Urban Strongest System/C1 Stubble Finding
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Urban Strongest System/C1 Stubble Finding
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C1 Stubble Finding

Z City, high-end private high school Feihong Middle School.

It was now Monday morning, and there were many luxury cars parked outside the school. Wealthy kids wearing white and blue uniforms walked in one by one, and one of them was Luo Ning.

Luo Ning's eyes were dull as he slowly walked, as if he was not yet awake.

Luo Ning naturally did not notice that not far behind him, two people riding mountain bikes had already set their sights on him.

One of them rushed directly towards Luo Ning. Luo Ning heard the movement behind him and turned around fiercely. He saw a bicycle charging towards him. Luo Ning dodged to the side instinctively, but was hit by the handlebars of the bicycle.

Luo Ning held his stomach. The impact was not light.

One of Luo Ning's men stepped on the ground and then swung up the mountain. After making a turn in the air, he firmly placed the mountain bike on the ground. From the way his short-sleeved uniform was slightly raised, one could imagine how much strength he had.

That person was called Shen Yiming. He was around 1.9m tall, had a strong build, knew Taekwondo, boxing and judo. He had been a typical fighting kid ever since he was a kid.

Shen Yiming walked towards Luo Ning and picked him up by his clothes, "Hey! Why the f * ck did you crash into my car? "

"I didn't …" Before Wu Tie could finish his words, he was thrown to the ground by Shen Yiming.

Shen Yiming pointed at the undamaged mountain bike, his angry face had a trace of a mocking smile, "My car is worth tens of thousands of dollars, can you hit it or not?"

"Forget it, Brother Ming." At this time, another person riding a mountain bike came over and stopped beside Luo Ning. He was a burly man and Shen Yiming were both part of the Taekwondo school team called Mo Zihao.

Mo Zihao looked at Luo Ning with eyes full of disdain and disgust, "How can you afford to be a piece of trash who's so shameless and lives in someone else's home?"

When Luo Ning heard this, he clenched his fists.

"Aiyo, look at him, why? You still want to fight? " Mo Zihao and Shen Yiming looked at each other and laughed.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Shen Yiming looked cunningly at Luo Ning, who was clenching his fists tightly but had his head lowered without saying a word.

"It's quite simple. He should kowtow three times to your mountain bike and sincerely apologize. Brother Ming, your lord will forgive him for his generosity."

Although many people could see that, none of them dared to help because they didn't dare to offend a person like Shen Yiming. Everyone turned a blind eye and walked far away, after all, the door was so big, so they didn't have to go through that place.

"What are you guys doing here!"

When Shen Yiming heard that loud and clear voice, he suddenly quivered and left with another person on a mountain bike.

Shen Yiming turned around and glanced at Luo Ning. His eyes were full of contempt.

Luo Ning stood up while clutching his stomach. A tall figure appeared beside Luo Ning. It was the form teacher of Luo Ning's class, Hong Renfei.

"Are you okay?" Hong Renfei asked.

Luo Ning clenched his teeth and shook his head. He was hit by the handlebars of the car and pushed back by Shen Yiming. How could he be fine? It was only because Luo Ning didn't want to say anything more that he told a lie.

"If you have nothing to do, then go back and study early. The bell rang." After Hong Renfei finished speaking, he walked towards the school gate with large strides. At this moment, the bell for class actually rang.

Luo Ning staggered into the school. The painful days were about to begin again.

Logically speaking, the senior year of high school should be nine days to five days, day and night. After class, the students would always lie on the table and sleep for a while, then wake up when the bell rang.

On every student's table, the examination papers, homework, and all kinds of exercise books were piled high on top of each other.

However, in the Feihong Middle School, all of these situations only happened to a few people, because those who were able to enter this place to study were all rich second generations of rich families. Their futures were already decided long ago, and they were only able to take care of their grades.

Luo Ning was a rare exception. He slept on the table with his white arms resting on the exercise book.

"Pah!" A few exercise books fell onto Luo Ning's table unexpectedly. Luo Ning hurriedly stood up in fright, as if he woke up from a dream.

"Look at how scared this piece of trash is." A few sounds of ridicule came to Luo Ning's ears. He opened his eyes and saw that it was his brother, Luo Tian.

Luo Tian is not the elder brother of Luo Ning, but a cousin. Luo Ning and his mother live at Luo Ning's uncle's house.

It was a long story, so he tried to keep it short.

Luo Ning's father, Luo Jin, died half a year ago after crashing into the ground floor. Luo Jin was the richest person in Luo Family.

However, such a person did not leave behind any inheritance after death. The balance in his bank account only had one number: 0.

Where Luo Jin's money was, the people from Luo Family could not find it after searching for a few months. However, no one from Luo Family would believe that Luo Jin did not have money.

Luo Ning's mother, Luo Han, was an orphan named after an orphanage, so she changed her name to Luo after marrying Luo Jin.

After Luo Jin's death, he left behind not a single piece of his inheritance, but he left a million yuan in debt. Luo Han had no idea what to do, but it was Luo Ning who decided to sell the house to repay the debt.

The house was sold. Luckily, Luo Ning's uncle, Luo Hai, was willing to take in Luo Ning and Luo Han.

Luo Hai was in the car repair factory business, and with Luo Jin's help, he opened a car repair city. With the development of the chain stores, he was already a well-known figure in the industry.

Luo Ning understood Luo Hai's character. He smiled happily while hiding a knife in his heart. The reason why he was willing to help Luo Ning and his mother was also because of Luo Jin's money.

"When we find that money, that stupid woman will definitely give us a lot to thank us for." One day, Luo Ning overheard Luo Hai's abacus and became even more certain.

Luo Jin was able to bring along the entire family's property and bring the Luo Family from the unknown bottom to the prosperous upper echelons. Thus, Luo Jin's inheritance was at least counted in the hundreds of millions.

Luo Hai's son, who was also the person in front of Luo Ning now, was called Luo Tian. He was fat and had a proud and arrogant look on his face.

Luo Tian was well-behaved and harmless at home, but once he arrived at school, his true nature was revealed.

Especially since Luo Tian disliked Luo Ning for nothing else, but because of Luo Ning's good result, the two brothers compared to him seemed much dimmer.

Furthermore, he was even from the Luo Family, and was Luo Tian's younger brother. As a result, the number of girls who had a crush on Luo Ning could not be counted, and there were also quite a few who were in love with him. Su Linxue, who was known as the school beauty of the Feihong Middle School, was definitely in love with him.

Su Linxue wasn't the same class as Luo Ning, she always came to look for Luo Ning whenever she had the chance. However, Luo Ning always slept after class and completely ignored Su Linxue.

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