Unparalled Sovereign Of Another World/C17 The Thief of King's City
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Unparalled Sovereign Of Another World/C17 The Thief of King's City
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C17 The Thief of King's City

Today was the day Fifth Prince set off for the Skanda Province of the Land of Death, so the morning assembly was especially early today! Feng Xiaoran also woke up earlier than usual today. Or it could be said that he didn't sleep at all last night. Last night, he first settled the matter of the Hard Squad. After that, just as he returned to his bedroom, a servant girl sent by his mother to wait for him called to his mother's "Heavenly Fragrance Garden. " After a few hours of his mother's pestering, Feng Xiaoran did not feel annoyed at all. On the contrary, he liked the feeling of being surrounded by his mother's love. Finally, Feng Xiaoran guided his mother's cultivation. His mother was already in the middle stage of the Dharma Saint realm, and she had dual cultivation in both magic and martial arts. In other words, she still had the cultivation of the middle stage of the Sword Saint. It was just that she did not have the chance to put her strength into practice. Furthermore, Feng Xiaoran had also taught his mother the technique to conceal her aura and cultivation technique, so that his mother could hide her cultivation base. In the eyes of outsiders, his mother was just a good mistress. Who wouldn't notice that his mother had the cultivation base of a Sword Saint and a Dharma Saint? In the end, Feng Xiaoran saw that it had been too long, so he bid his mother farewell. During this period of time, his liver and intestines were broken again!

Just as he returned to his chambers, he found a eunuch waiting for him in his chambers. Feng Xiaoran felt helpless in his heart. As he thought of this, he walked towards his own chambers!

"Greetings, Fifth Prince! The king has ordered Fifth Prince to go to the study!" The eunuch said while looking at Duck Sang.

"Don't worry about it. Do you know why Royal Father asked me to go to the study in the middle of the night?" Feng Xiaoran wanted to get something out of this eunuch's mouth! Obviously, after listening to the eunuch's words, Feng Xiaoran was disappointed!

"Go back to Fifth Prince. This servant does not know. Ask Fifth Prince to follow me to the study room now. The king is still waiting there!" The eunuch said!

"Gonggong, please lead the way!" As he spoke, he followed the eunuch to the so-called study. Actually, this study was the place Feng Zaitian wanted to review the memorials and discuss. Feng Xiaoran had also been there once, when he gave his fiefdom two months ago. Feng Zaitian let Feng Xiaoran come once! Feng Xiaoran kept thinking about what his father would do if he went there this time. Later on, he really could not think of anything, so he simply shook his head and did not think about anything else. He would use the army to block the water and the earth to block the water!

When he went to the study, he saw Feng Xiaoran sitting in front of the desk with his eyes closed. No one knew what he was thinking about. He opened his eyes as if he had heard something. The light reflected from his eyes made the magic lights in the study dim. If someone had trained before, they would know that Feng Zaitian was an expert and not a weak expert. However, to outsiders, Feng Zaitian was just a good king. No one knew what he was trying to do. Of course, Feng Zaitian was able to hide so much because he had a special ability called "Hidden Jade. " Of course, if the strength of the holder was too much higher than the owner's, they would not be able to tell. Just like how Feng Xiaoran used to feel that his father was not ordinary when he had the cultivation of Sword God. However, he couldn't discover that this place wasn't ordinary. When he broke through the cultivation base of the Sword God. . . Feng Xiaoran was shocked to find out that his father had the cultivation base of a Sword Saint Upper Rank!

After a while, the eunuch brought Feng Xiaoran to the door of the study. He said to Feng Xiaoran, "The king has decreed that Fifth Prince should have an audience with him alone!"

Feng Xiaoran pushed open the door of the study and saw Feng Zaitian sitting there with his head lowered as he read the memorials. After gently closing the door, Feng Xiaoran took a few steps forward and stood there quietly without making a sound. Do you think Feng Zaitian knows that Feng Xiaoran is here? That was for sure. He had his own purpose in doing this. He wanted to test Feng Xiaoran. Feng Zaitian was very satisfied with the result, but when he thought of his disappointing princes, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If Feng Xiaoran said that Loong Zaitian didn't know he was here, Feng Xiaoran wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death. After all, Feng Zaitian was an Upper Rank Sword Saint, and he could control every movement within fifty meters of him. It was a lie to say that he didn't notice Feng Xiaoran! Seeing Feng Zaitian put down the memorial in his hand, Feng Xiaoran took a few steps forward and said, "I pay my respects to Royal Father. I wonder why Royal Father summoned Chen-er in the middle of the night!"

