Unparalled Sovereign Of Another World/C15 The Evolution of Iron and Blood
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Unparalled Sovereign Of Another World/C15 The Evolution of Iron and Blood
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C15 The Evolution of Iron and Blood

The encampment of the Guards Legion's Hard Squad was bustling with activity. The members of the small team were carrying out their usual training subjects. Of course, some improvements were made to each of them. Each of them was carrying 50 kilograms of weight to carry out their training. At the beginning, no one understood that every time they finished training, they would be completely exhausted without any strength left. In their hearts, they couldn't help but complain about the person who made this rule. But later on, they realized that every time they finished training during the day, At night, they practiced the cultivation techniques taught by the commander. After a period of time, everyone's strength improved by leaps and bounds, so they trained even harder. Now, there was no need to urge each of them to work harder than the last. Of course, who didn't want their cultivation base to improve?! When the other Guards Legion commanders saw them train so hard, they couldn't help but show their faces. Thus, a wave of training broke out in the Guards Legion. This caused the Guards Legion in the other camps to privately add a glorious title to Iron Blood's name, "Madman's Concentration Camp. " However, this was not what the Hard Squad cared about. They only cared about their young master and their own cultivation base, as well as their young master's inspection of them. After all, this was a review that concerned their own destiny!

In the tent of the Guards Legion's commander, Wang Erniu and Wang Likun could be seen. Zhamu, Abani, and the other two sat quietly with serious expressions on their faces. They were all waiting for their young master's arrival! After all, this was the promised day! The four of them were thinking about the changes in these two months, as well as the subsequent reviews! Suddenly, a voice broke the silence!

A figure slowly appeared in the tent. It was their young master, Fifth Prince, Feng Xiaoran.

"Greetings, young master!" The four of them said in unison!

"Alright, there's no need for me to think that you all know the purpose of my visit this time. I won't say anything more. Bring me to the Martial Arts Hall now. I want to see your strength!"

"This subordinate will obey. Please wait for a moment, Young Master. " As he spoke, the four of them exited the large tent!

With the sound of the horn ringing, the soldiers who were still training immediately stopped their training. They quickly ran to the gathering point. The three-thousand-man team did not panic at all. They could only hear the sound of footsteps running, and they were taking firm steps. One by one, they went to their respective positions! In less than a minute, they had all gathered. Feng Xiaoran could not help but nod his head in the tent.

"All of them, target practice hall!"

"Team 1 of the swordsman, target's training hall, turn right and run!"

"Squad 2 of the swordsman, target training hall, follow squad 1 and run right!"

"Squad 1, target the martial arts hall. Follow Squad 2 of the swordsman and run to the right!"

Orders were issued one by one. The soldiers were like machines as they executed their orders in an orderly manner. They quickly ran towards the martial arts hall! The other Guards Legion soldiers were already used to seeing people from the "Madman Concentration Camp" run towards the martial arts hall. If you want to ask the squad in the Guards Legion who went to the Martial Arts Hall the most, the soldier will definitely look at you like an idiot. Then he said a word, "Crazy concentration camp!"

Satisfied with the performance of his subordinates, they could not be compared to two months ago. Two months ago, they were the elite trump cards of Guards Legion. The Hard Squad, which consisted of three thousand men, was definitely the most powerful force among the humans in the entire continent. In addition to their formation and cultivation base, they were not inferior to the ordinary armies of God Realm and Devil Realm. However, they were still far from being comparable to the elites of God Realm and Devil Realm. Wang Erniu looked at his men with satisfaction as they went to the Martial Development Hall. He then ran to the commander's tent.

"Reporting! Young master has gathered the Hard Squad and is now in the Martial Development Hall. Young master, please go and inspect them!" Wang Erniu said with a firm tone.

"En! Since that's the case, let's go together!" After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the tent!

The Martial Exhibition Hall was the place where the teams of Guards Legion would conduct their combat drills and combat drills. The arrival of the Hard Squad had once again given rise to dazzling glory. Feng Xiaoran and Wang Erniu arrived at the entrance of the Martial Exhibition Hall and saw two members of the Iron Blood Army standing guard there!

"Hello young master, hello to the commander!" When the two soldiers saw their master and commander, they immediately saluted Feng Xiaoran and Wang Erniu with a standard military salute.

"En!" Feng Xiaoran made a slight sound, nodded his head, and walked inside! Wang Erniu followed him.

This time, the Guards Legion outside were all dumbfounded. A twelve-year-old child was actually able to enter the "Crazy Concentration Camp" while performing martial arts. They rubbed their eyes in disbelief! In the past, this group of soldiers never allowed outsiders to watch martial arts. No matter if you were a noble or a big shot in the army, they would never pay you back! There were a few times when the commanders of other teams had forced their way in. However, they had been beaten up by two soldiers who had been guarding the door for half a month and had not gotten out of bed. At first, the commanders were not convinced and tried to pull strings to complain to the higher-ups. They annoyed the higher ups. In the end, they said, "If any of you follow Fifth Prince to Skanda, Yes. " Now, those military officers and aristocrats had nothing to say. They wanted him to die in that place of death. Forget it, I'm still enjoying the glory in the capital. He didn't even know how he would die there. From then on, there was a saying, "Lunatic plays martial arts, strangers are not allowed to get close. " This saying!

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