The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C7 The last dream of a miracle
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The Years as No 1 Bodyguard/C7 The last dream of a miracle
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C7 The last dream of a miracle

I really don't know where she got such strength from. I waved my boxing gloves around as I continued to fight with her for more than ten minutes, feeling extremely breathless from her nimble movements and the pressure from her punches and kicks. I was anxious to win against her, but I was attracted by her light figure and continued to spin around.

I had to admit that I was no match for her.

To think that a weak girl could have such great skill.

As the saying goes, there is always someone more powerful than you. I had always thought that through my own hard work, I was already very strong. It was only at this moment that I had to admit that I was wrong.

I sat on the seat of the fitness equipment, panting. You Meng took out a handkerchief to let me wipe my sweat. At this moment, I suspect that You Meng is the reincarnation of Sister Gan Nineteen. A girl, where did she get such good skills from?

I dejectedly said, "I've lost. It seems that everything is hopeless now."

You Meng chuckled: "On the surface, you lose. "Actually, you didn't lose."

I bitterly smiled. "Are you mocking me?"

You Meng patted my hand and said, "Let me finish." She spat out the bubble gum in her mouth onto the wrapping paper of a green arrow, and then said: "Bian Mei, do you know him?"

"Bian Mei?" I was stunned for a moment. Although I didn't understand why You Meng would mention her, I still shuddered. Bian Mei's name spread far and wide in the Special Guard Regiment. Even in the entire world, it was still rather mythical. She was the only female bodyguard in China and had been assigned several duties as a personal bodyguard to the Politburo Standing Committee. Her kung fu skills and security skills were well-known all over the world. It was said that when she accompanied her leader to visit the United States, she was met with difficulties by the senior American security officers.

However, Bian Mei was an exception. Because the Special Guard Regiment didn't train Female security for the time being.

Just as I was thinking about it, You Meng continued to speak: "I have a draw with Bian Mei, for you to be able to receive me for so long, is already not an easy feat. That is why I am willing to help you win a place in the competition. "

A wave of strong excitement suddenly surged into my heart. I held You Meng's hand excitedly and shakily said, "Is that true?" I had even thought better of You Meng, and at the same time, recovered my confidence. That's right, with Bian Mei's abilities, not to mention receiving her for more than ten minutes, even receiving three moves and five moves could be considered a miracle.

You Meng gave an enigmatic smile as she stood up. Without further ado, she said: "Alright, I'll be going now.

After You Meng left, I felt that all of this was even more unbelievable. I kept having the feeling that You Meng was like a fairy in the world, proficient in all kinds of skills. Her singing, her kung fu, her beauty, everything about her shocked the world. What kind of girl is she? I really can't figure it out.

What was even more amazing was that three days later, the Company Leader found me and brought up the matter of having me participate in the military competition. He asked me to sign up for the individual competition, and also told me that if I could get a good ranking in the competition, I would be able to directly take it up, depending on the situation … Of course I could guess that it was You Meng who helped me. However, the question of who she really was remained a mystery in my heart.

The group leader placed great importance on this military contest. I and the other comrades who were chosen to join the competition would work overtime every day to train here. The Guard is the signature team of the Secret Service, in other words, the cradle of the Zhongnanhai's bodyguards. If one wanted to become a bodyguard of the Zhongnanhai, after going through all kinds of examinations, they would be sent to the Guard to be trained for two to three years, and only then would they be assigned to take on the duties of a Special Guard. Without special circumstances, the Leader will not use the Guard, but at this time, we have specially invited these people to be our instructors.

Under the guidance of these 'experts', my Sanda skill rapidly improved … …

In September 2003, the military sector competition began.

In the individual competition, I was like a dragon crossing the sea, one by one the experts of other special forces, became the focus of the special competition. On September 25th, I won the finals with a slight advantage, defeating the first lieutenant of the BF team, Zhao Tieqi, to become the champion of the scattered teams, and to gain glory for the Secret Service and the team.

My success this time had shocked the entire Beijing military region. At the general assembly organized by the General Staff, the head of the General Staff compared me to the Liu Hailong of the new era. Amongst the 'meritorious officials' who were acknowledged, I was the youngest. At that time, I was only a high-ranking (compulsory) soldier, and from then on, I became a deification of myself by my comrades in the Guard Regiment. The name 'Legend of the King of Rogue Warlocks' also began to ring out from this moment onwards.

