Urban Carefree Sovereign/C7 There are wolves in the mountains
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Urban Carefree Sovereign/C7 There are wolves in the mountains
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C7 There are wolves in the mountains

The night was as bleak as before, and just like when Chen Yufan fell off the mountain cliff, a cold wind whizzed past his ears. But in the past hundred years, his mental state had changed greatly, and he had already reached the second level of the Free and Unrestrained Heart Tactic, the state of hundred remembrances. Even though it was extremely difficult to achieve it, Chen Yufan's actions had become even more carefree and unfettered.

After a hundred years, her black hair began to flow down, covering her eyes, gently stroking it, and looking at the group of green eyes, Chen Yufan's heart became more calm and collected, although those eyes did not have any good intentions.

There was a legend that there were wolves beneath the mountain, but this was the first time Chen Yufan saw such a creature, hence he was very curious.

"Let's not talk about it. Zi Jin's ecological protection is not bad!" A calm smile flashed across his face. The corner of his mouth lifted slightly, as if he did not feel any fear or panic.

Gently stepping forward, Chen Yufan's eyes lit up even more. In the dark night, like a bright lamp, it lit up the area in front of him, but no matter how green Zi Jin was, it was impossible for wolf packs to appear. There were only three to five wild wolves, and white bones scattered all around.

Chen Yufan's footsteps grew closer and closer. The leader of the pack, a brown wolf and a black wolf, with bloodshot eyes, as if their frail bodies had not eaten for a long time. Their bodies shivered in the cold wind as they looked at Chen Yufan and gave a low growl.

It seemed to be saying, "Stranger, you have come to my territory."

Right now, Chen Yufan could tell what the two head wolves were thinking about. Some were angry, some were sad, but most of them were trembling with fear.

Slowly squatting down and touching one knee on the ground, the smile on Chen Yufan's face became even wider, and he beckoned to the head wolf: "Wolves, it's been a while since you've eaten, right? Are you hungry? "

When one's state of mind reached the unity-stage, it could even understand the words of any living being. What was even more terrifying was that when one could use Psychic Communication, it could summon all the living creatures in the surrounding, allowing them to be driven. Think about it, what kind of concept was that with countless wild wolves and tigers being driven by one's own will.

The head wolf seemed to be able to understand Chen Yufan's words. It sniffed a little, and as if it didn't sense any kind of danger, it slowly walked forward and licked Chen Yufan's hands, whining two times. Then, it laid down beside Chen Yufan, like two obedient children.

Spirit Communication made the aura on Chen Yufan's body become very natural, just like how it was in nature. It made the wolves want to get close to him. He wanted to rely on it. This made Chen Yufan once again understand the power of this special ability called Spirit Communication.

The head wolf silently stroked its brown fur. It felt a strange feeling coming from its body. It was a strange feeling of hunger. These were practically all Foundation Establishment Pills, they were all given to the two wolves to feed. If there was an expert who saw them, he would definitely scold Chen Yufan for recklessly wasting this natural resource.

However, he did not care right now. Not only would Psychic Communication allow all living things to get close to Chen Yufan, it would also change Chen Yufan's state of mind. At this moment, in his eyes, the wild beasts and humans were of the same nobility.

Without even chewing, the two wolves directly swallowed the Foundation Establishment Pill. With a long howl, they shook the heaven and earth. But they still looked pitifully at Chen Yufan, then looked at the clan members behind them. Chen Yufan, naturally understood what they meant.

"Let them all eat it! After eating this meal, I guarantee that I won't get hungry for a month! " He smiled as he spoke, full of pity.

The Head Wolf nodded. After whining twice, she continuously rubbed herself against Chen Yufan's body, as if she wanted to say something. Although the corners of his mouth were slurring, Chen Yufan could understand. This was a form of friendship or submission.

Slowly standing up, Chen Yufan said: "Little guys, I'm leaving, I'm going home, all of you go home too!"

However, the head wolf was extremely displeased, and began to roll on Chen Yufan's body and beat him up as if she was acting coquettishly. The tip of its nose started to whimper once more, and Chen Yufan gently caressed it, and laughed: "Go back, go back!"

Chen Yufan turned around and walked the entire way, but this pack of wolves followed behind him all the way until he was about to leave the mountain and arrive at the foot of the mountain. Only then did they stop and gaze at him from afar, unwilling to part with him.

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