Urban Strongest System/C17 Horrifying
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Urban Strongest System/C17 Horrifying
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C17 Horrifying

After driving for a while, the driver felt more and more strange. Although he was obviously controlling the phone, the route on the phone was constantly changing.

"Hey, is there a problem with your navigation system? Why is the route constantly changing?"

"Huh?" Luo Ning was puzzled.

At this moment, the instructor said, "The system is changing the route according to the traffic conditions. After you arrive at your destination, you will have 1 minute and 12 seconds of spare time."

"It's fine, just follow the instructions from above."

When it came to Feihong Middle School, the driver was shocked that he managed to avoid all the yellow sections of the road. This was a city that he was extremely familiar with, and after going around it, even he became a little confused.

Luo Ning rushed to class when the bell rang. Luo Ning was sitting in his seat, a little surprised but not dangerous, thanks to the System. However, the System was incredibly powerful, if any navigation map could have this kind of technology, then he would be in big trouble.

Luo Tian did not come looking for Luo Ning's trouble. Luo Ning thought that they could finally live a normal day, but he was quickly called to the administration office by Faang Jianshan.

Of course, Luo Ning did not know that Manager Dong, his son Dong Ming and Dong Ming's hardcore brother Lin Feiyang had actually come to the school.

"It's him! He hit me that day!" "Still not apologizing, with no intentions of repenting at all." Dong Ming said.

Faang Jianshan's expression was ugly. His parents had already come to the school to complain, "Luo Ning, is what he said true?"

Luo Ning nodded and said, "Yeah, because they should be fighting."

"You! "Don't think that just because you have money you can do whatever you want with it. What kind of things did this school teach you to fight in the streets while wearing your school uniform?" Manager Dong saw that Luo Ning's attitude was still the same as yesterday.

Luo Ning thought for a while and said, "Then I won't wear my school uniform next time?"

"Luo Ning!" Faang Jianshan stared at Luo Ning seriously, then let out a long breath and said, "We will deal with this matter seriously."

"Deal with it seriously? And you don't have to be too serious. " Dong Ming looked up at Luo Ning and said: "As long as he sincerely apologizes to me in front of the entire school."

Just when Faang Jianshan didn't know how to respond, Principal Du Ming walked in.

When Manager Dong saw Du Ming, his wrinkled brows instantly relaxed. He enthusiastically shook hands with Du Ming.

Du Ming finished listening to the reason, and then said to Luo Ning: "Wearing the school uniform represents our school! Fighting outside the school has damaged our reputation, but it's not too late for you to make amends for your wrongs. However, I don't think there's a need to make this a big deal, just ask Luo Ning to apologize to the two of them. "

Apologize to these people who have already eaten their fill? How could that be? Luo Ning said he wanted to go to the toilet, so he went outside to make a phone call. The person who answered the phone was naturally Zhang Bing.

"Ning, how was it?" Is the house okay? "

"Mm, very good. Oh right, Uncle Zhang, there's a small matter that I need your help with."

When Luo Ning returned, Manager Dong's phone also rang.

"Chairman Zhang!"

"Why are you looking for Ning?"

"Ning? "Who …" Manager Dong looked at Luo Ning in surprise.

"Mr. Zhang, are you talking about Luo Ning, Ning? "He …"

Zhang Bing's angry voice came from the other end of the phone, "I don't care what he did! If you dare to find trouble with him again, then you won't need to work anymore! "

"It's not you, Mr. Zhang, listen to me …"

"Du, du, du … …"

Before Manager Dong could finish, the phone was hung up.

Manager Dong's face turned pale. It turned out to be his boss behind Luo Ning.

"That, Luo Ning, I'm sorry. I don't think you would fight with someone for no reason at all. They must have done something bad!" When Manager Dong finished his sentence, he gritted his teeth and glared at Dong Ming.

Dong Ming and Lin Feiyang were both confused. It was just a phone call, but their attitude changed by 720 degrees. They were just yelling at Luo Ning to apologize to Dong Ming, why are they blaming Dong Ming and Lin Feiyang now?

Du Ming and Faang Jianshan were even more confused.

"I'm so sorry to bother you." Manager Dong said apologetically, "How about this, I'm sorry. Next time you come to our hotel for dinner, remember to tell me, I will treat you well."

"Alright, if there's nothing else, I'll be going back to class." Luo Ning thought that this Manager Dong had the same moral character as Liang Xiaobai.

After Luo Ning left, Manager Dong fiercely glared at Dong Ming. For that small matter, he almost lost his career as a sales manager, and then from a sales manager to a hotel manager with great difficulty.

"What happened to your father? You're letting that guy go just like that? "

"Who knows!" Dong Ming was also very depressed. Although he didn't know what had happened, but he knew that it must be related to that phone call.

"What do we do now?" Lin Feiyang didn't want to let Luo Ning off lightly. After that day, Lin Feiyang's girlfriend scolded him, saying that he couldn't even beat a single person, and even said that they were going to break up. Lin Feiyang chased after him for a whole two years, and he spent a lot of money and thought just to show off his extremely outstanding figure and looks during the gathering.

"What else can we do? "My dad said that if I cause trouble for him again, he'll break my legs. Fuck, who's his son!?" Dong Ming cursed unhappily.

"That's right. If we don't find trouble with him, we can teach that girl a lesson. I think that boy is very interested in that girl. If it wasn't for her, there wouldn't be so much trouble!" Lin Feiyang clenched his fist.

After Dong Ming heard this, he smiled slyly, "Good idea."

Luo Ning could clearly hear the conversation between Dong Ming and Lin Feiyang clearly from the toilet. No matter what, he could not understand why these two guys were so persistent to make life difficult for him.

Luo Ning recalled that Su Xiaoyan didn't stay in school, which meant that Luo Ning couldn't protect her all the time. Who knew what those two guys who were bored to death would do.

However, at this point, Luo Ning really began to admire Dong Ming and Lin Feiyang. They were bored to the point that it made one's hair stand on end.

Luo Ning suddenly thought of someone.

"What?" You want me to protect one of your classmates? " Yan Feng's lazy voice clearly said that he still hasn't woken up. It was almost 11 o'clock.

"You took my 200 thousand, but you can't possibly do nothing, right? Furthermore, from the looks of it, you probably don't have anything to do recently, right? " Luo Ning said.

After a moment of silence, Yan Feng said, "Fine, send me the photos and daily routine. But let me explain first, I only work for one month. After one month, you have to pay me separately."

"200 thousand is enough for you to spend half a year, right?" Luo Ning said snappily.

"This is my principle."

Luo Ning hung up the phone, thinking that he must let Dong Ming and Lin Feiyang know the consequences of going against him.

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