Urban Carefree Sovereign/C5 There was another world
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Urban Carefree Sovereign/C5 There was another world
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C5 There was another world

However, the change didn't seem to be over. The golden dragon above Chen Yufan's head continued to release its power and continuously produced Dragon's Roar. Following Chen Yufan's angry shout, a streak of golden light flashed and the enormous dragon charged towards a direction that Li Xiaoyao did not expect.

After the loud explosion, the originally trembling cave regained its calm, but what made Li Xiaoyao puzzled was that this cave actually had another cave in it. He originally thought that at the end of the walls, a water curtain would appear under the impact of the Dragon God Arts, and behind Shui Xi, there was actually a vast sky.

This surprised Li Xiaoyao.

Just as he was dumbstruck, Chen Yufan moaned as he woke up. "Hahaha, hahaha, I understand, I finally understand. Dragon God Arts, Dragon God Arts, it's really something! Dragon God Nine Transformations, Dragon God Nine Transformations! I didn't expect that I would have mastered the first form already! "

looked at Li Xiaoyao as if he was looking at a monster, and asked: "Master, what's wrong?"

Following the direction of Li Xiaoyao's finger, Chen Yufan was first stunned, then said: "What is that?"

asked the same question, but Li Xiaoyao was even more curious to know what exactly had happened to the little monster. He said in a soft voice, "Master, I have finally comprehended the Dragon God Arts and the Nine Transformations of the Dragon God.

Li Xiaoyao nodded his head, such a simple Dragon God Arts, yet he did not expect it to have such power. He stroked his beard and said: "This technique was extremely simple to begin with, I never thought that it would actually be this powerful. This is probably related to your innate ability! It seems like with this kind of Innate Ability coupled with Dragon God Arts, the power is definitely not small! "

"Master, do you know what my innate ability is?" When I was training in the Dragon God Arts, I seemed to be able to see through my own body. There was a golden dragon revolving, seemingly talking to me in a faintly discernible manner, and even teaching the Nine Transformations of Dragon God true qi cultivation methods. You've practiced it before, did this happen? "

Li Xiaoyao shook his head and laughed bitterly: "This old man does not have such an opportunity like you.

"Psychic's Head, what's that?" Chen Yufan said in shock.

"Psychic Soul is a supernatural ability that surpasses all kinds of supernatural abilities. It can understand the nature and soul of all living beings. It is extremely powerful."

"Then why is it that I can only see my own body from the inside?" Chen Yufan said.

"Idiot, aren't you one of the living beings of all things? There have been two types of Disciplines before. One is auxiliary, the other is offensive, and in this world there are only two types that are above these two types. One is Psychic's Head, and the other is the Sky Eye. "

Li Xiaoyao slowly said: "These two innate abilities are neither supplementary nor an attack, but they are extremely powerful. Although I have never seen it with my own eyes, but according to the legends, Psychic's Head is related to a person's state of mind, as well as their understanding of the Heavenly Dao. In the end, the power of Psychic's Head can awaken all birds and beasts for my use. "

"Ten Thousand Beasts Pentium?" Chen Yufan's face was drenched in cold sweat.

"It should be, that's why you can see the divine dragon revolving inside your body!" As he spoke, Li Xiaoyao looked at the Dragon God Arts in his hands and laughed helplessly: "It looks like the Dragon God Arts is just a starting point for your so-called Dragon God's Nine Transformations. No wonder it's so simple yet able to... After all, there are far too few people who have a superpower like Spirit Channeling, so no one can see the divine dragon in their bodies. That's why they are unable to cultivate the Nine Transformation of the Dragon God! "

"It seems like this cultivation technique was specially designed for me!" Chen Yufan said complacently.

Li Xiaoyao asked curiously, "Yufan, close your eyes and calm your mind. Take a look at this old man's body, what can you see?"

Chen Yufan did as he was told, his eyes closed and his heart sunk. He felt the surrounding wind and felt the nearby herbs laughing, and saw that the blood in Li Xiaoyao's body was flowing, and his voice continuously sounded. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and said, "Master, there's nothing wrong with your body, it's just that your stomach is a little bad!"

Li Xiaoyao nodded, laughed with satisfaction, and said: "Indeed, it's Psychic's Head!"

This strange pair of master and disciple did not waste any time on this issue, and instead walked step by step into the cave that was created by the divine dragon. Li Xiaoyao flipped through a few books, and then realized something and mocked: "So I had hiddenly thought that I had obtained the true teachings of the ancient people, and that it was just the skin of my hands, the truly good stuff is here!"

On a jade colored stone wall, a few lines of words were faintly glowing: "A fated person has come. Learn my true skills and song of ease's three volumes. They can be comprehended by fated people." It was fortunate that he had mastered the Heavenly Dao and comprehended the natural laws.

Within the walls of the cave, there was a scroll that looked like a heavenly book. The words were still written clearly, but Chen Yufan did not understand it too well, while Li Xiaoyao remained calm within, after a long time, a piercing laughter suddenly sounded out, "Hahaha, with this technique in hand, it's not too far from the day I come out!"

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