Ultimate Barcode System/C24 The Strength Was Not Controlled Well
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Ultimate Barcode System/C24 The Strength Was Not Controlled Well
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C24 The Strength Was Not Controlled Well

"My number's on here. If you run into any trouble, feel free to give me a call anytime."

As Chiang Hao stepped out of the police station, Shen Bingzhen slipped him a business card.

With a grateful smile and a wave to Shen Bingzhen, Chiang Hao withdrew two thousand yuan from an ATM and made a beeline for Half-immortal Street.

According to his Heavenly Fortune Divination, Half-immortal Street was his auspicious destination for the day, and he was determined to check it out.

He hailed a cab and soon found himself at the entrance of Half-immortal Street.

Before him stood a majestic street gate, eight or nine meters tall and four or five meters wide, its roof adorned with yellow tiles and flanked by two enormous pillars that divided it into one large gate and two smaller ones.

Each pillar featured a pair of golden dragons spiraling upward, culminating in a massive golden signboard at the dragons' peaks, emblazoned with the swirling calligraphy of "Half-immortal Street."

Indeed, the street's official name was "Half-immortal Street," though the locals of B City often referred to it humorously as Half-immortal Street, much like the eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty were colloquially known as the castration party.

It was still early morning, and the street was not overly crowded. As Chiang Hao entered the alley, he was immediately accosted by several Taoist priests in yellow robes.

"My friend, I see a cloud of black smoke over your head and your primordial spirit in disarray—a sure sign of impending doom. Allow me to help you dispel it."

"Young man, interested in a fortune reading? If I'm wrong, there's no charge."

"Esteemed sir, I am a Daoist from Mao Shan, skilled in divination and exorcism. Should you have any worries, feel free to confide in me."

Clearly, these Taoists mistook Chiang Hao for a potential client, hoping to earn a quick buck off him.

Chiang Hao, however, brushed past the crowd, chuckling as he offered, "Gentlemen, care for a glimpse of your own fortunes? Come now, a reading costs 10,000, and solving your issues will be extra."

With a scoff, the Daoists scattered.

"Dreaming of playing the master dressed like that? How delusional."

"This guy's definitely out of cash, looking to scam some money."

"Clueless and dimwitted, what an idiot."

The Taoists couldn't contain their murmurs upon hearing Chiang Hao's remarks.

A mere kid, coming to have his fortune told?

Having his fortune told was one thing, but to audaciously ask for ten thousand? Utterly shameless!

Chiang Hao simply smiled and shook his head, saying, "A genuine master needs no trinkets to enhance his stature. He should focus on his duties, helping people with their troubles—that's all."

With the Ultimate Barcode System at his disposal, he wasn't just any master; he was beyond that.

"Kid, are you asking for trouble?"

"This youngster must have the courage of a bear and a leopard, daring to stir up trouble on Half-immortal Street."

"A wet-behind-the-ears brat has the nerve to spout such nonsense here. If we don't set him straight today, it would be a travesty of justice."

They took Chiang Hao's comments as a slight against them, as if he were flaunting his superiority.

Such insolence was unbearable.

They felt compelled to retaliate.

"I've merely come here to earn my keep. How have I possibly offended you?" Chiang Hao asked, genuinely perplexed, with a respectful bow.

I've set my own price at ten thousand. What business is it of yours?

"By masquerading as a master and swindling people, you're tarnishing the reputation of Half-immortal Street. We rely on this place for our livelihood. Damaging its reputation is like taking food out of our mouths."

Just then, a solemn-looking Taoist priest in his forties approached.

The crowd around Chiang Hao parted and greeted him with respect, "Daoist Priest Xiao."

Chiang Hao observed the man closely. He was dressed in a traditional yellow Taoist robe with large sleeves, cloth shoes, a square hat, and two tufts of a green beard—a picture-perfect image of a Taoist sage.

Following him were two young Taoists in green robes, their hair neatly coiled into buns.

This man commanded great respect among the Taoists. Clearly, if Chiang Hao wanted to make his mark here, he needed to win over Daoist Priest Xiao first.

"Daoist Priest Xiao speaks the truth. Your actions are akin to bad money driving out the good, and that's the same as sabotaging our livelihood."

"Scram, and save yourself the embarrassment."

"We're all individuals of genuine talent and learning. We won't let you sully our good names."

"You're nothing but a stain, a rat dropping. Don't contaminate us."

The other priests nodded in agreement.

"Given your youth and inexperience, we're willing to overlook this. Apologize and leave, and we won't trouble you further," said Taoist Priest Xiao, his face a mask of gravity.

His esteemed reputation on Half-immortal Street came not only from his true abilities but also from his knack for rallying people together.

Over the years, Half-immortal Street had evolved into an organization akin to an association.

To make a living here, one needed the community's endorsement.

"We all earn our keep through skill. If I can't make money here, I'll leave on my own accord. There's no need for you to send me packing."

Chiang Hao had come to earn his livelihood and had no interest in further disputes with the priests. Yet, they weren't about to let him off so easily, quickly blocking his path.

"I offered you a peaceful way out, but you've shown no appreciation. Now, I'll show no mercy."

With a cold huff, Taoist Priest Xiao gestured to the two green-robed priests behind him, "Throw this man out and ban him from Half-immortal Street."

"At once."

Upon receiving the order, the two green-robed priests advanced to remove Chiang Hao.

Half-immortal Street was no place for riffraff like him to swindle and deceive.

The crowd felt a collective sense of satisfaction at Taoist Priest Xiao's command. But as they were about to resume their spots, awaiting customers, they witnessed the young man before them pivot on his right leg and sweep it leftward. The two green-robed priests were sent flying three to four meters, coughing up blood.

Such formidable strength!

Xiao Shiming marveled inwardly.

To the untrained eye, it's all a spectacle, but to the connoisseur, the technique is clear.

As a seasoned Taoist priest and martial artist, he instantly recognized Chiang Hao's move as Shaolin Temple's mighty Great Strength King Kong Leg.

To his surprise, Chiang Hao's use of the Great Strength King Kong Leg had reached an advanced level, unleashing a kick with a force exceeding 200 kilograms.

The Taoists who had been so bold as to criticize Chiang Hao moments earlier were now petrified, too frightened to utter another word.

Having lived on Half-immortal Street for many years, they had never witnessed anyone kick two people such a distance. This was the first time they saw two of their own suffer such a brutal defeat.

"Ding! A single kick sweeps two people off their feet, +200 Exclamation Points!"

The advanced Great Strength King Kong Leg martial art, which cost him 600 Exclamation Points, proved its remarkable worth by instantly netting him 200 Exclamation Points. Quite impressive indeed.

Yet, despite the satisfaction he felt, Chiang Hao had not intended to harm his opponent to the point of drawing blood.

His goal was merely self-defense; he hadn't anticipated the overwhelming might of the Great Strength King Kong Leg.

"Apologies, this was my first time using it, and I didn't quite gauge the strength properly. I went a bit overboard," Chiang Hao said, bowing his hands in apology to Xiao Shiming.

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