"Men, show the prince a seat!" As soon as he finished speaking, a eunuch walked in from outside. He placed a chair behind Feng Xiaoran, bent his back, and went to the door of the study. After that, he closed the door of the study and left!

Loong Zaitian looked at the eunuch and said to Feng Xiaoran in a different tone, "Xiao Er, sit down. Don't be too reserved. " His tone was like a father giving an explanation to his son who was about to leave. This was in line with Feng Xiaoran's current situation. When he heard his father's caring words, the string in Feng Xiaoran's heart, which had never been touched, was stirred. That was something that his mother's love could not compare with. At this moment, Feng Xiaoran realized that he had been wrong about his father.

"Thank you, Royal Father. I wonder why Royal Father summoned me in the middle of the night. "

"Xiao'er, you are going to Skanda tomorrow. Is there anything you haven't done before you leave? Tell Royal Father that he will help you!" Feng Zaitian said with a helpless tone.

"In reply to Royal Father, Xiao Er knows that this trip to Skanda is not going to end well. Xiao Er is not afraid, but the only thing that he can't let go of is his mother!" As he spoke, there was a faint ripple in Feng Xiaoran's eyes.

When he heard Feng Xiaoran's words, Feng Zaitian was suddenly stunned. He never thought that this child of his would still go even though he knew that he would die. More importantly, he had that kind of attachment to his mother. He couldn't help but blurt out with a sour feeling in his heart.

"Xiao'er! Don't go to Skanda tomorrow, just stay in the palace and accompany your mother!"

Feng Xiaoran was shocked when he heard this. "Skanda must go by himself, father's good intentions can only be appreciated!" His heart skipped a beat.

"Royal Father! This was the rule set by their ancestors. Xiao'er's life was small, and the dignity of our Wang Family couldn't be broken. Therefore, Xiao Er can only go and ask Royal Father for his help! "

"Hmph! Rules? Rules have long been broken! Take a look at which of your four brothers are in your own territory, aren't they all in the capital now!" Feng Zaitian said a little angrily!

"Royal Father, please calm down. The four brothers were in the capital, but the territory of the brothers was well managed. Your actions will definitely cause dissent among the subjects of the world!" After saying this, Feng Xiaoran saw that Feng Zaitian did not say anything, so he continued, "Royal Father, didn't I go to Skanda this time with the three thousand Guards Legion that you gave me? I believe that with their strength, they won't be able to do anything. It shouldn't be a problem for them to protect me!"

Feng Zaitian calmed his thoughts and said with a helpless tone, "Xiao'er, tell Royal Father anything you need on this trip to Skanda. Royal Father will satisfy you!"

Feng Xiaoran couldn't help but feel delighted when he heard Feng Zaitian's words. He had been waiting for this sentence for a long time. If I don't kill you properly, I will not be your son! So Feng Xiaoran put on a bitter face and said slowly, "What I need the most when Royal Father goes to Skanda is food. Three thousand Guards Legion military expenses, and so on. Although I, a little prince, have some New Year money, it is nothing compared to these. " When Feng Zaitian heard Feng Xiaoran's words, he couldn't help but blame himself even more in his heart. He reckoned that Fifth Prince was the one who was most sorry and pitiable to these five princes. The other four princes had their own families backing them, but this one didn't have anything. Only the mother of a palace maid. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel sour in his heart!

"Wang'er, you don't have to worry about the rations and military expenses. Royal Father will allocate them to you tomorrow!"

"Thank you, Royal Father! Royal Father, you have worked hard for the whole day. It is not too late now. I will not disturb Royal Father's rest. I will take my leave!" He wanted to run away once he had achieved his goal!

"Alright! Xiao'er, you go!" Feng Zaitian said after giving Feng Xiaoran a meaningful look.

After Feng Xiaoran turned around and left the study, Feng Zaitian said to the empty study after a while, "Where is Dark One?"

He saw a person wearing tight-fitting night clothes and a black face cloth suddenly appear in the air. He knelt on the ground and said, "Dark One is here. Master, what orders do you have?"

"Send a powerful dark guard to protect Fifth Prince! I don't want to hear anything bad about Fifth Prince!"

"Yes! This subordinate will retire!" After saying that, his figure slowly disappeared into the study! Only Feng Zaitian was left alone looking at the ceiling of the study, not knowing what he was thinking!

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