes I was already familiar with.

I saw you, did you see me?

The sky was far away, and the heart was connected.

Even if you don't look at me, at me.

I understand you, too.

… ….

As I listened to You Meng's singing, I recalled the scene when she went to our hometown to fetch our troops. I couldn't help but be extremely excited. In fact, You Meng's name had always been in the mouths of the special forces cadres and class leaders. She was like a goddess that had been deified by the special forces, and no one could surpass her beauty and talent. Even the class rep was no exception, he even had a few photos of You Meng's performance last year, and every day he would show them off to us … …

The comrade sitting on the seat beside me could not help but pat his thigh and mutter to himself, "We've finally met You Meng, we've finally met You Meng. She … She is simply not a human, she is simply an angel … "

I glanced at my comrade, and saw that his Hara was almost flowing out, and that he looked a hundred times more excited than when I had gone to the Wong Fei concert. Actually, this is not surprising, I remember that when I first met You Meng, I was already extremely shocked.

I looked back and saw a black mass. Using the light reflected from the stage, I could feel that everyone was stunned by You Meng's angelic beauty and her melodious singing.

I believe that I have never heard such warm applause. When You Meng's song came to an end, everyone stood up at the same time and cheered her on and applauded her. In this green world, she had gone crazy for her …

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