Urban Carefree Sovereign/C9 Secret information
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Urban Carefree Sovereign/C9 Secret information
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C9 Secret information

Looking at this scene, Chen Yufan was slightly dumbstruck. As a Jin Ling Mayor, although his age was young, his style and actions were always serious and upright, and rarely talked dirty with his. Whether it was him talking with him or his friends at work, almost all of them were refined and intelligent like this.

What was even more surprising was that the voice that came out of the phone was oily and smooth. It couldn't be his grandfather. Chen Yufan's grandfather could not be considered a big shot, a village teacher, but he had a strong scholarly attitude, his speech was always well-ordered and his knowledge profound. Although he only went to see the old man once every year at the end of the year, this voice could not possibly be his.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yufan, who was anxious to go up and see his parents, suppressed the emotions in his heart and silently hid himself on the balcony. He wanted to know who his father was talking to. Why did the old man call himself his father's father? Was this a love drama from the thirties?

Chen Suifeng's roar did not stop as his face turned even more sinister, "Old bastard, don't tell me that you don't know about what happened today. If it weren't for you secretly causing trouble, how would Yufan lose face in front of everyone? What exactly do you want to do?"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. If you use any kind of crooked scripture, I will immediately mobilize my Wind-rider and take over your Long Sect?"

"No, no, no!" The old man sounded nervous, but he didn't seem to be nervous. He smiled and said, "Suifeng, listen to me. Listen to me. I know a bit about today's matters, but it has nothing to do with me. That adulterous couple, even if I had feelings for them, I would still feel helpless about it! "

"Humph!" Chen Suifeng sat down and said: "Don't think that laozi doesn't know and if it wasn't for you adding fuel to the fire, how could such a situation have occurred?"

The old man laughed and said, "Yes, yes, I was indeed the one who added fuel to the fire, but I was just following them. I used some medicine, but it was very obvious that the two of them had something going on. I didn't want my Long Aotian's grandson to find out when we were getting married, it turns out that this woman is a person who can marry anyone, so I was kind! "

"Kind?" Chen Suifeng laughed coldly: "Good intentions, I think you should still be thinking about the marriage matters! Let me tell you, old bastard, my son Chen Suifeng is surnamed Chen, not surnamed Long. He will never be like you, you better not think about it, otherwise, I, Chen Suifeng, will not be easy to fool! "

The old man went silent, as if Chen Suifeng's words had struck a mark on his own sadness. He revealed an incomparably sorrowful expression and said: "Suifeng, I know you're still blaming me for your mother's matter that year, but doesn't she live a very good life with that old fellow Chen Zhenghe now? Back then, she stubbornly insisted on leaving. I, I … "

Chen Yufan who was listening at the side laughed in his heart: "Damn, this is such a melodrama!"

Chen Suifeng shouted: "Alright, let's not talk about this anymore, I will not agree to the marriage anyways!"

"You should at least see the child's opinion!" The old man said stubbornly, "As long as Yu Fan doesn't agree, then this old man has nothing else to say!"

"Yu Fan, you still have the nerve to say 'Yu Fan' to me. Qin Hua has already gone out to look for him. He hasn't found Yu Fan in the middle of the night. If anything happens to him, you just wait." The Black Armored Soldiers with Wind-rider under my command will all appear at the entrance of your Long Sect. At that time, even if you call me father instead, it wouldn't be an issue! "

"The Li Family girl has also made her move?" The old man pondered for a long time before speaking.

Chen Suifeng looked at him fiercely, and said: "Do your best!" As he spoke, he hung up.

In the distant southeast region, an old man was walking back and forth in a hidden ancient palace. Beside him was another old man, this old man was dressed in a magnificent golden robe, making him look even more noble, but there was a trace of sternness on his face as he said, "Old man Long, you have given me a thousand guarantees that nothing will happen to this mission.

However, the moment the Young Prince goes missing or something happens, you should understand the rage your Long Sect is going to suffer! "

The old man said in a somewhat dejected manner, "He's your Villa's Young Prince, could it be that he's not my, Long Aotian's, grandson?"

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