Urban Carefree Sovereign/C16 I like you
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Urban Carefree Sovereign/C16 I like you
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C16 I like you

After saying that, everyone burst into laughter, including the girls who were seated in front of them. Feng Yuanzhe had an awkward expression, with a heavy palm on Chen Yufan's shoulder, he laughed strangely: "Brat, I originally thought you had lost your heart and wanted to comfort you, I didn't think that you would still have the mood to tease me, you truly deserve a beating!"

As he spoke, he raised his fist, and a cold light flashed across his eyes. Chen Yufan laughed, and said with a serious face: "I'm speaking the truth, recently do you feel pain in your waist and back, and cramps in your legs?"

Feng Yuanzhe was stunned for a moment. "My waist is a little sore!" Then he subconsciously touched his waist. Chen Yufan solemnly nodded his head, but in the eyes of others, that seriousness was somewhat laughable. He then said: "That's right, in the future, when you're doing things with sister-in-law, take it easy, take it easy!"

Feng Yuanzhe blushed, but there was a girl in the class who blushed even more. He flung his hair and ran out of the classroom, it was as if he would become everyone's laughing stock if she stayed any longer. Looking at the girl's back, Feng Yuanzhe became even more embarrassed, and did not know what to say.

Ji Jiancai joked from the side: "Old Fourth, you're a transgender man. You never make such a joke in the past. "What's wrong with you today? Your brain must have been stimulated to the point of opening the yellow space. What the hell!"

Cai Yuewei, who was at the side, nodded his head in agreement, but right after, the two of them burst out in laughter. Looking at Feng Yuanzhe, they imitated his tone: "Boss, take your time in the future, take your time!"

Feng Yuanzhe's face flushed red and he roared: Go to hell!

A thunderous sound shook the two like thunder. However, only Chen Yufan himself knew that Feng Yuanzhe had become a little bit more vigorous in the recent days. The Psychic Communication was an expert who was knowledgeable about all living things in the world, so humans were naturally no exception.

Especially his kidney, it seemed to be a little weak. Although it was not a big deal, but it was better to remind him with good intentions.

After the old professor entered, he naturally called out the names first. Amongst the Jin Ling University, the Medical Academy was the most famous, so this place was also the most particular one.

However, when the old professor called out Chen Yufan's name, he was suddenly stunned for a moment, and an unknown sadness flashed across his face. He shook his head, and wanted to jump over, but Chen Yufan's voice rang at this moment, as he said in a loud and clear voice: "Present!"

The old professor was a little surprised, and then looked at him with a praising gaze. Chen Yufan could be said to be the old professor's favorite disciple, so he naturally attended yesterday's engagement ceremony. In the end, he had no choice but to leave the stage resentfully, because he felt that it was unfair for his student to meet with such a situation. However, he quickly relaxed and thought to himself: Such an outstanding young man like him will not be buried away, as there will definitely be a woman who will like him.

Perhaps it was because of his family background, or maybe it was because he was always so gentle and gentle, or maybe it was because he had once accepted his help and felt grateful. In any case, he was an influential figure in this class, or even the entire school.

The first class ended very quickly. The old professor adjusted his book, then turned to Chen Yufan and said, "Yufan, come to my office after class!"

Chen Yufan nodded, "Yes!"

The old professor went out first, and the classroom was once again in chaos. Cai Yuewei laughed: "Old Fourth, the old man is calling for you, why aren't you rushing over? I don't know what kind of things I'm going to teach you, but don't forget to tell us when you get back! "

Chen Yufan smiled slightly: "Got it!"

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the classroom, a figure blocked Chen Yufan's path. It was a somewhat bashful but flirtatious woman, an art committee member in the class. She wore a set of green clothes, very clean, giving off a pure aura, and her long hair was as black as a waterfall. As he spoke, he hurriedly ran away.

It was a letter written on a plain and elegant piece of paper. It looked very comfortable. After opening it, there were four flowing words on it. "I like you!"

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