In October 2003, the Deputy Chief of the Secret Service personally spoke to me. According to the previous arrangements, I was qualified to bring it up, but Bureau Leader did not send me to the military academy. Instead, he gave me a greater honor — — To send me to Guard for closed training. To tell the truth, I was a little flattered. You know, it meant that I was going to fulfill my wish ahead of time. As the Guard is the authority of the Secret Service, and the cradle of its bodyguards, and the members are chosen from the cadres and students according to the rules, but I, an ordinary volunteer, actually stepped into the Guard that I have yearned for day and night …

I can vaguely feel that among them, there's a high possibility that there's You Meng's help mixed in … Even though it was just a conjecture, it was inconceivable for him to recall every single detail of what happened in the past.

I have speculated more than once, who exactly is You Meng? For a mere second lieutenant to be able to help me grow and improve, she has done so much to help me.

Of course, it was only later on that I found out about You Meng's background … However, that was something to be said later.

In November 2003, I was sent to the Central Secret Service to teach the team, to participate in the Guard's closed-door training for two years. What made me even more surprised was that the Secret Service had a special policy of preparing and nurturing a few female Special Guard s. Before that, the Secret Service was only responsible for nurturing male Special Guard, while the senior security guards were mostly responsible for transferring and training the female Ministry of Public Security. As a result, there was also a group of Female Member who participated in the training with me, as well as a few Female Member s who were specially recruited by the special forces.

Of course, what made me even more excited was that You Meng was one of them.

In Guard, we have gone through a life or death training, such as free fighting, rock climbing, special skills, shooting and so on, these are all regular training subjects. It was here that I learned a lot of exceptional skills. Of course, guard skills were the most important, while others, such as the hard Qi skill and the Hundred Feet Piercing, were the top shooting skills. Also, here I met a hidden expert — — Guard Captain Sun An Ran. Due to their mutual interests, the Captain Sun taught me all of his skills and skills (of course she had a purpose, he had a request from me, but as for the reason, I will slowly explain later), such as piercing glass with needles, pinpricks, wooden boards with poker cards, and so on.

In July 2005, You Meng and I, with our outstanding results, completed all of our training sessions in advance. We were assigned to the C Sectary office to undertake security tasks, were promoted to lieutenant, and served as security officers. After being in the army for almost four years, with my legendary speed, I became a glorious and sacred Special Guard, which is also what people call 'Zhongnanhai's bodyguard'.

From then on, I started a new job and a new life.

As a Special Guard, the mission I had was completely different from before. The change in identity allowed me to adapt to the new environment. To be exact, I'm not just a special forces soldier anymore. What I have on my shoulders is the security protection of the top few government officials. As for You Meng, he became my inseparable partner.

You Meng and I were both Chief C's closest guards, taking turns to watch the other guards, with the guards by his side. Accompanying the head of the organization in receiving foreign guests, visiting foreign countries or participating in major congresses, inspecting domestic market conditions. Without a doubt, the guard beside the head would receive the attention of all walks of life. Under the strong desire of the internet and the underground media, I was praised as the most legendary guard of the Secret Service. On the other hand, with my angelic appearance, You Meng attracted the attention of numerous reporters and the media, quickly becoming the most beautiful high-ranking female bodyguard in Chinese history. Of course, the media and reporters' YY kung fu skills are something I deeply appreciate.

I got along well with the other employees of the Sectary office, including the drivers, the civil servants, the health doctors and so on. They would pester me to teach them martial arts sometimes, and under my influence, the staff of the Sectary office all had the habit of exercising their bodies. At one to six in the morning, everyone, including Chief C, would wake up to train. Under normal circumstances, I like to run five kilometers with You Meng before going to the gym to train my arm strength.

Division Chief C has a daughter called Jiaojiao. She is 15 years old, is a playful person. She pestered me to play badminton with her all day, and I rarely reject her. After all, she is the Division Chief's daughter …

To be honest, his days in the two months since he had first entered the Sectary office were indeed very dull. My life seemed to have turned into a regular pattern. I would get up, train in the morning, take a walk with my superior, arrange a meeting place, play badminton with him, spar with him on Chinese kung fu, and accompany him on his domestic exploration … And so on.

It was not until one day in October that we prepared to accompany Chief C on a state visit to State Y.

As for my legendary experience, it has only just begun.

Wonderful, it's about to begin …

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