Urban Carefree Sovereign/C2 Mysterious cave
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Urban Carefree Sovereign/C2 Mysterious cave
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C2 Mysterious cave

The soul in the darkness trembled, as if waiting for the end of life. But after a long time, the howling of the wind in the mountain stream stopped, and the hysterical howls from the wolves also stopped. There was no pain from falling down the cliff.

There was no pain, no sadness, and no hatred. There was only a single clear tear in the corner of his eye, a single tear to bid farewell to the past.

When Chen Yufan opened his eyes again, he felt a little wet. The world that was reflected in his eyes was a little blurry, and he squinted his eyes, as if he wanted to see everything more clearly, but no matter what, everything was just a blur. He rolled over and sat up, and muttered puzzledly: "Could it really be the legendary hell? Why don't we see Ox-Head and Horse-Face? "

"Hahahaha!" A hearty laugh came from afar, as though it was splitting heaven and earth. This incomparably strong might caused Chen Yufan's eardrums to vibrate. "Young man, your thoughts are really strange. Is there really a underworld in this world?"

Chen Yufan's face was somewhat sullen and angry, he continuously turned the Jade Thumb Ring on his left hand and asked loudly: "Who exactly are you?"

"Who is it?" The old man's voice sounded again, and he laughed: "What do you think? Am I not the King of Hell? Come here, follow this road and come straight here. You will be able to see me! "

Chen Yufan took a step forward, but stopped right after. He shook his head again and said: "I'm not even afraid of death, am I afraid of King Yama?"

With courage, Chen Yufan could not help but walk forward. It was a long path, and shockingly discovered that the two sides of the path were lit up with crystal stones. Although the crystal was somewhat bright, it was still insufficient to be used as a light bulb.

This confused Chen Yufan.

Chen Yufan finally arrived at a cave. The cave wasn't very big, but it contained a magical power. Within the cave, a bearded elder was constantly observing his subordinate's chess game, trying to figure out what was going on. "Taking a closer look at the cave, there was a small flower bed, a pill furnace, and some old bookcases containing the scribes.

All of the secretaries on top of the bookshelves were made from ingrained bamboo. Chen Yufan started to feel suspicious, "Have I transmigrated?"

The old man's eyes began to darken, and then, abruptly, they became bright as they shone onto Chen Yufan's body. The beard on the corner of his mouth slightly scattered down as he stroked it, and the old man asked curiously: "Little guy, what exactly is transmigration?"

Chen Yufan was speechless, he did not know how to answer the old man's question, he only made a gesture, but did not seem to have that intention. The old man suddenly laughed, "Kid, what exactly is inside your head? I've seen your memories and have some understanding of the so-called Transmigration. However, I'll tell you this right now, you didn't transmigrate! "

"Then where is this place? Who are you? " Chen Yufan asked, surprised by the old man's capabilities.

The elder laughed again, "Who am I? Who am I? I want to know too! " Patting his own head heavily, the elder said, "I'm getting on in age and have started to forget some things. It seems that countless years ago, someone called me the Free and Unrestrained Child. However, I seem to have forgotten my surname."

Chen Yufan laughed, and joked: "Your surname isn't Li, right?"

The old man seemed to have thought of something, and laughed wildly: "Not bad, not bad, my surname is Li, my surname is Li, when I was young they all called me Li Xiaoyao!"

Chen Yufan sweated madly for a while before fainting on the ground. The old man touched his face, not saying a word. After a long while, Chen Yufan stood up once again and said: "Old man, can you tell me what this place is?"

"Where?" The old man thought for a long time and said, "Oh, I remember now. This place is called the Free and Unrestrained Cave, a place for me to go into seclusion! However, it seems that two hundred years have passed, and no one has come to visit. Young man, what era is going on outside now?

Chen Yufan fainted once again, the old man shouted: "How come I fainted again!"

"Old man, how many years have it been since you last went out?" Chen Yufan once again stood up resolutely and asked.

"How many years?" The old man kept pinching his fingers, counting, and then he hissed coldly, "Now that I think about it, there are already ten seven star beads that have not left home for the rest of my life!"

"Then how do I get out?" Chen Yufan asked quickly.

The old man suddenly smiled and shook his head. "You can't go out, you can't go out!"

"Why?" Chen Yufan asked anxiously.

"This cave absorbs the power of the sun, moon, and stars, and it gathers together to form a formation. Every time the seven stars connect, it will open, so you cannot leave." Even this old man will not go out right now! " The old man seemed to be somewhat sad as he spoke.

"Then what do we do? Wait till the next Seven Star Linked Pearl, it will be hundreds of years later. I've already died in this cave!" Chen Yufan was a little pessimistic, all the way until he was about to die, only then did he remember that he was a very shameful person, and had actually let down his parents like that.

The old man looked at Chen Yufan, looked at the young man, and laughed out loud. He stroked his white beard, and he became more satisfied with the young man.

Although Chen Yufan did not say that he was just strolling leisurely, and did not flirt around, at least he had maintained a corresponding calm and composed demeanor. The old man initially wanted to tease Chen Yufan a little more, but his sharp eyes quickly landed on Chen Yufan's left hand, or to be more precise, his gaze fell on the Jade Thumb Ring on the middle finger of his left hand.

A white figure appeared in front of Chen Yufan like a ghost, and the voice was suddenly heard. As if it was a bolt of lightning that had streaked across the horizon, it conveniently grabbed Chen Yufan's left hand, and after carefully observing for a moment, it said. "Young man, where did you get this Jade Thumb Ring competition from?"

Chen Yufan subconsciously retracted his hand, and a sense of panic started to seep out from his heart: "This, this is a family heirloom?"

"Family heirloom?" The old man went blank for a moment, then asked, "Are you surnamed Li's grandson?"

Chen Yufan shook his head: "No! My surname is Chen! "

The elder's eyes grew even more fierce as he spoke with a sullen voice, "Then is there anyone surnamed Li among the third generation members of your clan?"

Chen Yufan blurted out, "My mother is surnamed Li, what does this have to do with the elder's problem?"

The elder nodded. "No wonder, no wonder?" The hand that was tightly holding onto Chen Yufan began to slowly loosen as he asked: "This was something your mother left for you?"

Chen Yufan declined to comment: "I don't know, I only carried it with me when I was born. From what I heard from mother, it seems to be something from my mother's family. It's something that Grandpa left behind! "

"That's it!" The old man suddenly laughed brightly and said, "Unexpectedly, after so many years, you can still see the descendants of my Carefree Martial School. How rare, how rare!"

Chen Yufan didn't know what the old man was talking about, he just thought that he had lost his mind. He didn't care and continued, "I wonder if I can get out of this damn place. What the hell!"

The old man heard what Chen Yufan said clearly, and laughed. He stroked his beard and said: "Little fellow, it's not difficult to get out of here, it's just that it requires some effort! But with your talent, it shouldn't take too long. Rest assured, this is my surname Li's royal bloodline, you're not bad, you're not bad! "

The old man's words caused Chen Yufan to be shrouded in clouds and fog, making him unable to make heads or tails of it. He asked doubtfully: "Elder, what are you talking about?"

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